Question : I live for 15 years outside Apache Junctions in a Trailer Park . a Neighbor who lived there for many years , spent his time
searching the Superstitions for Jacob Waltz' pit . He came over to me one day while I worked on my old Jeep and began a conversation .
we became friends and he showed me gerber baby food jars with gold nuggets in them . The Jars were full . he said he was taking them in to sell .
he had held those for years in a few holes around the desert between the service road and a small peak in a straight line from the Trailer Park and that Peak .
He told me he left one jar buried out there and would leave some clues for me to follow to it , because I had given him my truck when his IH Scout
had broke down .
I know this sounds like a Fenn treasure story , but this was 1980 when this happen . I never looked for that Jar though . I eventually accepted offshore employment with Halliburton . I am now retired and wish to go adventuring out there and look around .
My question is what the best metal detector would be to take and if there is anybody in the forum that lives near that Trailer Park that may want
to take a chance with me and go look together .
thank you for all these interesting Ideas you guys have posted .