Send me one of them Beanies Russ
I already own half a dozen dowsing rods, might as well try a beanie and see what it does too? I have got some gold at spots where I map dowsed for it, but so far just fine gold.I've also been skunked a few times more than I care to admit to as well ... I just use a pair of thin copper rods inside hollow copper sleeves for bearing handles. The map dowsing seems to work better when using good aerial photos but also works with topo maps and the smaller the scale the better. 1:3,000 is lots better thatn USGS 1:25,000 for instance. Pinpointing in the field is the usual stumbling block even after a location is made I am finding out. I am a so so field dowser. I have heard of other field dowsers who are so good at it they prefer rods to metal detectors for coin hunts altho I have yet to meet one of these fellows in person yet? I had an Amish dowser mentoring me online but he seems to have disappeared. I am finding out myself that my health issues seem to be interfering with my treasure hunting more than I would like.Just had my gall bladder removed Monday and recovering from that. Sure hope it helps with my tummy ache issues?
You can have all the coolest gadgets in the world but if your health is poor and you can't get out in the field, what good are they? Hey, is that Lanny from the AMDS Prospecting forum? I wouldn't believe a thing that old fart Russ is telling us.You know what they say about folks from Missouri, the Show Me state?
Heck, I buried a cast iron kettle filled with pennies 5 years ago on a farm in Wisconsin and I can't get any of my rods to point towards it from a measly 50 feet away, electronic rods, copper rods, pendulum, etc ...pretty disappointing to say the least?