Which treasure to Dowse

For the Taenite I'll use 16g of Iron, and 32g of Nickle.. ?%.. kamacite will be later if this works.. It might take a while, I need someone to help for this. I don't want it taking me to long, by myself..
I couldn't wait for anyone, and it doesn't take 2 generators to determine a frequency.
The results are in! According to my dowsing test results. I was able to pull a single frequency out of my Nickle Iron alloy pile. It took me 15 minutes to find one..
Yes it only dowses my stony meteorite gram, plus the 2 known signals from my house, plus a few new weaker ones!
I created a Taenite frequency!
It doest connect to the pile of nickle, nor the pile of iron, but to all Meteorites.. It is possible to create a alloy meteorite specific frequency.. Awesome!!! It's 3. Khz


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Okay cool, matrix can be specific! That means if I had a peice of the Tucson ring Meteorite, I could extract it's specific frequency. Then from a motel in Tucson I can dowse the direction, and go retrieve more of the missing pieces that were seen, but lost since then..


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I couldn't wait for anyone, and it doesn't take 2 generators to determine a frequency.
The results are in! According to my dowsing test results. I was able to pull a single frequency out of my Nickle Iron alloy pile. It took me 15 minutes to find one..
Yes it only dowses my stony meteorite gram, plus the 2 known signals from my house, plus a few new weaker ones!
I created a Taenite frequency!
It doest connect to the pile of nickle, nor the pile of iron, but to all Meteorites.. It is possible to create a alloy meteorite specific frequency.. Awesome!!! It's 3.15 Khz

Okay cool, matrix can be specific! That means if I had a peice of the Tucson ring Meteorite, I could extract it's specific frequency. Then from a motel in Tucson I can dowse the direction, and go retrieve more of the missing pieces that were seen, but lost since then..

You have a lot to learn about meteorites. There can be no single frequency for ‘all meteorites’ that relates to taenite since not all meteorite classes contain it. As I said before, taenite forms by exsolution from the kamacite nickel-iron alloy and some stony meteorite classes contain no native metal, so contain neither kamacite nor taenite.

For those that do, the highest levels are to be found in ‘iron’ and ‘stony iron’ meteorites, with lower levels in 'stony' meteorites. Irons that crystallised as octahedrites have crystalline intergrowth of both kamacite and taenite. However, iron meteorites that crystallised as hexahedrites experienced temperature regimes that didn’t allow the formation of taenite. They’re essentially pure kamacite. The opposite is true for iron ataxite meteorites, where only taenite was able to form.

The Tucson meteorite is an ‘ungrouped’ iron (ie it has an anomalous composition that doesn’t fit into any of the established chemical groups), but with ataxitic tendencies so, yes, it will contain taenite.

You have a lot to learn about meteorites. There can be no single frequency for ‘all meteorites’ that relates to taenite since not all meteorite classes contain it. As I said before, taenite forms by exsolution from the kamacite nickel-iron alloy and some stony meteorite classes contain no native metal, so contain neither kamacite nor taenite.

For those that do, the highest levels are to be found in ‘iron’ and ‘stony iron’ meteorites, with lower levels in 'stony' meteorites. Irons that crystallised as octahedrites have crystalline intergrowth of both kamacite and taenite. However, iron meteorites that crystallised as hexahedrites experienced temperature regimes that didn’t allow the formation of taenite. They’re essentially pure kamacite. The opposite is true for iron ataxite meteorites, where only taenite was able to form.

The Tucson meteorite is an ‘ungrouped’ iron (ie it has an anomalous composition that doesn’t fit into any of the established chemical groups), but with ataxitic tendencies so, yes, it will contain taenite.
I'll settle for what meteorites I do Dowse, with my first ever made matrix Taenite frequency. Who needs them all..
I could probably signal the Tucson ring with my Phosphorus frequency. But this Taenite number is a strong one..

I wonder if I could pull a frequency out of this?


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I'll settle for what meteorites I do Dowse, with my first ever made matrix Taenite frequency. Who needs them all..
I could probably signal the Tucson ring with my Phosphorus frequency. But this Taenite number is a strong one..

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. So far, no evidence of treasure being found by your methodology and I eagerly await your first meteorite find (certified as such by a competent lab with experience in meteoritics... not by some university geologist who has no such experience).

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. So far, no evidence of treasure being found by your methodology and I eagerly await your first meteorite find (certified as such by a competent lab with experience in meteoritics... not by some university geologist who has no such experience).
The first post in this topic, read that!

This is a sweet set! I wouldn't ever dowse most of them, but it's everything a Dowser needs, for signals..


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Its time I start heading out, next year, to Dowse locate and retrieve. I would love to Dowse a Mormon Gold or silver coin cache. Salt lake city, Utah is mentioned.
I'm willing to work and split with a local, who knows the area. Multiple supposed targets in the general area are best..
Or! Anyone have anything specific, to look for? And always wondered if it was there...
What treasure do you suggest I go dowse for?
Legal treasures are not financially within my reach. All US treasure's are being actively hunted by someone, and It would be wrong of me to retrieve a treasure legend.
My dowsing plans have to be specific, to what I'm going after. I Can legally only have stuff on the surface, or private property.. The Tucson ring leftovers is a possible non dig target. But what's left is to heavy to retrieve. I will take some pics, and hope to dowse a smaller chunk that was not seen..
Without a treasure lead direction to plan, I will search for smaller Meteorites, on the surface, near me this spring.
For larger stones, grapefruit size or bigger, are all too deep, carried by glaciers, or punched in. I have a 12 ft crater in the forest near me, can't retrieve the meteorite below it. 2 big maples are growing in the middle. And I have a football size one in easy digging sand 16 ft down. All the sizable meteorites are illegally deep. That's why Im glad I discovered a way, to avoid earth rocks, with same elements as meteorites. And now locate smaller surface space rocks..
I still would like some Mormon Gold coins. I need to head to Salt lake, Utah for that..

I dowsed my phone and ran tests on meteorite frequencies. I found that my Taenite frequency does slightly connect with my 50 grams of Iron slag.. And my safe frequency, running along with my Taenite frequency, shuts everything down. But my Taenite frequency, running along with my Phosphorescent frequency work great.. They both combine for a nice strong dowsable, every meteorite connection!

I'm still waiting for my Meteorite Taenite peice to come. In the mean time instead of me running both my dowsed Taenite frequency, and my Phosphorescence frequency both together. How about I try to matrix a number frequency to something Phosphorescent, like tape, or paint. It worked with 2 Elements, why not with visual affect frequency joining with a generated frequency, into the ultimate single meteorite frequency!! Sounds like a plan, if my Taenite frequency can be drawn from a generator?, using a master key frequency..

I was test dowsing around my house, my new copper triangle rods. The most sensative so far! I dowsed a connection line I hadn't seen before. It was a connection between my Lithium battery to the distant Meteorites.. Cool! Another Meteorite signal, a battery..


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I was test dowsing around my house, my new copper triangle rods. The most sensative so far! I dowsed a connection line I hadn't seen before. It was a connection between my Lithium battery to the distant Meteorites.. Cool! Another Meteorite signal, a battery..
Dowsing is showing me that, my lithium battery is signaling the meteorites stronger than an ounce of pure nickel. I know it doesn't have an ounce of lithium in it.. So that shows the battery matrix frequency is stronger than pure Element frequency! So Dowsing strength of frequency signals do compound.. Running multiple individual frequencies, or a single matrix frequency, which would be stronger?

I went out in the field/wood's today, to see how dowsing small Meteorites was gonna go. Using only the Taenite frequency I created. In 3 diffrent spots in a 6 mile area, I expected more signals.. In the first spot one signal close to the car. It wasn't a Meteorite but it was a phantom signal.. A mimic everything master key,a mother nature resonating pattern. I was able to stomp it out. Next spot was one of the three Meteorite signal I dowse from inside my house.. I could have sworn it was a Meteorite, but no! Another phantom master key signal.. I located it and stomped it out..
Now I am home and yes, I only have two Meteorite signal leaving my house now. I did remove a bad connection frequency to me, that was draining from a distance. That leaves 2 signals, one over by the x pumpkin patch, and one over by hodenpyle dam..
Now that I dowse master key frequencies, mimicking Meteorite frequencies, no Meteorite frequency can be specific, I was hoping.. I can't dowse the diffrence of a masterkey mimic frequency and a Meteorite frequency, yet.. I would have to Dowse a non Meteorite Element or mineral in that line. Because everything connect dowses to a master key, I need a non Meteorite signal. Magnesium maybee? I'll try that.
The other two signals might not be meteorites either..
But I did go over to dowse my 16 ft deep football size Meteorite I've known about. And yes it does signal with the Taenite frequency. But I need a stronger Taenite frequency. I was only dowsing 500 yds from it, and it wasn't coming in strong.
I haven't tried running a master key frequency on the side of the Taenite, but I will. I need to dowse smaller yet..
Not much to tell on dowsing treasure hunts, but I'm not sitting home. I'm trying now! I'll give it another dowse tomorrow. I'll go W of me.. Test my Magnesium theory before I head out..

That does work! I dowsed my 2 Meteorite lines with magnesium, and no signal. Meaning they are meteorites not master keys. Thank goodness.. I never did dowse magnesium in a Meteorite in the past. I always assumes it burned up on entry.. There probably is some Meteorites with magnesium, I didn't look it up..


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After yesterday's results, I need to try something diffrent. No small meteorites along the way, in a 6 mile direction S.
It was my first time using only my cell phone, and L-rods. I didn't even bring any other Elements to confirm dowsing power. I need to enhance the signal, just a little more, to bring in them smalls.. Unless there isn't what I thought, not as many!
Today sometime, I'll take the lithium battery, plus I'll still run my Taenite khz frequency on my extra phone. But I'll bring a Hz master key, running on a generator, to run along with my phone.. I haven't tried that yet!
I need to change my Taenite Khz to a Hz frequency, tried for a while last nite.. After I change all my frequencies to Hz, I don't need to run the frequency on my phone.

This morning went great. I drove back 3 miles to the Manistee River, and dowsed there. I brought my khz generator, because I didn't want to bother with my phone. I set my Taenite frequency and dowsed 3 solid connection lines. With my magnesium sample, only one line wasn't signaling. Meaning 2 lines are most likely phantom signals, not meteorites.. I tried to generators running together, one khz one on hz, but they cancel out.. I need to dowse more tests with 2 electronics running in the future.. I have dowsed a strewn field of 7 small meteorites about a mile from this spot. They are too deep, but i always practice dowsed them.
I'm 100 yds from the high bank of the Manistee, called high rollaway. It's signaling toward the river, and I didn't bother dowsing a triangulation yet. I'm waiting for the temp to rise 10 degrees. Plus there was 2 vehicles parked near the edge. Bow hunters! I'll go back when they leave..


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A new mystery!
I returned to chase the meteorite signal. I dowsed the connection, followed it, and there it was. My target! Only it was covered in dirt and leaves.. I heeled all the surface rubbish away, redowsed the line. Yes it was still there. It wasn't a phantom signal.
Then the second I went to dowse the depth of the target, everything shut down. No more dowsing signal. As if someone was running a microwave, but none around. I made sure I wasn't running a frequency on my phone, and deleted my numbers in spam, to be sure. I went back to my car and turned a master key frequency on, and nothing! I shut everything down and decided to finish it without electronics. But nothing! After about 10 minutes I returned home. Here I am, and still no dowsing power. Some frequency somewhere is running, and disrupting my dowsing.. I see on spaceweather that something has protons, temp and density mixed up. I wonder if that is showing it.
This has happened before, total shutdown of dowsing. But it was weather or solar related before. This is unusual!, or maybe this is normal!


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The equipment in the image...could you tell us what it is?

I can see the battery is providing power to an unshielded, exposed circuit
board with a digital display. EMI will most definitely be radiating off that circuit board.

The equipment in the image...could you tell us what it is?

I can see the battery is providing power to an unshielded, exposed circuit
board with a digital display. EMI will most definitely be radiating off that circuit board.
It's 2 dds generators one does only Hz. The other was running my khz Taenite frequency. Yes I need to tape those wires..
I dowse, that a running frequency, used for a signal, governs any other frequencies. Any EM interference coming out of the device, has its frequency blocked, by the running one..
Which is a great thing, because the Taenite sample I ordered, isn't pure, and might not be strong enough a signal I need..
I don't need electronics, I use electronics. When dowsing shut down I dowsed traditionally. It was off.. Realize when I say it's off or muted, other dowsers cringe. Dowsing power is never off, they've said for years.. Eat more fruit, lol..

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