Legend of the Stone Maps

Hi Sarge

In the past , you have mentioned a box , maybe which is recognized in the Ground map or in another map .
Is this box at the end of a route to the treasure site and looks like this sketch ?
Maybe the box has a Cross carved on it .

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That was RG in an earlier (deleted) thread.

I have photos. They are right next to a site where Travis camped in the mountains

Hi Sarge

In the past , you have mentioned a box , maybe which is recognized in the Ground map or in another map .
Is this box at the end of a route to the treasure site and looks like this sketch ?
Maybe the box has a Cross carved on it .
View attachment 1360564


There are other maps in the SHS collection that use the box symbol but, not with the radiating lines.
Not that I have seen anyway.
On one map, four are used to form one, horizontal rectangle.
It sits beneath the word campo.

The Hat symbol or sombrero is on a map as it is in the field. This is a photo I snapped a few weeks back of the only 'Sombrero Butte" in Arizona.

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A walkers trail can be very discrete or it can be right in the open. Always follow a foot monument and usually there will be another larger monument like a head looking at the walkers trail.

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Funny looking head but conveys the right abstract looking at the foot in the distance. These are all over mining area's especially gold mine districts.

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Walkers Foot Monument in the distance from the head.

Old Mine left abandoned.

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View from above my Cabin this week end.

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High Trails are used for the walkers. Just like the Bluff above my cabin.

Bill Riley,
That B&W photograph reminded me of how simple life once was.

I don't recall writing anything about a box

RG wrote how Travis was looking for a box in the fields . I believed you have heard about the box or you saw it on a map . Maybe you have both , but for some reasons should not to speak . I have not problem with this .
Maybe Travis was looking for this :


Travis was a lying narcissist and craved attention through his fake maps. Jacob Waltz was a sociopath and lied all the time while coveting his gold. Neither one has any credibility. Prospecting is the only way to find it. If the vein is as large as lying Jacob said it was than it would be detectable from the air by VLF or ground survey magnetic anomalies. Both of which have been done in the past. I even think the GEO surveys are available on the governments web site. For now a pocket device can detect the vein if you were lucky enough to walk over it. Same devices they use for Ghost Busting. So if you can't find the right area to walk over maybe you could follow Adolf Ruth or old Jacobs Ghost right to the gold mine!!

I previously figured out the area in question. The ground map only confirmed that. I pointed out the location in the first two episodes of the Legend show. The are old mines and placer locations marked on the maps in question. Garman had a copy of the ground map. He pointed out the way for Travis. Read Garmans book! Research his claim locations. I'm convinced the map only leads to old mines and gold locations. I doubt treasure is involved. Those old mines are worked out. Placer is still there and always will be. Every time you get a heavy rain it washes more down stream. Follow the gold and you may find the source. That source may have washed out a million years ago and the gold just moves about. The map only points to one area. May be other maps pointing elsewhere. I could care less about the stone maps. No doubt Travis did his abstract on them using the ground map as a reference leaving stuff off and adding his own. I believe Travis thought a box was hidden in the area. Good luck on that one.


Maybe the Ground map leads to gold placers and worked out mines , but the stone maps lead elsewhere .
In the GE picture above ( in my previous post ) is the site of the " Caverna Aurum " or otherwise " Treasure of Holy Faith " .

I previously figured out the area in question. The ground map only confirmed that. I pointed out the location in the first two episodes of the Legend show. The are old mines and placer locations marked on the maps in question. Garman had a copy of the ground map. He pointed out the way for Travis. Read Garmans book! Research his claim locations. I'm convinced the map only leads to old mines and gold locations. I doubt treasure is involved. Those old mines are worked out. Placer is still there and always will be. Every time you get a heavy rain it washes more down stream. Follow the gold and you may find the source. That source may have washed out a million years ago and the gold just moves about. The map only points to one area. May be other maps pointing elsewhere. I could care less about the stone maps. No doubt Travis did his abstract on them using the ground map as a reference leaving stuff off and adding his own. I believe Travis thought a box was hidden in the area. Good luck on that one.


Very insightful if not generous.

Also sounds like you stepped away at the correct time.

There is no doubt the stone maps were made by Travis. They are only 1/2 of the ground map. Believe want you want. Hell I'm only a one star TV Guide celebrity.

But you did a five star performance? Those damn Emmy's!! They Passed you over again!! Must've been your politics or race?
Next time act like a loon and you'll get an Oscar! Screw those Emmy's!

I had my 15 minutes of fame once to. It never lasts...we both have the wrong politics for it.

There is no doubt the stone maps were made by Travis. They are only 1/2 of the ground map. Believe want you want. Hell I'm only a one star TV Guide celebrity.

Yes , i believe Travis never had carved the stone maps which are at the Museum .
Travis just found them like he said . His dream was to find the area that the stone maps fit , but he never found the location , like many others after his demise .
But ... even if Travis would found the maps location , he had not enough info ( the stone Latin heart map and the stone crosses maps ) to locate the treasure . The stone trail map leads only to an old mine where all the stone maps were located .
Travis couldn't use the Priest stone map without the Latin stone heart map ( the heart 4 from the Priest map ) . When the Priest on the map " said " Busca el Corason , meant " find the Latin heart " .
All the stone maps are dependent each other , and is waste of time trying to decrypt every one apart .

Just my theory .

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