Lets have a Poll...... Is our Constitution a taboo subject on T-Net?

O yeah, for sure. Liberals don't post on TNET. Pinko Commie Liberals post on and participate in these discussions. ;)

Ah, you have read Saul Alinski's Rules for Radicals I see........

LOL! CONFUSE 'em... DEFUSE 'em. Or as GREAT BUBBA sezs... "TOO much 'fire' in the belly? Drink LOTS of water." GREAT for "Pizzing Contests", later...

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lets have a vote.

who likes puppies?


I like Puppies.

I hate Puppies.

I eat Puppies.

The above is about as relevant as asking on tnet who likes the constitution. Of course everyone "Likes" the constitution. It provides us with outstanding liberties and yes even protections from our own government. I would go so far as to say that anyone who takes this poll and says "I'm against the constitution" is either a troll or foreign national whose opinion doesn't matter anyway, not because your opinion is without value foreigners, but because your liberties are neither granted nor restricted by the Constitution of the United States where you live. With that said, I do enjoy the outsiders view if you will on what is going on back home. Just my input, take it with a grain of salt, it's worth almost as much.


Great avatar btw.....these threads are just an outlet for the cabin fever....and being a Canuck I'm drawn to them like a moth to the flame.....besides it keeps diesel on his toes...lol.

And btw you do have a great constitution and bill of rights....probably one of the best if not the best out there....it's more than worth protecting and upholding....

These little intellectual exercises helps to keep the few active brain cells we have functioning.

Regards + HH


lets have a vote.

who likes puppies?


I like Puppies.

I hate Puppies.

I eat Puppies.

The above is about as relevant as asking on tnet who likes the constitution. Of course everyone "Likes" the constitution. It provides us with outstanding liberties and yes even protections from our own government. I would go so far as to say that anyone who takes this poll and says "I'm against the constitution" is either a troll or foreign national whose opinion doesn't matter anyway, not because your opinion is without value foreigners, but because your liberties are neither granted nor restricted by the Constitution of the United States where you live. With that said, I do enjoy the outsiders view if you will on what is going on back home. Just my input, take it with a grain of salt, it's worth almost as much.

Tlowery: You give yourself away! You post a statement designed to defuse, or dare I say, 'mock' the conversation. However, you do so in a passionate way that shows you are interested and drawn into the conversation. Like Bill and I, you are a moth drawn to the flame as well. It is far better to embrace this, don't fight it, anger leads to the dark side.

I will answer your questions:
1. I love puppies. See avatar.
2. I can live with people that hate puppies.
3. Eat puppies...and I find out about it...rest in pieces.


Just a Canuck's take on it.....the living/breathing part of it falls under the term jurisprudence.....that is interpretation of the Constitution is the context of today's reality.
If it wasn't open to interpretation based on today's reality it would become redundant and/or irrelevant....due to the evolution of the world.....just my humble opinion.
Regards + HH

Our Constitution can be changed only through a Constitutional Convention. And also allows government change through revolution or dissolution. One of the foundations of the 2nd amendment. Free speech, right to bear arms, freedom of religion etc. That's why they came here and that's why they specifically made certain rights set in concrete. Not subject to the whims of politicians or generals. We're at a point in our history where the limits of government are being severely tested.

FEMA has ordered enough bullets to shoot every single American 4 or 5 times. That is disturbing. Our military seems to be the only force large enough to counteract whatever force they may use. To the best of my knowledge, an armed civilian uprising is what some groups are trying to foment. (Foment a revolution - Isn't that Treason?)

Tough times in these United States. I have great faith in the forces of good, and much is happening behind the scenes. IMHO the Lightning strike and meteor strikes may be warnings. BB

Every person in office has sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So Help Me God. That is the United States. That's why we live here. That's why it was begun. Just because a percentage of people do not uphold their Sacred Oath, it is still the Law Of The Land. Period. Not suggesstions or rules to try to abide by, or temporary regulations. How about a Poll? Constitution of the United States: Do you believe in it? Yes/no/sometimes.

Is the constitution a taboo subject here? Clearly it isn't

Do I believe in the constitution? Absolutely.

Do I completely agree with your stance? Not if you are saying that elected officials or anyone else taking the oath has to agree with the constitution in every way shape and form.

Those of us who have taken the oath have promised only to support and defend the constitution, not to agree with it.

lets have a vote.

who likes puppies?
I like Puppies.
I hate Puppies.
I eat Puppies.
The above is about as relevant as asking on tnet who likes the constitution. Of course everyone "Likes" the constitution. It provides us with outstanding liberties and yes even protections from our own government. I would go so far as to say that anyone who takes this poll and says "I'm against the constitution" is either a troll or foreign national whose opinion doesn't matter anyway, not because your opinion is without value foreigners, but because your liberties are neither granted nor restricted by the Constitution of the United States where you live. With that said, I do enjoy the outsiders view if you will on what is going on back home. Just my input, take it with a grain of salt, it's worth almost as much.

The thread was started by myself due to previous member backlash about politics. Where gun rights, depending on the message context was not permitted. Politics and religion. I admit tripping over the forum rules at times. Mostly not intentional. Other then our Constitution, religion and politics are not so perfectly defined. When does one affect the other, that sort of thing. At least the 2nd amendment is cut and dried.

Many people enjoying our freedoms take it for granted. Mainly because civics is no longer taught in most schools. And, rightly or wrongly, every war we fought was unjust and we are the bad guys. Our children do believe what grown ups tell them. And the worst possible teaching aid (IMHO) is drugging them into submission. Our children are probably the smartest kids ever. Wanting to understand why? is not a bad trait. Critical thinking skills are not developed through drugs. Have you done your best decision making under the influence of drugs or alcohol? (Present company excluded of course). and DAMHIKT.


Just a Canuck's take on it.....the living/breathing part of it falls under the term jurisprudence.....that is interpretation of the Constitution is the context of today's reality.

If it wasn't open to interpretation based on today's reality it would become redundant and/or irrelevant....due to the evolution of the world.....just my humble opinion.

Regards + HH

That is the thing The US Costitution is not open for interpitation period! Strict adherance to the LAW! No gray area.

Ah, you have read Saul Alinski's Rules for Radicals I see........
There is nothing wrong with using the Communists play book against them. Heck if we on the right used it we would not have half the problems we do today in the Nation.

That is the thing The US Costitution is not open for interpitation period! Strict adherance to the LAW! No gray area.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. See post #43 and beyond. Come up with logical counterpoints and we talk. Until then...everything is open to interpretation. There is indeed grey area, there is white matter as well. All thought is grey and white matter. Words are tools of the brain. Written by hands to carry out a translation. EVERYTHING is interpreted.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. See post #43 and beyond. Come up with logical counterpoints and we talk. Until then...everything is open to interpretation. There is indeed grey area, there is white matter as well. All thought is grey and white matter. Words are tools of the brain. Written by hands to carry out a translation. EVERYTHING is interpreted.

AGREE! Based on pre-selected "leaning"...


Just a Canuck's take on it.....the living/breathing part of it falls under the term jurisprudence.....that is interpretation of the Constitution is the context of today's reality.

If it wasn't open to interpretation based on today's reality it would become redundant and/or irrelevant....due to the evolution of the world.....just my humble opinion.

Regards + HH


2 thoughts:

#1) This isn't just your opinion, this is also the opinion of the Supreme Court. Here is an excerpt from their website:
In retrospect, it is evident that constitutional interpretation and application were made necessary by the very nature of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers had wisely worded that document in rather general terms leaving it open to future elaboration to meet changing conditions. As Chief Justice Marshall noted in McCulloch v. Maryland, a constitution that attempted to detail every aspect of its own application "would partake of the prolixity of a legal code, and could scarcely be embraced by the human mind. . . . Its nature, therefore, requires that only its great outlines should be marked, its important objects designated, and the minor ingredients which compose those objects be deduced from the nature of the objects themselves." from The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States

#2) Everything can be interpreted....

bear arms.webp


Thanks for posting that up.....the above exert pretty much explains where I was coming from with my post.

A bit of an analogy to explain the point.....Hadrian's wall in the UK was built during Roman times to keep out the barbarians
of the time as well as the Great Wall of China...served the same purpose....when most warriors were on foot or horseback and about the heaviest munitions of the time was the catapult.....they did the job.

Obviously during the current era where drone planes and missiles are the norm those protective measure are no longer valid and methods of defense have changed.

Likewise jurisprudence allows for the evolution of the application of the Constitution to reflect today's reality...food for thought.

Regards + HH


PYRATE said:
2 thoughts:

#1) This isn't just your opinion, this is also the opinion of the Supreme Court. Here is an excerpt from their website:
In retrospect, it is evident that constitutional interpretation and application were made necessary by the very nature of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers had wisely worded that document in rather general terms leaving it open to future elaboration to meet changing conditions. As Chief Justice Marshall noted in McCulloch v. Maryland, a constitution that attempted to detail every aspect of its own application "would partake of the prolixity of a legal code, and could scarcely be embraced by the human mind. . . . Its nature, therefore, requires that only its great outlines should be marked, its important objects designated, and the minor ingredients which compose those objects be deduced from the nature of the objects themselves." from The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States

#2) Everything can be interpreted....

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=742517"/>

Real good post. I guess I havnt seen any of the "literalists", its on rock, can't change, no interpretation people post any responses? Does that mean everyone is in agreement on the above??

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