Which treasure to Dowse

I dowse, that a running frequency, used for a signal, governs any other frequencies. Any EM interference coming out of the device, has its frequency blocked, by the running one..

Horsehockey.....that board could be radiating any (or many) freq. from DC to Daylight. That's a fact.

Test: Set the board on a 1M height table inside an anechoic chamber, and power up the board. Set antennas at 3M, then run a scan from 1 khz to 10 ghz. Then you will actually know what that board is radiating.

I'm dowsing activated frequencies connected thru the quantum world.. I'm not concerned about what happens in our realm with EMF.
The quantum realm is our realm, just like the subatomic and atomic, and the cellular. All these realms are too small for us to observe but that doesn't mean they aren't part of our world. I don't know what you think a "quantum frequency" is, or what makes it different than an other frequency or vibration. (And don't bother explaining it, if you're just going to keep obfuscating and talking in circles.)

I know you don't know, you've told us before!
My point was that I don't think you know either.

(I don't know why I keep reading these posts. It's like a train wreck -- you just can't help but look, even though you know it's too late to help.)

Do you dowse?
I prefer to spend my time digging up actual targets and having pointless arguments on the internet.

You did good on your last question, you got lost again! I'm dowsing activated frequencies connected thru the quantum world.. I'm not concerned about what happens in our realm

Think I am beginning to understand. Found a related article that I believe you would find very interesting. It relates to the quantum world and the spiritual mind, which I believe you refer to with the Chinese term "chi".


Yaa! My Taenite came. Small but should work.. No way to dowse it yet..


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It's hard to explain an invisible quantum computer. An entity! To understand that there can even be such a thing, you need to see it work! So, I get all the skepticism!
Can't help it much..

No worries here...this is the Dowsing Forum, and from my perspective dowsing is a combination of science, mysticism and spirituality. To actually try and explain such a thing would be near impossible, IMO, as there's too many factors involved.

As you say, you're trying to explain it in ways that make sense to you.

Legal treasures are not financially within my reach. All US treasure's are being actively hunted by someone, and It would be wrong of me to retrieve a treasure legend.
My dowsing plans have to be specific, to what I'm going after. I Can legally only have stuff on the surface, or private property.. The Tucson ring leftovers is a possible non dig target. But what's left is to heavy to retrieve. I will take some pics, and hope to dowse a smaller chunk that was not seen..
Without a treasure lead direction to plan, I will search for smaller Meteorites, on the surface, near me this spring.
For larger stones, grapefruit size or bigger, are all too deep, carried by glaciers, or punched in. I have a 12 ft crater in the forest near me, can't retrieve the meteorite below it. 2 big maples are growing in the middle. And I have a football size one in easy digging sand 16 ft down. All the sizable meteorites are illegally deep. That's why Im glad I discovered a way, to avoid earth rocks, with same elements as meteorites. And now locate smaller surface space rocks..
I still would like some Mormon Gold coins. I need to head to Salt lake, Utah for that..
Why in the hell would YOU believe that sir. No....! Are you talking about rumored treasure's that are being actively hunted by someone...? Or an unknown one. Most treasures found are just that.... FOUND. Like under 2 flat rocks.

Legal treasures be damned.... just go find one and point it out to someone. Then go find your own... There out there.... I KNOW....!

Getting back to your original question (what should you dowse for and where should you go to do it), if I had the comic book superhero powers you claim to possess (such as dowsing a bed, finding a confluence of cancer-causing invisible influences and then "stomping them out")I would stay home and adjust peoples chakras, polish their mojo and read their tea leaves as a public service to my fellow man.

They aren't laying around where I live, show us yours, while we wait for one to appear near me..
How would you know if one is or isn't lying around where you live...? And if your waiting for one to appear be patient sir. Can't you dowse them out...?

Nothing would please me more than "show us yours".... That's not gonna happen but after 3.5 yrs of traveling it's all gone now along with 2 computers. Again... how would you know if one was lying around you...? I didn't.

I've lived and dowsed here for 20 yrs, yes I know where some of the treasures you want to see are. You have to wait for something legal I can post.
I didn't ask to see any treasures you think you might know of... What's the legal shit about...?

Name a legal treasures!
dower... "If it's not legal I'm not gonna bother." .... Well that's you lose then...?

So your only interested in publicly announced treasures... and THEN LOOKING FOR THEM? If that's so buy some magazines and start reading. Better yet... take the landowner with you and give him 10%.

They wont grant a Treasure trove permit, unless I can prove there is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the treasure is there.. I can't prove it's there unless I dig it up. That's illegal! according to US laws. I don't make them, I abide by them. Just like grave robbing is illegal in US.
Who is "they"....? How did we jump to grave robbing is illegal.... duh..!

They wont grant a Treasure trove permit, unless I can prove there is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the treasure is there..
You can hunt treasure on private property all day long without any permit other than the landowner saying it's OK. Nothing illegal about that.

If you're hunting on government land or wilderness areas, then getting a permit is indeed required. All you have to do to get it is:

TREASURE TROVE HUNTING: A treasure trove is defined as money, gems, or precious worked-metal (in the form of coins, plate, bullion, etc.) of unknown ownership. Not included are recent vintage coins, located minerals, or archeological resources and specimens. A Treasure Trove Permit must authorize searching for such treasures. Applications for Treasure Trove Permit(s) are evaluated on a case-by-case basis; approval requires that evidence of treasure is of such a character that a person of ordinary prudence would be justified in the expenditure of labor and funds, with a reasonable possibility of success. Permits are issued for a specific number of days and the site is subject to inspection.

Emphasis added.

Gents...this is the Dowsing Forum...sometimes ya just gotta let people be who they are.

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