Left-wing journalism professor calls for mass slaughter of NRA


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Left-wing journalism professor calls for mass slaughter of NRA | Human Events

By: John Hayward
6/3/2013 10:33 AM

If you have son or daughter studying journalism at Marshall University, get them out, right now. Otherwise, they may fall under the sway of a murderous left-wing lunatic named Christopher Swindell, who is a “professor” of journalism there, and is evidently given to spittle-flecked tirades like the one he committed to text for the Charleston Gazette.

It starts out with the usual hateful left-wing bilge, including a gratuitous swipe at Sarah Palin, but then Swindell pops a blood vessel and calls for the mass extermination of the National Rifle Association, using military force, since he falsely asserts that the NRA is calling for armed insurrection:

Here it is. The NRA advocates armed rebellion against the duly elected government of the United States of America. That’s treason, and it’s worthy of the firing squad. The B.S. needs a serious gut check. We are not a tin pot banana republic where machine gun toting rebel groups storm the palace and depose the dictator.

We put the president in the White House. To support the new NRA president’s agenda of arming the populace for confrontation with the government is bloody treason. And many invite it gladly as if the African-American president we voted for is somehow infringing on their Constitutional rights.

Normally, I am a peaceable man, but in this case, I am willing to answer the call to defend the country. From them.

To turn the song lyric they so love to quote back on them, “We’ll put a boot in your —, it’s the American way.”

Except it won’t be a boot. It’ll be an M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles. Try treason on for size. See how that suits. And their assault arsenal and RPGs won’t do them any good.

So, to return to reality, all of us. Let’s make common sense gun safety a deciding issue for 2014 and beyond. The NRA certainly has. Let’s push back. We the People. The 85 percent who support more robust background checks. And when the next domestic terrorist with an assault rifle comes along, we can blame the leaders and fringe of the NRA for arming them.

It’s difficult to parse this level of pure stupidity, but apparently this is what passes for a “thought experiment” in the deranged recesses of the Swindell mind. You see, NRA types are given to accurately citing the Founders’ view of the Second Amendment as a check against tyranny. That means they’re all secretly dreaming of violently overthrowing the U.S. government, which these knuckle-draggers think is liable to degenerate into tyranny. Therefore, the government should… live down to the most hostile caricature of illegitimate, tyrannical government by sending the military out to murder them?

I doubt Swindell appreciates it, but he’s actually making a powerful case against gun-control lunacy. The only argument he can advance in favor of gun control is a false choice between his preferred agenda, and a new Civil War. His ideas are so weak that he can only advance them by slandering his opponents with bloody lies. He’s written the kind of screed gun-rights advocates can hold up as a sign of their opponents’ intellectual bankruptcy. Somebody’s having violent fantasies about murdering his political opponents here, and it’s not the guys who insist the Second Amendment means what it says.

And his opinion of the U.S. military is deeply insulting, if he thinks they would follow illegal orders to brutally murder political dissidents. (He also apparently has no idea how Hellfire missiles and F-22 Raptors work – he probably just heard the terms while watching TV.) ”We are not a tin pot banana republic where machine gun toting rebel groups storm the palace and depose the dictator?” No, but apparently Swindell thinks we are the sort of tin pot banana republic where the dictator can send out death squads to obliterate people who criticize his regime with too much vigor.

I certainly hope some deranged left-winger like Floyd Lee Corkins doesn’t take Swindell’s garbage as inspiration to show up at a National Rifle Association office with murder weapons and a bag of Chick-fil-A sandwiches.

The folly and mendacity of this screed are as damning as Swindell’s daydream of violent oppression. And he’s supposed to be training the next generation of journalists? There is no justification for allowing the author of something this weak and offensive anywhere near students.

Let the professor through to the front lines:laughing7:

Let the professor through to the front lines:laughing7:
You'll note he said the Army should do it. Typical cowardly elitist. I'll guarantee he's never served in the military.

That guy is seriously sick........

I am really getting tired of some of obama's minions and their rhetoric...... The gulf between the left and the right is becoming a huge chasm..

That's why they invented DEpends lib's like this are so full of crap they need them Typical Pussey.

I am tired of it as well. They hide and spew the venom which infects our children. I'm older and not so much a Superman anymore. But I would just love 10 minutes in the ring with them, or on the street, or just about anywhere. This is NOT my USA, and it will NOT be theirs. We are arising now. God save the USA from people like him.

But I would just love 10 minutes in the ring with them,

You just may get the chance,wont be in the ring though,more like in highnoon style.

I can do High Noon :) I'll Nerf them to submission :)

I can do High Noon I'll Nerf them to submission

No need to,you'll have the real thing.Once everything kicks into high gear there will be plenty of never fired and only dropped once laying around.

Well, obviously this professor has tenure and can say and teach whatever is on his own agenda. And don't sell the kids short. They choose profs the new way. They could care less about right or left. They go to rate my professor.com and search for the easy or interesting ones. I am going to go look this guy up. Just did- Pretty good rating, liked by students. They say he's a commie and belongs at Berkely, but overall very positive rating. Sorry, but kids overlook a great deal when in college. As for the NRA, I just bet he isn't the only one that feels that way. He(and they) don't understand what the organization represents and don't take the time to learn. THAT is the sign of a close minded educator...

Well, obviously this professor has tenure and can say and teach whatever is on his own agenda. And don't sell the kids short. They choose profs the new way. They could care less about right or left. They go to rate my professor.com and search for the easy or interesting ones. I am going to go look this guy up. Just did- Pretty good rating, liked by students. They say he's a commie and belongs at Berkely, but overall very positive rating. Sorry, but kids overlook a great deal when in college. As for the NRA, I just bet he isn't the only one that feels that way. He(and they) don't understand what the organization represents and don't take the time to learn. THAT is the sign of a close minded educator...

And Austin, that is a sign of the future - after they have Soylent Greened all of us. Wonder how I will taste to them........ Hope they upchuck me and I stick in their throat....

Well, opinions are like a______s, everybody has one.

Here's the cover of the American Rifleman from April 2013. I think this is over the top as well.


Well, opinions are like a______s, everybody has one.

Here's the cover of the American Rifleman from April 2013. I think this is over the top as well.

View attachment 847006

You may be right about the opinion thing except for the poor person who has a colostomy bag. So there for, they have no opinion.

You may be right about the opinion thing except for the poor person who has a colostomy bag. So there for, they have no opinion.

That just doesn't have the same sound to it .......... :laughing9:

Well, opinions are like a______s, everybody has one.

Here's the cover of the American Rifleman from April 2013. I think this is over the top as well.

View attachment 847006

I do not understand what is over the top about it? Is it because he wants to take our guns but uses one for a photo op?

Perhaps the youth of today has more on their minds then revolution, fear, armed insurrection, and all out rebellion...

If senior citizens want to stick their heels into the mud and declare the end of free civilization as we know it then so be it. There are a lot of us with more then a couple of dozen years left to live that are not ready to die in a hail of bullets for an empty cause. Mr. Trebek, I'll take democracy, due process, free will, and the supreme court's interpretation of the constitution for 2000.

Never let reason and rationally get in the way of a good rant,

Free Will Crispin? There is no free will in a police state! Due process? PSSSSH. Democracy????= 2 wolves and a sheep voting on dinner. I still loved the representative republic we had enjoyed for so long.

The problem with youth is they do not understand the concept of liberty and freedom !

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Perhaps the youth of today has more on their minds then revolution, fear, armed insurrection, and all out rebellion...

If senior citizens want to stick their heels into the mud and declare the end of free civilization as we know it then so be it. There are a lot of us with more then a couple of dozen years left to live that are not ready to die in a hail of bullets for an empty cause. Mr. Trebek, I'll take democracy, due process, free will, and the supreme court's interpretation of the constitution for 2000.

Never let reason and rationally get in the way of a good rant,

Mr Trebek, I will take liberty over tyranny and false freedoms for $1000......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

OMG, I hate to say this, but I agree with Crispin. Well said Doc. I am 65 voted for the President (twice), am not happy with the outcome, but KNOW that there is another election coming. Vote for the candidate of your choice, but VOTE...

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