Left-wing journalism professor calls for mass slaughter of NRA

If the chasm between left and right is getting wider then I would look no further then the rhetoric on this forum for an explanation. Extremists on both sides leave no room for discussion or opinions of others. Three years from now we will have a new president. The vast majority of US policies will stay the same, we will still have grid lock on Capitol Hill, and life will go on. Who then will one find to villainize and blame for every law one does not like?

DeepSeeker, thank you for your service. One of the things I like about you is that are a true patriot. You criticize both sides when they go against your beliefs. I also cannot remember a post where you prophecized civil war and bloody rebellion in the US. My guess, is from one that has seen the horrors of war first hand you look at arms as a last resort and not a threat to be thrown into one's face or used to drum up money for one's cause.

Perhaps, the chasm grows wider, or perhaps some of us our losing our ability to compromise. Like it or not, this is everybody's country and not just those who quote dead slave owner's from 200 years ago that advocated power only to male, white landowners. Whom also committed the one of the greatest atrocities of the last millennial in ignoring the enslavement of man for almost another 100 years. Be careful when one states rights are being trampled and tyranny reins...


Our fore fathers your putting down are who founded this great country. They are responsible for writing one of the greatest document in world history even with its flaws...

I am in awe and proud of them and proud to quote their great writings.

Slavery was an excepted practice at the time our country declared independence and was being practice by all the civilized countries of the world at the time America declared independence so no surprise it was part of our history.

It has also been practiced by almost every country and civilization of the world at one time or another........

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And having served two tours in Vietnam and Cambodia with the 4th Infantry Division, had a whole lot of history shoved into me - a war started by Democrats, for nothing! What did we gain? NOTHING! Except that 57,000 boys killed and families destroyed - and what did it do to the country of Vietnam?.

The war wasn't started by Democrats, nor by Republicans. It was started by the same gang as the rest of them.

I am intrigued by your assessment of the war, though. I remember a lot of names being called, on both sides.

I do believe that the important names are the ones on the wall. Good men, all.

I may not be a Bush fan, but what about this?
bush lied people died - Google Search


Easy for you to say it is over the top if there is not a record of over the top < Huh?

National magazine vs a bunch of posters? Just guessing - how'd I do?

I see nothing wrong with the magazine cover either. A picture of a man who thinks he is a king and who spouts nothing but lies and whose goal is the total disarming of American citizens..... Seems pretty on target to me.............

Thank you Crispin, you honor me.

What is right, is right. Regardless of the direction in which you believe.

Davest annoyed me, a flash in the pan. It doesn't mean that he is not right about every single thing he posts. Nor am I right in every single thing I post either. Mankind tends to be overboard emotional at times. Then our task is to re-think where we are. From his background, Davest and I could drink a Sam Adams and probably agree on 90% of what we talked about. We'd actually probably be friends.

Me attacking him, or him attacking me - those are kind of subjective in all cases. We're stuck in these skulls of ours, and our thoughts tend to be confined to what we are thinking at the time.

And, we have ALL stood for correction - embarrassing at the time it may be.

Life is as it is, something I've been educated on repeatedly, and will be tomorrow as well.

We each mean no harm actually, we just wish to scream for our rights.

And YES Davest, I respect your First Amendment Rights!!!

Ya hit me at the wrong time.


Control your emotions Brother,or,someone else will.

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National magazine vs a bunch of posters? Just guessing - how'd I do?

Yeah,, I guess I just don't understand your position on this,, seems kinda,, fabricated.

So it works like this, huh?

Sheriff in Pennsylvania says aloud he wants to shoot Democrats, fires guns off in public. OK

Professor goes on rant. Not OK.

BTW, the founding fathers didn't want blacks to own guns, where's the democracy in that.

BTW #2, the idea of this being a representative government for the people is a line of bullhockey that's been preached by the moneyed interests since 1700. Study some history won't ya? You guys in Virginia should know all about that part.

This makes absolutely no sense. I wouldn't respond to this but I really would like you to show us where the papers are that said the nations founders did not want blacks to own guns? And moneyed interests? Really?

If the chasm between left and right is getting wider then I would look no further then the rhetoric on this forum for an explanation. Extremists on both sides leave no room for discussion or opinions of others. Three years from now we will have a new president. The vast majority of US policies will stay the same, we will still have grid lock on Capitol Hill, and life will go on. Who then will one find to villainize and blame for every law one does not like?

DeepSeeker, thank you for your service. One of the things I like about you is that are a true patriot. You criticize both sides when they go against your beliefs. I also cannot remember a post where you prophecized civil war and bloody rebellion in the US. My guess, is from one that has seen the horrors of war first hand you look at arms as a last resort and not a threat to be thrown into one's face or used to drum up money for one's cause.

Perhaps, the chasm grows wider, or perhaps some of us our losing our ability to compromise. Like it or not, this is everybody's country and not just those who quote dead slave owner's from 200 years ago that advocated power only to male, white landowners. Whom also committed the one of the greatest atrocities of the last millennial in ignoring the enslavement of man for almost another 100 years. Be careful when one states rights are being trampled and tyranny reins...


I have to quote this again, because this little piece of twisted logic is historically and ideologically taken out of context and regurgitated without any care to the venomous rhetoric it represents. You are right about one thing, it serves to instill distrust and misunderstanding. I think you should know better.

"Perhaps, the chasm grows wider, or perhaps some of us our losing our ability to compromise. Like it or not, this is everybody's country and not just those who quote dead slave owner's from 200 years ago that advocated power only to male, white landowners. Whom also committed the one of the greatest atrocities of the last millennial in ignoring the enslavement of man for almost another 100 years. Be careful when one states rights are being trampled and tyranny reins..."

There is still slavery going on right now. And I don't think it is America's fault. It is easy to look at the past, not knowing anything about it and say,"Hey that there is not good!" Go ahead pick any time, any place. If you try to compare it to current affairs you will be able to do this over and over.

Yeah,, I guess I just don't understand your position on this,, seems kinda,, fabricated.

Last attempt:

Fabricated with rationality. A national organization is presumed to have some responsibility in what it presents to the public.

I think that was irresponsible.

All that takes is a piece of cardboard and a crayon.

And moneyed interests? Really?

OK Dave, I'll buy that. There's never been any moneyed interests influencing anything in the US since 1700.

:laughing9: :laughing9:

Come on Bum - The left attacks the right constantly...everyday... - you have to open your eyes a bit, it's not even an issue when the left attacks the right because they have control of a HUGE percentage of the media. Though if the right tries to fight back...........Look out, they are haters. You are not a centerist, you are a left leaner and hey, that's your choice and good luck with it. When you need protection in the future, just call on your Minnesota TNer and I'll be here for ya!!!!! :hello:

OK Dave, I'll buy that. There's never been any moneyed interests influencing anything in the US since 1700.

:laughing9: :laughing9:
Out of context much?

For you guys that try to explain away everything as conspiracy theories you sure like to throw around a lot of conspiracy theories.

I don't know how you keep up with this? Do you have a flowchart? Maybe you should use a dry erase board so that you can constantly change it.

Come on Bum - The left attacks the right constantly...everyday... - you have to open your eyes a bit, it's not even an issue when the left attacks the right because they have control of a HUGE percentage of the media. Though if the right tries to fight back...........Look out, they are haters. You are not a centerist, you are a left leaner and hey, that's your choice and good luck with it. When you need protection in the future, just call on your Minnesota TNer and I'll be here for ya!!!!! :hello:

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me names.

I am with TH on the magazine cover...Accurate!

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I have noticed how you guys like to accuse those of us "self declared centerists or moderates" of being left leaning or pinky commie libs (as it was stated in the past).

It is very telling. Could the reality possibly be that you all are just so far to the right that anything else only SEEMS like it is left leaning?

Just an observation.

I have noticed how you guys like to accuse those of us "self declared centerists or moderates" of being left leaning or pinky commie libs (as it was stated in the past).

It is very telling. Could the reality possibly be that you all are just so far to the right that anything else only SEEMS like it is left leaning?

Just an observation.

Now that is funny.

Deep thanks for your service One thing that always bothered me when I got off that plane and was greeted by some who may be running this country and called Baby killer, what if I had a plan parent hood uniform on at that time, would they have cheered?

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