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- #41
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Re: "La Magdalena" and other wrecks full of treasure in the east coast of Fl
Well I started this thread a few years ago looking for some answers…On and off I have worked on this investigation for about two and a half years finally I have been able to answer my own question……Where did the Madalena aka Magdalena wreck?
Royal orders reached Pedro Menendez in New Spain in
February, 1563. He was commanded to delay there until May
or June, and then to return via the usual route to Europe.
The King directed Bartolome Menendez to leave immediately
and be back in Spain by the end of April with the Tierra
Firme ships and bullion of Peru. Pedro Menendez did not
obey the order. He determined to sail straightaway from San Juan de Ulua
to Havana, join his brother there, and return to Spain with
the Tierra Firme vessels. Since the lead ships were not in
condition to navigate, Menendez prepared and designated his
own two galleons, Santa Maria and Magdalena and the patache
Santiago as Capitana , Almiranta, and escort. Only his own ships left New Spain, while the others were left behind.
The 5 ships that were lost in 1563 were part of the main body of the New Spain fleet that was commanded by Juan Menendez And the Madalena was not one of them the Madalena was privately owned by Pedro Menendez and brought back to spain among the 3 ships he brought... this can be confirm in AGI Contratacion 5167 and Patronato 19
More proof of it is the fact that her Capt was back in Spain in 1563..
Gonzalo Solis de Menas, in Pedro Menendez de Aviles , de-
scribes the 1563 case in some detail, from a viewpoint
thoroughly sympathetic to his brother-in-law, on pp. 64-70. The
unregistered bar silver was brought by Cristobal Rodriguez Garrucho,
master of Magdalena . Witnesses for the Casa alleged that it
was worth 688 pesos and was intended to be given to one
Diego de Molina by Capt. Diego de Amaya by orders of Pedro
Menendez. This can be confirmed in A.G.I. Justicia 865, No. 1, fol. 1.
So if you all want to know where the Magdalena sank and in what year... here it is…..
In 1564 While the Spanish were failing to discover or counter
the French moves in Florida, the armada of galleons belonging
to Pedro Menfendez moved around the Caribbean with the
Tierra Firme ships. Estaban de las Alas brought San Pelayo,
Santa Clara and Magdalena to Nombre de Dios. On August 13,
they left that port for Cartagena, and, three days later,
Magdalena was wrecked on the Darien coast.
Well I started this thread a few years ago looking for some answers…On and off I have worked on this investigation for about two and a half years finally I have been able to answer my own question……Where did the Madalena aka Magdalena wreck?
Royal orders reached Pedro Menendez in New Spain in
February, 1563. He was commanded to delay there until May
or June, and then to return via the usual route to Europe.
The King directed Bartolome Menendez to leave immediately
and be back in Spain by the end of April with the Tierra
Firme ships and bullion of Peru. Pedro Menendez did not
obey the order. He determined to sail straightaway from San Juan de Ulua
to Havana, join his brother there, and return to Spain with
the Tierra Firme vessels. Since the lead ships were not in
condition to navigate, Menendez prepared and designated his
own two galleons, Santa Maria and Magdalena and the patache
Santiago as Capitana , Almiranta, and escort. Only his own ships left New Spain, while the others were left behind.
The 5 ships that were lost in 1563 were part of the main body of the New Spain fleet that was commanded by Juan Menendez And the Madalena was not one of them the Madalena was privately owned by Pedro Menendez and brought back to spain among the 3 ships he brought... this can be confirm in AGI Contratacion 5167 and Patronato 19
More proof of it is the fact that her Capt was back in Spain in 1563..
Gonzalo Solis de Menas, in Pedro Menendez de Aviles , de-
scribes the 1563 case in some detail, from a viewpoint
thoroughly sympathetic to his brother-in-law, on pp. 64-70. The
unregistered bar silver was brought by Cristobal Rodriguez Garrucho,
master of Magdalena . Witnesses for the Casa alleged that it
was worth 688 pesos and was intended to be given to one
Diego de Molina by Capt. Diego de Amaya by orders of Pedro
Menendez. This can be confirmed in A.G.I. Justicia 865, No. 1, fol. 1.
So if you all want to know where the Magdalena sank and in what year... here it is…..
In 1564 While the Spanish were failing to discover or counter
the French moves in Florida, the armada of galleons belonging
to Pedro Menfendez moved around the Caribbean with the
Tierra Firme ships. Estaban de las Alas brought San Pelayo,
Santa Clara and Magdalena to Nombre de Dios. On August 13,
they left that port for Cartagena, and, three days later,
Magdalena was wrecked on the Darien coast.