The library of Oz part 2
T. Latin=Templum (temple)
0. The symbol from the language of Atlantis
B. Latin: bibliotheca (library)
Additionally the scribe shows a understanding of Hebrew by presenting the letters as he did thus distinguishing T.O.B. from a hebrew word for good. See artifact 20.
Artifact 13 is a fan-shaped Labarum. Chief elements of this artifact are battle axes, a map of the known world of the people, and on both sides of the artifact is a carving of a temple. Directly under each temple are the letters TOL. Those letters stand for the following:
T Latin=Templum(temple)
O The symbol from the language of Atlantis
L Latin: Liber the word for book.
The scribe who used B reflects how an apprentice would reference the library. The use of L reflects a more educated individual who saw the essence of the library as books and in the case of the tablets left by the ancients what better word than books. These temples are three illustrations of the Library of Oz on the Tucson Artifacts. But this is only a way point in the mystery it is not the end. The three temples on the artifacts that housed the holy were located in three different locations. The temple shown on artifact 6 was located in the Superstition Mountains. The temple on artifact 13A is in Rhoda, the temple on artifact 13B was located near the Colorado River. What is in the temple in Rhoda(underground) and what was in the temple near the Colorado River that relates to O is not important for now.
I would now like to turn briefly to the general issue of the nature of authentic history. Authentic history is difficult to define but when you see it you know it is there. An attempt at authentic history in regards to the Tucson Artifacts requires examining the artifacts as a discoverer would attempt to understand a new world. Indeed the world revealed by the artifacts is a new world. Yet at the same time it is a gate to a very ancient world. Look at the artifacts in a sense of wonder and they may reveal their secrets. Several small examples. On artifact 13 is an image of two battle axes. Why is this important? Because the use of battle axes is a very specific indicator of the modern settlers of Calalus. Then explore Tevis`s work, “Arizona in the 50`s”, where Tevis presents a native american oral history about a great army that used “broad-bladed hatchets with deadly effect”. Page 132. In fact the story that is presented in Tevis`s work is similar to much of the history of Calalus that is engraved on the Tucson Artifacts. See pages 132-137. Captain Tevis died in Tucson at the age of 70 in 1905. Next delve into the history of Battle Axe Road and the surrounding area. I would imagine there is a site near by where a horrible battle occurred with one side using battle axes with terrible efficiency.
Other examples of the opportunity for authentic historical effort would be to study why tridents appear on artifacts 7A, 18A, 18B. Explain the significance of Artifact 2 being made from Caliche, and why is the temple base on 6B, “very similar to the temple base found at Mitla, Yucatan”? Laura Ostrander page 109, “The Tucson Artifacts” Thomas Bent. And last but not least a fundamental area of research would be to explain the significance of the letters VOC that exists beneath the world map on artifact 6A.
There is much wisdom in Captain Tevis`s work, and his firsthand accounts point to how little we understand the history of America.
T. Latin=Templum (temple)
0. The symbol from the language of Atlantis
B. Latin: bibliotheca (library)
Additionally the scribe shows a understanding of Hebrew by presenting the letters as he did thus distinguishing T.O.B. from a hebrew word for good. See artifact 20.
Artifact 13 is a fan-shaped Labarum. Chief elements of this artifact are battle axes, a map of the known world of the people, and on both sides of the artifact is a carving of a temple. Directly under each temple are the letters TOL. Those letters stand for the following:
T Latin=Templum(temple)
O The symbol from the language of Atlantis
L Latin: Liber the word for book.
The scribe who used B reflects how an apprentice would reference the library. The use of L reflects a more educated individual who saw the essence of the library as books and in the case of the tablets left by the ancients what better word than books. These temples are three illustrations of the Library of Oz on the Tucson Artifacts. But this is only a way point in the mystery it is not the end. The three temples on the artifacts that housed the holy were located in three different locations. The temple shown on artifact 6 was located in the Superstition Mountains. The temple on artifact 13A is in Rhoda, the temple on artifact 13B was located near the Colorado River. What is in the temple in Rhoda(underground) and what was in the temple near the Colorado River that relates to O is not important for now.
I would now like to turn briefly to the general issue of the nature of authentic history. Authentic history is difficult to define but when you see it you know it is there. An attempt at authentic history in regards to the Tucson Artifacts requires examining the artifacts as a discoverer would attempt to understand a new world. Indeed the world revealed by the artifacts is a new world. Yet at the same time it is a gate to a very ancient world. Look at the artifacts in a sense of wonder and they may reveal their secrets. Several small examples. On artifact 13 is an image of two battle axes. Why is this important? Because the use of battle axes is a very specific indicator of the modern settlers of Calalus. Then explore Tevis`s work, “Arizona in the 50`s”, where Tevis presents a native american oral history about a great army that used “broad-bladed hatchets with deadly effect”. Page 132. In fact the story that is presented in Tevis`s work is similar to much of the history of Calalus that is engraved on the Tucson Artifacts. See pages 132-137. Captain Tevis died in Tucson at the age of 70 in 1905. Next delve into the history of Battle Axe Road and the surrounding area. I would imagine there is a site near by where a horrible battle occurred with one side using battle axes with terrible efficiency.
Other examples of the opportunity for authentic historical effort would be to study why tridents appear on artifacts 7A, 18A, 18B. Explain the significance of Artifact 2 being made from Caliche, and why is the temple base on 6B, “very similar to the temple base found at Mitla, Yucatan”? Laura Ostrander page 109, “The Tucson Artifacts” Thomas Bent. And last but not least a fundamental area of research would be to explain the significance of the letters VOC that exists beneath the world map on artifact 6A.
There is much wisdom in Captain Tevis`s work, and his firsthand accounts point to how little we understand the history of America.