The Photos were taken from the bore hole across the canyon over by the Gonzales Mine. This bore hole only goes back in about 4 feet to solid rock wall.
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Bore Hole
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..............Area of Gonzales Mine ...................... Tunnel
The ones from higher up were taken from above the center mine shaft.
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these lower pictures show how time of day really does have to do with what you see.
Bill I have some questions though.
There were no known mines or missions in the Superstitions according to historians and the Park Service,
so how could the sun signs point to something that we are told did not exist?
The Northern limit was the Gila River for those living in Sonora back then.
Going into hostile Indian territory and high desert to do hard rock mining,
not just placer mining would be suicide back then, unless there was a cover up?
Was there a consorted effort that included military forces to support the poor miners
that would be willing to endure the hardship that area places on the human body?
I know first hand how tough this area is and to get the last set of pictures almost cost me my life.
Came very close to Heat Exhaustion.