Left-wing journalism professor calls for mass slaughter of NRA

Free Will Crispin? There is no free will in a police state! Due process? PSSSSH. Democracy????= 2 wolves and a sheep voting on dinner. I still loved the representative republic we had enjoyed for so long.

The problem with youth is they do not understand the concept of liberty and freedom !

Police state? Hmmmmm.... How about a death sentence for shoplifting from Wal-Mart?

Off-duty deputy shoots, kills suspected Walmart shoplifter

Off-duty deputy shoots, kills suspected Walmart shoplifter | khou.com Houston

HOUSTON – A Harris County Sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a shoplifting suspect who was trying to flee from a Walmart Thursday night.

Loss prevention observed a group of women stuffing items inside their purses at the Walmart in the 14000 block of the North Freeway at West Road around 10:15 p.m., according to Harris County authorities. They notified Louis Campbell, an off-duty deputy who was working an extra job as security.

Investigators said Tiasa Andrews, Yolanda Craig and Shelly Frey paid for some small items as unpaid merchandise remained concealed.

Campbell confronted the women as they left the store and asked them to stop, but the women would not cooperate, Harris County deputies said. One woman allegedly struck the deputy with her purse and they all fled.

Campbell chased Frey around the parking lot. She got in a car with the other suspects and two children. Campbell opened the door and commanded them to stop, but the car was placed in drive and moved forward, investigators said.

“I think it knocked him off balance and, in fear of his life and being ran over, he discharged his weapon at that point,” said Thomas Gilliland, Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

Frey was struck in the neck.

Gilliland said it was clear that the deputy was law enforcement.

“He was clearly marked in uniform as a Harris County deputy. And identified himself as the suspects were leaving the establishment,” Gilliland said.

The women fled the parking lot, but eventually stopped at The Worthington at the Beltway apartments in the 1300 block of Greens Parkway. Paramedics with the Houston Fire Department where called to the scene. Paramedics tried to revive her, but could not, and she was pronounced dead.

“To me, it should never (have) happened. I wish the officer didn’t shoot her. I wish he shot her tires just to slow her down. That’s a mother you know. And now they have to figure out what to do with the kids,” said Angel Gaines, a neighbor.

Kesha Sapp, a woman who knew Frey, agreed.

“What that look like with him shooting with the darn kids in the car? There were kids in the car with them. Why is he shooting at the car? Come on now, that makes him look bad. That don’t even look right,” Sapp said.

Harris County investigators said Campbell is a deputy with 26 years of experience. He’s assigned to the Detentions Bureau.

Frey’s children were placed with relatives.

Andrews and Craig were taken into custody for questioning and both face robbery charges.

And, Police State????

Well, let's take that even more to an extreme!

» Wisconsin County Attempted Sexual Assault Prosecution of 6-year Old for Playing Doctor Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Grant County and the Grant County Department of Social Services have been added as defendants in a pending lawsuit against the county’s district attorney and two others.

The suit alleges that District Attorney Lisa Riniker went too far in prosecuting a 6-year-old boy for first-degree sexual assault after he allegedly played “doctor” with two 5-year-old children — one boy and one girl — last fall. Jan Moravits, a social services investigator, and James Kopp, a now-retired sheriff’s investigator, were also named in the original suit.

The amended complaint filed late Sunday night also claims Riniker retaliated against the 6-year-old plaintiff’s parents when she sought a gag order in state court last week to prevent a scheduled interview with WISC-TV from taking place. The document goes on to say that Riniker believed the gag order would prohibit the plaintiffs from speaking with their attorneys for the federal suit, or proceed with the federal court case.

I do not understand what is over the top about it? Is it because he wants to take our guns but uses one for a photo op?

I think it's over the top to call the President of the United States "King Pinocchio" on the front cover of the magazine belonging to a national organization. In all the years of getting this magazine, I've not seen anything like this.

Free Will Crispin? There is no free will in a police state! Due process? PSSSSH. Democracy????= 2 wolves and a sheep voting on dinner. I still loved the representative republic we had enjoyed for so long.

The problem with youth is they do not understand the concept of liberty and freedom !

Police state? ??? You sound like the ACLU.

I think youth get it pretty well.

Republics and democracies are great until we don't get our own way, huh?

Wait until demographics take out a bunch more assumptions. Not far off.

So it works like this, huh?

Sheriff in Pennsylvania says aloud he wants to shoot Democrats, fires guns off in public. OK

Professor goes on rant. Not OK.

BTW, the founding fathers didn't want blacks to own guns, where's the democracy in that.

BTW #2, the idea of this being a representative government for the people is a line of bullhockey that's been preached by the moneyed interests since 1700. Study some history won't ya? You guys in Virginia should know all about that part.

You guys in Virginia should know all about that part.

Since I'm the only guy in Virginia on this thread, you must mean me!

I know history very well, having lived history more than you. I was in school when they actually taught history. And having served two tours in Vietnam and Cambodia with the 4th Infantry Division, had a whole lot of history shoved into me - a war started by Democrats, for nothing! What did we gain? NOTHING! Except that 57,000 boys killed and families destroyed - and what did it do to the country of Vietnam?

Davest, you'd get along very well with that professor, waving your commie flags....

Since I'm the only guy in Virginia on this thread, you must mean me!

I know history very well, having lived history more than you. I was in school when they actually taught history. And having served two tours in Vietnam and Cambodia with the 4th Infantry Division, had a whole lot of history shoved into me - a war started by Democrats, for nothing! What did we gain? NOTHING! Except that 57,000 boys killed and families destroyed - and what did it do to the country of Vietnam?

Davest, you'd get along very well with that professor, waving your commie flags....

Dear DeepseekerADS, I believe in the First Amendment which guarantees that professor the right to speak his mind, commie, socialist, republican, luddite or whatever.

What I said previously was that you seem to think it's OK for a sheriff to stand on a street corner talking about killing your fellow countrymen because they don't believe in the same thing he does, but you get your panties in a wad when someone counter speaks.

Would your next thought for me be, "Love it or Leave it"?

BTW, why did the United States of America invade Iraq in order to enforce United Nations resolutions?

Cordially, Davest

Would your next thought for me be, "Love it or Leave it"?

BTW, why did the United States of America invade Iraq in order to enforce United Nations resolutions?

I'm sure you'd fit in well in France or Venezuela.

Did I agree with Iraq? Absolutely not! Just another waste of young American lives, and by the way - I felt it was illegal.

That's what our government of corruption, whether Left or Right is doing to us, and is continuing to do to us - and not FOR us.

We need everyone of them out, and term limits on all who take office afterwards - including the Supreme Court justices.

Dear DeepseekerADS,

Heck, I'd fit in anywhere. I asked before. I notice that your avatar is a Bronze Star, what war did you receive it in?

My thoughts about VietNam are, I joined the United States Army on March 3, 1972 in order to combat the spread of communism, beginning with VietNam. I was sent to Alaska, FT. Richardson to be exact as a member of the 172nd Infantry Regiment, 23d Engineers. They weren't sending anyone to Nam anymore at that time. After serving my 3 years, I did not re enlist.

Since then I have realized the futility of war and that only the wealthy prosper through them.

I am truly sorry you don't support my First Amendment rights, nor those of the professor.

Remember. They hate us for our Freedoms.

Cordially, Davest

So, I'm just hoping he is so anti-gun that he doesn't own any. It's plain to see that he is not very stable. Must be in midlife crisis looking for a reason for his existence. Is there some reason he pointed out that the president is "African-American"? (whatever that is) Actually, he's a white/African American or caucasian/African American if Zimmerman is a white/Hispanic. I'm an NRA member so I guess he means me as well. Gotta tell you, if someone says I need to die because of my beliefs, I'm not going to sit by and let them kill me. He has every right to "SAY" I should die, the constitution gives him that right, but the constitution doesn't give him the right "TRY" to kill me. He's on his own there. Problem is he is using our tax dollars to support him and also using his position to influence our youth.

Right on Packerbacker!!!

Right on!

Dear DeepseekerADS,

Heck, I'd fit in anywhere. I asked before. I notice that your avatar is a Bronze Star, what war did you receive it in?

My thoughts about VietNam are, I joined the United States Army on March 3, 1972 in order to combat the spread of communism, beginning with VietNam. I was sent to Alaska, FT. Richardson to be exact as a member of the 172nd Infantry Regiment, 23d Engineers. They weren't sending anyone to Nam anymore at that time. After serving my 3 years, I did not re enlist.

I did not re-enlist either, I left a lost individual. Took me quite at bit of time = 4 years to get myself back together.

Since then I have realized the futility of war and that only the wealthy prosper through them.

I am truly sorry you don't support my First Amendment rights, nor those of the professor.

Remember. They hate us for our Freedoms.

Cordially, Davest

Davest, we do not necessarily disagree about everything. Even the most liberal of those who have criticized me, I agree with in a whole lot of things. Jerseyben, Stockpicker, Native Floridian, and others. If you look at the reality of what this nation has evolved into, you have to question what is coming next. You have to, or you are hiding from it. This is your nation too Davest. Join us in questioning versus questioning us. It is the nation you will have to deal with, not me or the others here trying to stand up for our rights.

2 Bronze Stars, and Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry - 7 firefights, one of which went hand to hand. I lived, and a whole lot of my friends then did not. My best friend died right beside me. I had his blood all over me.


Davest, we do not necessarily disagree about everything. Even the most liberal of those who have criticized me, I agree with in a whole lot of things. Jerseyben, Stockpicker, Native Floridian, and others. If you look at the reality of what this nation has evolved into, you have to question what is coming next. You have to, or you are hiding from it. This is your nation too Davest. Join us in questioning versus questioning us. It is the nation you will have to deal with, not me or the others here trying to stand up for our rights.

2 Bronze Stars, and Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry - 7 firefights, one of which went hand to hand. I lived, and a whole lot of my friends then did not. My best friend died right beside me. I had his blood all over me.


Roger, thank you for yor servcie......

I lost a lot of my high school friends in Nam including several I grew up with who lived in my neighborhood .... Lost one of my brothers years after Nam, died from complications of Agent Orange He was a copter pilot.....

The chasm between the left and the right is getting wider every day........

Thanks TH...

If only they could see.

Roger, thank you for yor servcie......

I lost a lot of my high school friends in Nam including several I grew up with who lived in my neighborhood .... Lost one of my brothers years after Nam, died from complications of Agent Orange He was a copter pilot.....

The chasm between the left and the right is getting wider every day........

If the chasm between left and right is getting wider then I would look no further then the rhetoric on this forum for an explanation. Extremists on both sides leave no room for discussion or opinions of others. Three years from now we will have a new president. The vast majority of US policies will stay the same, we will still have grid lock on Capitol Hill, and life will go on. Who then will one find to villainize and blame for every law one does not like?

DeepSeeker, thank you for your service. One of the things I like about you is that are a true patriot. You criticize both sides when they go against your beliefs. I also cannot remember a post where you prophecized civil war and bloody rebellion in the US. My guess, is from one that has seen the horrors of war first hand you look at arms as a last resort and not a threat to be thrown into one's face or used to drum up money for one's cause.

Perhaps, the chasm grows wider, or perhaps some of us our losing our ability to compromise. Like it or not, this is everybody's country and not just those who quote dead slave owner's from 200 years ago that advocated power only to male, white landowners. Whom also committed the one of the greatest atrocities of the last millennial in ignoring the enslavement of man for almost another 100 years. Be careful when one states rights are being trampled and tyranny reins...


Thank you Crispin, you honor me.

What is right, is right. Regardless of the direction in which you believe.

Davest annoyed me, a flash in the pan. It doesn't mean that he is not right about every single thing he posts. Nor am I right in every single thing I post either. Mankind tends to be overboard emotional at times. Then our task is to re-think where we are. From his background, Davest and I could drink a Sam Adams and probably agree on 90% of what we talked about. We'd actually probably be friends.

Me attacking him, or him attacking me - those are kind of subjective in all cases. We're stuck in these skulls of ours, and our thoughts tend to be confined to what we are thinking at the time.

And, we have ALL stood for correction - embarrassing at the time it may be.

Life is as it is, something I've been educated on repeatedly, and will be tomorrow as well.

We each mean no harm actually, we just wish to scream for our rights.

And YES Davest, I respect your First Amendment Rights!!!

Ya hit me at the wrong time.


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Oh, and that Left Wing Professor calling for slaughter of NRA members?

He should come on down to the backwoods of Virginia and Southern WVA and start talking that.

Of course I'd have to stand in a VERY, VERY, long line....

He is the one teaching our kids - AND HE SHOULDN'T BE.

Just who the HedoubleL does he think he is?

Sorry dude he may have the right to say what he wants when not in official capacity. That's like saying teaching terrorism is OK which maybe it is IDK but personal agendas shouldn't be taught as part of a schools curriculum in any manner. JMHO

If the first amendment freedom of speech, and yet it has been adjudicated that it does not allow yelling fire in a crowded theater, how can you allow calling for the deaths of other human beings??????? I am a stauch advocate for the Bill OF Rights, but one must realize that their are consiguences for their actions, and the more ludicrious they are only brings distain to your stated cause......believe what you want, and enjoy the freedom to live your life as you see fit, but allow those of us that are different then you to have that same right to our lives.

Deep, as I have stated many times to you before.....I am proud to know you, and thanks for your heroic service to us, and this country! I'm glad you have the strength and fortitude to fend off the attacks thrown your way. as I've said before...." You do what you want with your rights, and don't be telling me what to do with mine"

I think it's over the top to call the President of the United States "King Pinocchio" on the front cover of the magazine belonging to a national organization. In all the years of getting this magazine, I've not seen anything like this.

I may not be a Bush fan, but what about this?
bush lied people died - Google Search


Easy for you to say it is over the top if there is not a record of over the top < Huh?

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