<Harp has multiple meanings, all are derogatory when directed at a lady.....>
Wow, I was going to explain what a borrow pit was to Bill..........but because modern vulgar slang has corrupted the alternate definition words......think I'll skip that discussion.
Sad commentary on the extent of political correctness limiting the ability to discuss, of all things!, treasure clues in their full context.
Bill, private message me if you want the low down.
Somehow I missed this post. But you are correct in the idea that time and political temperature shape our vocabulary. Words become extinct or take on entirely new meanings, continually. Sometimes, it's difficult to keep up, especially when living in a city, populated by people of color. It's like walking a tight rope, one slip or missed placed word and your in trouble. Can you imagine finding the Lost ****** Ben Mine today? Can you imagine the headlines and resulting backlash?
However, it's not a new phenomenon. I spend quite a bit of time lost in old books, trying to make up for years of not reading. One of the words that I stumbled across, that gave me a very difficult time was "Hassayampa". "Another Hassayampa.." I had to look the word up. Turns out that it is the name of a river, with headwaters just south of Prescott, that claimed one hundred lives in the 1890 dam failure. But it was also the name used to describe the many secretive miners who camped along that rivers banks and told white "lies" to keep their discovery locations secret.
Those who drink its waters bright-
Red man, white man, boor or knight,
Girls or women, boys or men-
Never tell the truth again.
I wonder if Travis was a Hassayampa? Not a liar, but a Hassayampa where the stone maps and their discovery location is concerned.
Today, Hassayampa is used to describe someone old and or out of touch.
"Ignore that old Hassayampa, he's been out in the sun too long." It's a fantastic word and I think completely relevant in all it's meaning to those who are involved in the hunt for lost mines and treasure in the Superstitions. Even more so to those who have found something worth keeping secret.
I am a Hassayampa, not a liar, but a Hassayampa.
The Hassayampa... What a great title for a book.