Hal Croves
Silver Member
Thanks Joe,
Would you like me to recommend a good college?
Science is often proven wrong especially when it comes to the age of deposits etc... Even Gold deposits in some theory's form a lot faster than the thousands or millions of years science assumes...watched some pretty interesting lectures about the relation to fault lines and mineral deposits...we just don't understand enough about what is really happening
The right combination of sediment could easily form a thick hard crust over a matter of a few years imo...especially as violent as some of the monsoon foods can be...
OK. Then what happened?
Regarding the Tucson artifacts - I don't have much of an opinion because I haven't looked into the subject much. My take on this is to be cautious about using "science" to drive your arguments.
Carbon dating is a controversial subject once you stray beyond the dogmatic stance. Anatoly Fomenko, the Russian mathematician, is probably the highest profile infidel/devil - History: Fiction or Science? Dating methods as offered by mathematical statistics. Eclipses and zodiacs. Chronology Vol.I: Anatoly Fomenko, Franck Tamdhu, Polina Zinoviev: 9782913621077: Amazon.com: Books - but by no means is he the only one to call into question the reliability of this scientific protocol. Below is a quick smattering of typical problems. If you wish to spend more than two minutes, I'm sure you can collect hundreds of similar "error messages":
"When the blood of a seal, freshly killed at McMurdo Sound in the Antarctic was tested by carbon-14, it showed the seal had died 1,300 years ago."
From W. Dort Jr., Ph.D. -- Geology, Professor, University of Kansas
"The hair on the Chekurovka mammoth was found to have a carbon-14 age of 26,000 years but the peaty soil in which it was preserved was found to have a carbon-14 dating of only 5,600 years."
From "Dry bones and other fossils,” by Dr. Gary Parker
"Scientists got dates of 164 million and 3 billion years for two Hawaiian lava flows. But these lava flows happened only about 200 years ago in 1800 and 1801.
From “Radiocarbon Journal, Vol. 8, 1966.”
"The Carbon-14 contents of the shells of the snails of Melanoides tuberculatus living today in artesian springs in southern Nevada indicate an apparent age of 27,000 years."
From “Science, vol 224 (1984) 58-6”, Alan C. Riggs
"In the light what is known about the radiocarbon method and the way it is used, it is truly astonishing that many authors will cite agreeable determinations as a "proof" for their beliefs. The implications of pervasive contamination and ancient variations in carbon-14 levels are steadfastly ignored by those who based their argument upon the dates. The radiocarbon method is still not capable of yielding accurate and reliable results. There are gross discrepancies, the chronology is uneven and relative, and the accepted dates are actually selected dates.
’This whole blessed thing is nothing but 13th-century alchemy, and it all depends upon which funny paper you read’."
From “Radiocarbon: Ages in Error, Anthropological Journal of Canada”, Robert E. Lee
[Of course Fomenko's carbon dating opinions support his equally heretic work on historical chronology - the Jesuit groupies here might be interested in what he has to say about that, vis-a-vis Dionysius Petavius.]
You wrote : " How long in your opinion would it take to dissolve an organic material like bees wax if it were encased in calcium carbonate? "
From what we know from the Bent's work , the beeswax was found inside the artifacts and none was on the exterior ( regardless of whether the " scientists " at the University managed to lose it ) . The wax was used to preserve the interior of the artifacts and their messages as long as possible .
Why to use this type of preservation if the artifacts had been created in the 1890`s and simply dumped at the site ?
You wrote : " How long in your opinion would it take to dissolve an organic material like bees wax if it were encased in calcium carbonate? "
From what we know from the Bent's work , the beeswax was found inside the artifacts and none was on the exterior ( regardless of whether the " scientists " at the University managed to lose it ) . The wax was used to preserve the interior of the artifacts and their messages as long as possible .
Why to use this type of preservation if the artifacts had been created in the 1890`s and simply dumped at the site ?
You are sure how that stinking wax could be find at the bottom of your alleged " heart " ?
Because one bird told me how the wax was animal fat .
Who had interest to hide this information ?
Oh , but I know ... is hard to rewrite the History . Is hard to break the Matrix .
I am sorry . I told this to tease you . I wanted to put little oil in the fire .
I respect your research and what you believe is the right " heart " .
Gentlemen......and Roy,
Thank you for your kind wishes. I fear you may be outnumbered by the other side. I can live quite well with that.
Take care,
You wrote : " How long in your opinion would it take to dissolve an organic material like bees wax if it were encased in calcium carbonate? "
From what we know from the Bent's work , the beeswax was found inside the artifacts and none was on the exterior ( regardless of whether the " scientists " at the University managed to lose it ) . The wax was used to preserve the interior of the artifacts and their messages as long as possible .
Why to use this type of preservation if the artifacts had been created in the 1890`s and simply dumped at the site ?