My first thought about the four maps in post #46, is, were they made by four different people? If so, then they would corroborate each other.
They certainly appear to be drawn by four people, but the next question is, are some of them merely copies of the others, or even all of them copies of just one of the others?
These four maps are significantly different than all the other maps in the "library links," in post #22, in that they show a very specific final location rather than merely a general area. Also, they show many of the features, which are said to be
local to the mine, in the "LDM Clues List." A big question, then, would be, are the more distant landmarks in these maps, accurate?
Obviously, if these maps
are corroborative,
and they show local features,
and they include distant landmarks, then these maps
alone could lead
directly to the legendary Lost Dutchman.
They would only be corroborative if they were not only drawn by different people, but were, instead of copies, actually from different
original sources.
Is there anything within the maps themselves which would give some odds as to whether they were from different original sources? And do any of the other library maps corroborate these four, and the reverse?
Another thought comes to mind concerning these four and the others. Were any of the very different maps in the library drawn by the same person? Several of the library maps, even though very different, have similarities in "artistic style." It seems that if a single person drew more than one "view" or "layout style," then, if the maps were accurate, that one person would have had, not only a very good idea of where the location of the LDM was, he would also have had an opportunity to
alter those maps in the same way, so as to mislead others who might try to combine the map information for the purpose of zeroing-in on the location. All this must take in the consideration that some or all of these "same artist" maps were merely contrived entirely, or were all from accurate originals, or somewhere in between. Just as
all the maps might be.
It seems that if any one location
is indicated by all this study of these maps, then being the result of studying legends, and legendary maps, the end result would only be a "legendary place." But still very interesting.