La Madelena was reportedly lost on a shoal near cape canaveral* only 16 out of 300 survived --- source -- singers "shipwrecks of florida" -- he uses as his source-- marx's book "spanish treasure in florida waters, a billion dollar graveyard" 1979 -- later "updated" in 1985 and retitled as "shipwrecks in florida waters" --the part about it being lost near the cape canveral area must be in the 1979 book --the updated one fails to say where it was lost at oddly-- humm
the unnamed nao lost in 1600 was french built according to marxs "shipwrecks in the americas"
don't know if its the same "San Ignacio" but potter talks about a ship by that name in 12 ft of water near duck key P 229 (#36)---(no date of sinking but I think its a 1733 fleet wreck by the same "religious" name as that of the earlier vessel which is of course quite common)--- what makes me think that is potter has it linked with the San Fernando* P.228 (#33) off coffin's patch --*Chuck Mitchell of key largo said that he and others moved to marathon and dove 5 months before hitting the San Fernando -- said they found two 1732 pillar coins and many dated cobs found as well as a silver sword and many other items --
interesting note in his book "shipwrecks in florida waters" on p 70 (#25)-- marx notes that in 1571* or 2 that a letter written by was written by* Adelantado Pedro Menendez de Aviles (translated by --Jeanette Thrubar Conner in 1925 for the fla hist soc -- on page 31 vol 1 of a 2 vol set -- titled --"Colonial Records of Spanish Florida") -- that two ships going from mexico to santo domingo?* for a cargo of sugar and hides* was hit by a storm off of cape canveral*? and sank and most of the men were killed by indains while trying to return to st augustine 30 leagues away (30 leagues is 78 miles at 2.6 miles to the spanish leauge)-- I find it odd that if they were after sugar and hides* and going from mexico to santo domingo* ( a fairly straight across voyage) -- then how in gods name did they get so off course as to sink near cape canaveral? hummm --very strange--what if sugar and hides were code words being used for gold and silver? -- could the two vessels really be the two 1571 treasure galleons possibly? ( the offical record states that they didn't get to try a salvage ops for seveal months and nothing was found -- maybe because they were lost in area full of a lot of hostile indains? and the indains looted the wrecksites which is why nothing was found by them later) seems like he would not be bothered so much by a couple of sugar and hide ships -- and the question remains--- if they going "from mexico bound for santo domingo for sugar and hides""--then why they were lost near the cape? this is very very far from where they should have been at -- the area would be more likely the area where treasure ships would be lost travelling on thier return voyage loaded with treasure forr spain ,,, just thinking,,,
