It seems as though with most of your posts it is not to offer information on the subject being discussed, it is to challenge the information given by the person posting.
You have a consistent habit of asking for "proof" of ones statement so you can research or complete the research that you are doing.
Rather than challenge everyone in an area or topic that interests you, why is it that you do not invest the time to research it yourself? Step away from the Internet and into a local library where you reside and do the research that will give you the "proof" that you are consistently asking for?
If you are a treasure hunter, you can do the research first and then put your boots on the ground to commence your research...if treasure hunting is something that interests you, or the Legends and Lore, the same steps would apply.
Your arguments, challenges and tactics are not in any way compelling. They come across as narcissistic while condemning others on their accomplishments.
Your pattern and practice of bifurcating responses to mean something other than what was experienced by the poster along with challenging those that are speaking of real life experiences, are becoming quite tiring and quite frankly, a distraction for those of us that are interested in what the OP's experiences are.
Try researching something so you have something to offer rather than an argument, or, don't offer anything at all...just read, and take it all in......
Fair enough. I think that you touched on something important here. While you may not see it, researching statements and claims are an important form of research. It doesn't matter who is posting, if it sounds off, and in this example, it sounded way off, then it needs to be challenged.
I don't give a pass to friends, those in the spotlight, or those looking to find favor with those in the spotlight. If you post something, you post for review and hopefully your thick skinned enough to take the criticism. Some clearly aren't. Those are the ones that turn things personal.
I do quite a bit of research and spend quite a bit of time in some incredible library's. If you were truly an impartial person, and spent time reading, back posts, you would almost certainly come to that same conclusion. That's time consuming and I understand that sometimes, its just easier to march along with the band.
A modest dose of narcissism is healthy. You, yourself wouldn't have found the strength to chastise me without it, correct?
You seem to think that I am splitting hairs again. In this case, I challenge you to do some of your own research this time, to call the museum yourself, and to ask the same relevant questions. No bifurcating, just show us that you are capable of impartial and critical review.
Post your findings. Keep it respectful and accurate like I try to do.
I understand if you pass because the responses to your questions will cast skepticism on Frank's post. You don't want to hurt or embarrass the man and are trying stay in good graces with him and his circle of friends. That's admirable. A true friend would forgive another for challenging them respectfully. In fact, a true friend, the truest of friends, might even thank you for taking the time to correct them.
If my posts are a distraction, why not skip over them and stay focused on the band?
Thank you for taking the time to post your feelings. I appreciate the honesty even when it's meant to sting.