Oroblanco. In my opinion.
There's a reason why there was a story about the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis would have no other way to really explain what had happened, to them one day its there, the next its gone. Atlantis the place,and the real atlanteans left this earth.thats why neither will ever be found. what the real atlanteans left behind was the people of atlantis, now equipped with the knowledge and
the word given them by the real atlanteans. following the story of the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis set out to teach others what they needed to know to live and learn and advance as a civilization in everyway. over time they would not get to realize there goals due to greed and war.
therefor you are left with "O" the end of civilization. sealing and marking their warehouses with the "O" petroglyphs.sealing in the knowledge of the real atlanteans and the knowledge of the people of atlantis. then later in time , you have a group armed with the information and knowledge to find these places.this group took the name calalus. np:cat:

Not Peralta wrote
Oroblanco, have some if you read post 160, starman tells you how "O" is used. np

Yes I had read it and understood it when he posted it, but for the benefit of our readers whom do not post here is the relevant passage referred to by Not Peralta:

<Starman1 posted:>
The phrase, the library of Oz, is used in recent times to designate our most holy place in the Superstitions. It both reveals and conceals. It points to the root symbol of O but covers it within the designation of Oz.

When our people uncovered the library complex directly above the entrance was the symbol O. In the 20th century, as a result of some significant breakthroughs in understanding the language of Atlantis, we came to realize this symbol closely resembles in meaning the Greek symbol for Omega. And this does make a great deal of sense.
When these survivors of Atlantis abandoned the complex and went who knows where they sealed up the library and carved their symbol for the end. Their world had ended and the library was a testament to that world and all that led up to its destruction. After the library`s discovery our people added a library which included our history and many, many works from the ancient world.


I still respectfully disagree that linking "O" with Omega mades a great deal of sense. To me it does not make sense at all. "O" is the endless circle, used by some cultures to indicate "infinity" or "continuity" and certainly not as END which is the meaning of Omega.

Thank you for bringing that post to my attention again however Not Peralta, for it helps point up one of the contradictions in this Calalus-Oz story from Starman1. Here is what I am referring to:

<snip>When our people uncovered the library complex directly above the entrance was the symbol O. In the 20th century, as a result of some significant breakthroughs in understanding the language of Atlantis <snip>

Elsewhere, you and Starman1 have stated that their people "found" the site(s) and the directions on the lead artifacts helped in finding them. So how could these sites have been "guarded" for over a thousand years, if they didn't even know where they were? This appears to be quite a contradiction.

Oroblanco. In my opinion.
There's a reason why there was a story about the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis would have no other way to really explain what had happened, to them one day its there, the next its gone. Atlantis the place,and the real atlanteans left this earth.thats why neither will ever be found. what the real atlanteans left behind was the people of atlantis, now equipped with the knowledge and
the word given them by the real atlanteans. following the story of the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis set out to teach others what they needed to know to live and learn and advance as a civilization in everyway. over time they would not get to realize there goals due to greed and war.
therefor you are left with "O" the end of civilization. sealing and marking their warehouses with the "O" petroglyphs.sealing in the knowledge of the real atlanteans and the knowledge of the people of atlantis. then later in time , you have a group armed with the information and knowledge to find these places.this group took the name calalus. np

Several points here that are interesting; first, the Atlantians "left this earth" - do you mean physically, as in leaving the planet, or spiritually, as in their bodies died and spirits left for another realm?

If you mean that they left this earth, physically, then how do we account for Plato's description, which is echoed by virtually every other source on Atlantis, namely earthquakes and floods, not departing the planet. Are you saying that this part of the story is made up, to account for the missing cities etc?

You have now added another aspect to the story - "warehouses". What do you mean when you say "warehouses"? Large storage buildings or underground chambers? Storing what, exactly? Weapons, tools, artifacts, furnishings, pottery etc, or tablets, like a library? Are these warehouses also in the Superstition mountains?

Thank you in advance, that is if you will even answer these questions.
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:


Oroblanco. In my opinion.
There's a reason why there was a story about the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis would have no other way to really explain what had happened, to them one day its there, the next its gone. Atlantis the place,and the real atlanteans left this earth.thats why neither will ever be found. what the real atlanteans left behind was the people of atlantis, now equipped with the knowledge and
the word given them by the real atlanteans. following the story of the destruction of atlantis,the people of atlantis set out to teach others what they needed to know to live and learn and advance as a civilization in everyway. over time they would not get to realize there goals due to greed and war.
therefor you are left with "O" the end of civilization. sealing and marking their warehouses with the "O" petroglyphs.sealing in the knowledge of the real atlanteans and the knowledge of the people of atlantis. then later in time , you have a group armed with the information and knowledge to find these places.this group took the name calalus. np:cat:


Is this stuff you have just always known, or is someone feeding you the narrative?:dontknow:


Joe Ribaudo


" The phrase, the library of Oz, is used in recent times to designate our most holy place in the Superstitions. It both reveals and conceals. It points to the root symbol of O but covers it within the designation of Oz.

O - conceals and Ω - reveals .

Oroblanco, since starman has already chosen to share the story its not my fault you cannot understand it, there for if he feels it necessary to come back on and explain it again so people can
have a second chance to understand it, that's up to starman, its not up to me,i know the story, I am not the one that just posted the story. every one had a chance to talk to starman when he was
posting. the proof is right in front of you. don't take someone elses word about the lead artifacts research them yourself. listen to starmans story, then study the lead artifacts and the stone tablets and every thing else that pertains to them, the answer is there. ,you are not the determining factor of whether this story is true or not, and you do not speak for every one else, you can only speak for yourself, go with your own intuitions, np:cat: ps. just for your sake, I hope starman comes back and explains every thing one more time.

oroblanco, really, how can you not understand this, its very simple, np:cat:

cactusjumper, this has been a long running tradition, on my thread check post 778, june2013, np:cat:

cactusjumper, this has been a long running tradition, on my thread check post 778, june2013, np:cat:


You call that "a long running tradition"?

I started researching this fable back in January of 2007. I have purchased or acquired everything that applied to the Tucson artifacts, and a good deal more that only touches on the periphery of the story. In all that time the stuff you have been coming up with lately, has never been hinted at.

[TABLE="class: tablebg"]
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[TD="align: center"]eldorado

[TD="class: gensmall"] Post subject: Calalus
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm
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[TD="class: postdetails"]Part Timer

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:48 pm
Posts: 134[/TD]
Hello Randy,

Klondike has a way with words. Pretty much to the point. In one sentence he summed everything up.

The holy, the sacred, not words that we have used lightly. Words that were importent to the people who perished in the Canyon of the Souls and to the folks who have cared for the area for over a 150 years.

From what we can tell the last remaining citizens of Calalus fled to this most sacred of places to their people. Here the remaining religious leaders placed their most cherished items in the other, sealed it up and prepared to fight one last battle with the Toltecs.

Quite a battle it was. Many gatekeepers, Toltecs, and the leadership of the city were slain. When it was all over the bodies were left where they fell. Ironically enough Christians, Jews, and Moslems fought together and died together that day. All on the same side.

Peacefully they remained until the Peralta`s disturbed their slumber in the search for gold. There was plenty of that but far more. The last remaining resting place not just for the dead but for a people. A people who only wanted to live in peace.

Once this was understood, the place was hidden and known by only a few. Those few are some of the most famous dutch hunters ever known.

Jim Bark did not spend all of that time on the Salt River for a two cent gold mine. It was just an excuse to help preserve the sacred.

Jacob yes he too was a gatekeeper. He kept his secrets well. Who knows one day this present generation of dutchhunters may even get his last name right.

Now that the truth is known it is really not importent it is believed. One day it will be. Perhaps in a time that is better than this one. A time when folks can appreciate what man can become, because once he was, not simply what he is today.

Well time for a card game. When in Rome do as the Romans.

Take Care,



This story has been evolving since 2007 in the LDM community. Your version is just the latest twist in a very twisted/convoluted story.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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cactusjumper, I just made a point to let you know this was not the first time I mentioned it on ldm. np:cat:

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cactusjumper, I just made a point to let you know this was not the first time I mentioned it on ldm. np:cat:


OK, your an old hand at the subject. Have you read "Calalus"? Have you read Bent's Manuscript? Can you tell me what "evidence" you have laid your hands on? Where did you get this latest information you have been posting? What's your opinion on the age of the caliche the artifacts were buried in?

Thanks in advance,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper, yes I am, no I have not, yes I read it a long time ago, I could if I really wanted to but its still in the mnts its permanent, I probably got it when I was 8years old,
never really had one did not matter to me was not important.np:cat:

cactusjumper, yes I am, no I have not, yes I read it a long time ago, I could if I really wanted to but its still in the mnts its permanent, I probably got it when I was 8years old,
never really had one did not matter to me was not important.np:cat:


Thank you for your effusive reply.

After your generous sharing of knowledge, I believe I now know everything that you know about this subject.

Thank you again,

Joe Ribaudo

:director: I wish you did know what I know about this subject, then there wouldn't be any :BangHead:there would only be:love7: np:cat:

:director: I wish you did know what I know about this subject, then there wouldn't be any :BangHead:there would only be:love7: np:cat:


I don't believe there is any :BangHead::BangHead: out here. I understand everything you write and simply sit at my keyboard and soak up the wisdom of the ancients, through you:director: their conduit to the masses.:wav::wav::wav:

I believe it was very, very important that they pick the right person to pass along this historic information. I also believe that you are that perfect person.:notworthy:

Many thanks,

Joe Ribaudo

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The library of Oz final chapter


In my previous post I established that the library of Oz is recorded on the Tucson Artifacts. The library complex is memorialized in the three temples that are shown on Artifacts 6 and 13 by the letters T, L, B, and the symbol O. It was further established that these artifacts were created by two different scribes. Artifact 6 was created by an apprentice scribe in the last days of the people while artifact 13 was created by a different scribe who exhibits a more advanced knowledge of his craft and the history of the people.

Given the above I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to anyone who has not seen the artifacts in person to do so. If you cannot, excellent photographs of the artifacts are presented in the Bent work. Such a visit will place you in the presence of two artifacts that not only open the gates to Calalus but also to Atlantis. When you look at the O you are gazing back over 10000 years to a civilization that many people believe is a myth. It is not a myth.

Since my post there have been several questions raised that reflect a genuine interest in authentic history and I would like to respond to those question here instead of a piecemeal approach in private correspondence.

  1. Is the diplodocus that is carved on artifact 12 an image from the library? Yes
  2. How many texts are in the library? A bit over 1500 tablets left by the people of Atlantis. The tablets as you probably suspect were made from an alloy of copper/gold.
  3. Can you provide more detail of the maps found? The maps present a very detailed look at the Americas at the time of the explorers from Atlantis. The maps indicate the location of numerous sites in all of the Americas. Good catch by N.P. This was hinted at in our designation of the holy as the library of Oz. The letters Oz covers the O within the designation of Oz. It is also true that the symbol O covers the designation of Z. As Marius has astutely observed these symbols both conceal and reveal. There is one map that shows Calalus and its relationship to Atlantis and other places. Atlantis was located in the general area that Plato indicated just a great deal south.
  4. Why did the Ancients utilize the symbol O for the end? I really do not know. Remember that we are not only talking about a different language but a different world view. An example would be the word love. The ancients had 37 different words for love that indicates an incredible sophistication and recognition of nuances in this concept. In terms of functionality and simple beauty the likes of this language has never been seen again. Another observation that can be drawn from a reading of the tablets is that the ancient world is a great deal more complex than imagined. So far we have identified 6 languages that have obviously fallen off the radar completely.
  5. Explain the comment that Gatekeepers have been in the Superstitions over a 1000 years. Glad to. After the holocaust, there were fewer than 200 survivors. Our people spread east and settled in what became the states of Georgia, the Carolinas, and as far north as New York. We do suspect however that some survivors made their way south and perhaps a few made their way back to the Middle East. Eventually the biggest colony would migrate to South Africa for reasons that are not important to this discussion. Year’s later explorers would return to the Southwest to locate and care for the library. These explorers both men and women we refer to as Gatekeepers thus honoring the men and women who fell defending the sacred. Obviously these folks had other ways of finding the holy than the Tucson Artifacts. Primarily the oral traditions of the people and certain items that survived the holocaust such as a complete version of the Critias which enabled our original explorers to locate the library to begin with. It was a bit harder without the Tucson Artifacts, which had been dumped in a marshy area of what was to become Arizona to make room for survivors, but doable. Having said this the lives saved from dumping the artifacts was a fair bargain.

In my previous post I mentioned briefly the notion of authentic historical research and would like to revisit this discussion briefly by way of what authentic historical research is not.

In reading your efforts several things step out to illustrate my concern. First you have not acquainted yourself with the most important work regarding the Tucson Artifacts. That is the Thomas Bent work, “The Tucson Artifacts”. This work is a must for any serious historical effort to understand the discovery of the artifacts and the events surrounding the discovery. Your failure to do so represents a serious error in historical methodology. Next you tell us you have not seen the artifacts and therefore have not in person examined them for yourself. This is another serious error because your stance prevents you from a direct contact with the main historical text regarding Calalus. Simply put I estimate that not over 20% of what is going on with the artifacts has ever been understand. Who knows maybe you would be the individual who could uncover things that others have missed. Additionally you have indicated an aversion to getting your hands dirty. The simple fact is that without spending the time searching for the very remains you contend are not there you are simply ensuring that perhaps things will not be found. At least by you. And last by not engaging the artifacts and their history you fall back on a history that the Tucson Artifacts bring into question. You then use this history to attack the artifacts. Is this real history? No.

An authentic historical effort by you would involve sometimes the simplest things and that begins by recognizing the importance of the correct questions. For example a historian would not be so concerned with the fact that you were in Fish Creek Canyon but would try to understand why we were there. Also why are these revelations being made now, and does this suggest what may come.

In addition if you would take the time to examining artifact 13, as I suggested, you would find other things that I did not mention that are very important to understand what has transpired with the artifacts. For example when Covey examined artifact 13 he made a remarkable observation. What is that observation and why is it important? What does it tell us?

Also an authentic historical effort requires one not to take steps that alienates and shuts down sources. In your comments you have indicated if the history is true then folks need to go to prison. If the story is fiction then we are dealing with a Nazi fairy tale. Do you really believe this is the type of thing to tell folks who might share more with you regarding the most important historical discovery the world has seen?

As always your comments are entertaining. It is good to see your have been reading. Hope it does some good.

In conclusion I would like to leave as I leave everyone with the following thought:

“If you are only interested in proving a hoax I can only smile and wish you well. If you are interested in finding the truth you may or not succeed but you will be better for the journey. For us Calalus, the Library of Oz, and the Canyon of Souls are very, very real. If what you discover takes you down a different trail that is fine. Go there in good spirit”.



Extra coffee alert - long reply, I ask your indulgence.

Starman1 wrote
How many texts are in the library? A bit over 1500 tablets left by the people of Atlantis. The tablets as you probably suspect were made from an alloy of copper/gold

Please post photos of at least one (1) of these tablets; also, how is the writing on them composed? Is it left to right, up and down (vertical) or what? What alphabet is used or is it heiroglyphic, cuneiform or ??? What language(s) are they written in?

Starman1 also wrote
Explain the comment that Gatekeepers have been in the Superstitions over a 1000 years. Glad to. After the holocaust, there were fewer than 200 survivors. Our people spread east and settled in what became the states of Georgia, the Carolinas, and as far north as New York. We do suspect however that some survivors made their way south and perhaps a few made their way back to the Middle East. Eventually the biggest colony would migrate to South Africa for reasons that are not important to this discussion. Year’s later explorers would return to the Southwest to locate and care for the library. These explorers both men and women we refer to as Gatekeepers thus honoring the men and women who fell defending the sacred. Obviously these folks had other ways of finding the holy than the Tucson Artifacts. Primarily the oral traditions of the people and certain items that survived the holocaust such as a complete version of the Critias which enabled our original explorers to locate the library to begin with. It was a bit harder without the Tucson Artifacts, which had been dumped in a marshy area of what was to become Arizona to make room for survivors, but doable. Having said this the lives saved from dumping the artifacts was a fair bargain.

So were "your people" guarding the sites and artifacts for over 1000 years or were these sites and artifacts only recently (less than 1000 years) found? I do not see how the sites can be guarded when the locations were not known.

What other evidence is there of this "holocaust" you keep referring to, besides the Tucson artifacts story? How did survivors "migrate" to South Africa, did they build ships in America and sail there? What other evidence is there to support this exodus and new colony in S. Africa?

Who wrote the remainder of your "complete" version of the Critias, since it is fairly well established that Plato never finished it?

Starman1 also wrote
In reading your efforts several things step out to illustrate my concern. First you have not acquainted yourself with the most important work regarding the Tucson Artifacts. That is the Thomas Bent work, "The Tucson Artifacts". This work is a must for any serious historical effort to understand the discovery of the artifacts and the events surrounding the discovery. Your failure to do so represents a serious error in historical methodology. Next you tell us you have not seen the artifacts and therefore have not in person examined them for yourself. This is another serious error because your stance prevents you from a direct contact with the main historical text regarding Calalus. Simply put I estimate that not over 20% of what is going on with the artifacts has ever been understand. Who knows maybe you would be the individual who could uncover things that others have missed. Additionally you have indicated an aversion to getting your hands dirty. The simple fact is that without spending the time searching for the very remains you contend are not there you are simply ensuring that perhaps things will not be found. At least by you. And last by not engaging the artifacts and their history you fall back on a history that the Tucson Artifacts bring into question. You then use this history to attack the artifacts. Is this real history? No.

Obviously you have no idea what I have done or am willing to do; I am not willing to be sent on any WILD GOOSE CHASE, but have no problems hiking, digging, or delving well underground for REAL things. I have pointed out to you several times one of my biggest objections to these objects, that they are virtually an 'island' of evidence, with NO supporting documentation or even a legend from the Old World, of any exodus of this assortment of people (Celts, Jews, Romans, Samaritans etc) in the correct time period and NO supporting artifact/inscription finds elsewhere in the Americas to indicate the presence or passing of such a fleet and colony. When I asked you to post some of your portion of Critias which is not in the widely available version, you have avoided doing so. Why? Would we immediately be able to see a problem with it?

Starman1 also wrote
An authentic historical effort by you would involve sometimes the simplest things and that begins by recognizing the importance of the correct questions. For example a historian would not be so concerned with the fact that you were in Fish Creek Canyon but would try to understand why we were there. Also why are these revelations being made now, and does this suggest what may come.

In addition if you would take the time to examining artifact 13, as I suggested, you would find other things that I did not mention that are very important to understand what has transpired with the artifacts. For example when Covey examined artifact 13 he made a remarkable observation. What is that observation and why is it important? What does it tell us?

Also an authentic historical effort requires one not to take steps that alienates and shuts down sources. In your comments you have indicated if the history is true then folks need to go to prison. If the story is fiction then we are dealing with a Nazi fairy tale. Do you really believe this is the type of thing to tell folks who might share more with you regarding the most important historical discovery the world has seen?

I would strongly suggest that you read the US Antiquities Act, for your story of having found, removed, and then smuggled out of the country, HUMAN REMAINS, are indeed FELONIES. I would also highly recommend that you study the Nazi Aryan mythology and what that was used for, complete with the "special people" idea to see how such ideas can be used in a very dark way. Your stories are not SO far different. To save you some time, here is that law referred to:

American Antiquities Act of 1906 (16USC431-433)

See also the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

and also
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979
NPS Archeology Program: The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA)

This is just for starters, not touching on Arizona statutes, International law as well as South African law. When I asked if you were telling the truth or had made up the story, you refused to answer (a regular pattern for you) which hardly helps build confidence in what you say.

You claim this Calalus/Oz (which by rights ought to be separate, as only YOU have presented all these statements about any "library", "temple" as well as the rest of the added on story not present on the Calalus artifacts) to be "the most important historical discovery the world has ever seen" and yet WITHHOLD all of the pertinent information; like photos of these underground chambers, tunnels etc, the tablets, what is written on them verbatim and translated, your supposed "complete version of Critias" which is highly doubtful since Plutarch stated that Plato never finished it. If you REALLY have any of this material, it is practically a crime against humanity to be withholding it, keeping it from 'we the people' since rightly it belongs to all of us not just your "group".

Frankly, you and your supporter NP here have shown an inability to answer rather simple questions, an inability to understand or grasp the concept of the comparison of the Aryan mythology to the stories you have posted, yet at the same time projecting an attitude of having "superior knowledge" which is far from conducive to a realistic, practical study of the Calalus artifacts or your stories. If anything your evasive replies and repeated refusal to answer simple questions only serves to raise greater doubts about your veracity and of the artifacts as well. The story you have posted is of a series of criminal acts, and if you really have an ancient "library" of tablets and a complete version of Critias that is genuine, by withholding these from the public, you are committing a virtual crime against humanity for these artifacts and any texts belong to we the people, not you and your group. Nowhere on the Calalus artifacts do we find the name Starman or Not Peralta to prove ownership.

Good luck Starman1 and anyone reading this, I think I am done here. I will leave you with some strong coffee, it looks like it may be needed.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:




I must admit, it's a tough book to read......for me. I have been known to read the back of a cereal box, if nothing else was at hand, but this book did not hold my interest.:read2::sleepy2:

At this point the whole OZ story has reached the Ho-hum level. Believe Ben has finally run out of fresh/interesting material.

Still waiting for a picture of the library at OZ, or any of the other artifacts that were found there. Got pictures of one book from Atlantis?

Take care,


"I have been known to read the back of a cereal box, if nothing else was at hand, but this book did not hold my interest" LOL

Starman1 wrote

Please post photos of at least one (1) of these tablets; also, how is the writing on them composed? Is it left to right, up and down (vertical) or what? What alphabet is used or is it heiroglyphic, cuneiform or ??? What language(s) are they written in?

Starman1 also wrote

So were "your people" guarding the sites and artifacts for over 1000 years or were these sites and artifacts only recently (less than 1000 years) found? I do not see how the sites can be guarded when the locations were not known.

What other evidence is there of this "holocaust" you keep referring to, besides the Tucson artifacts story? How did survivors "migrate" to South Africa, did they build ships in America and sail there? What other evidence is there to support this exodus and new colony in S. Africa?

Who wrote the remainder of your "complete" version of the Critias, since it is fairly well established that Plato never finished it?

Starman1 also wrote

Obviously you have no idea what I have done or am willing to do; I am not willing to be sent on any WILD GOOSE CHASE, but have no problems hiking, digging, or delving well underground for REAL things. I have pointed out to you several times one of my biggest objections to these objects, that they are virtually an 'island' of evidence, with NO supporting documentation or even a legend from the Old World, of any exodus of this assortment of people (Celts, Jews, Romans, Samaritans etc) in the correct time period and NO supporting artifact/inscription finds elsewhere in the Americas to indicate the presence or passing of such a fleet and colony. When I asked you to post some of your portion of Critias which is not in the widely available version, you have avoided doing so. Why? Would we immediately be able to see a problem with it?

Starman1 also wrote

I would strongly suggest that you read the US Antiquities Act, for your story of having found, removed, and then smuggled out of the country, HUMAN REMAINS, are indeed FELONIES. I would also highly recommend that you study the Nazi Aryan mythology and what that was used for, complete with the "special people" idea to see how such ideas can be used in a very dark way. Your stories are not SO far different. To save you some time, here is that law referred to:

American Antiquities Act of 1906 (16USC431-433)

See also the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

and also
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979
NPS Archeology Program: The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA)

This is just for starters, not touching on Arizona statutes, International law as well as South African law. When I asked if you were telling the truth or had made up the story, you refused to answer (a regular pattern for you) which hardly helps build confidence in what you say.

You claim this Calalus/Oz (which by rights ought to be separate, as only YOU have presented all these statements about any "library", "temple" as well as the rest of the added on story not present on the Calalus artifacts) to be "the most important historical discovery the world has ever seen" and yet WITHHOLD all of the pertinent information; like photos of these underground chambers, tunnels etc, the tablets, what is written on them verbatim and translated, your supposed "complete version of Critias" which is highly doubtful since Plutarch stated that Plato never finished it. If you REALLY have any of this material, it is practically a crime against humanity to be withholding it, keeping it from 'we the people' since rightly it belongs to all of us not just your "group".

Frankly, you and your supporter NP here have shown an inability to answer rather simple questions, an inability to understand or grasp the concept of the comparison of the Aryan mythology to the stories you have posted, yet at the same time projecting an attitude of having "superior knowledge" which is far from conducive to a realistic, practical study of the Calalus artifacts or your stories. If anything your evasive replies and repeated refusal to answer simple questions only serves to raise greater doubts about your veracity and of the artifacts as well. The story you have posted is of a series of criminal acts, and if you really have an ancient "library" of tablets and a complete version of Critias that is genuine, by withholding these from the public, you are committing a virtual crime against humanity for these artifacts and any texts belong to we the people, not you and your group. Nowhere on the Calalus artifacts do we find the name Starman or Not Peralta to prove ownership.

Good luck Starman1 and anyone reading this, I think I am done here. I will leave you with some strong coffee, it looks like it may be needed.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:



Such a thing :D

Starman. A friend found a cave near Tucson. Above the cave entrance on top of the hill is a huge stone bird Under the bird is the cave with this figure on the back wall. Mt friend called it the Egyptian Princess. He also said at the base of this figure was a cap stone that rang hollow when hit. A depository?


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