...and cattle ranchers and meat packers like the Lykes Brothers- largest land owners in the US.
Florida's cattle industry got its start from those cracker cowboys and the Florida CSA "Cow Cavalry".
Notice the names Summerlin, Lykes, Hendry, and McKay, the CSA South Florida Commissary Agent stationed at Fort Meade, who aided Judah P Benjamin in his escape from Florida.
AN240/AN240: Florida Cracker Cattle

Did you know that the cowboy in charge of the others in a group that road the ranch to keep out trespassers were called SENTINELS ?:thumbsup:

Most of my friends on facebook are Civil War reenactors Rebel. They have a plethora of information on their pages!

GREAT! Still got my stuff from "way back then"... black boots didn't fit; threw 'em out. Pants don't fit; will keep for "memories"... LOTS of stuff! "Pirate pistol" and bowie knife... I was dressed to kill; rifles were Co. I, 10th Virginia Cavalry-issued (Stonewall Jackson's Foot Cavalry of Shenandoah Valley, Va.); DANG bunch of "rednecks", we were! :laughing7:

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MASONIC KT...? THAT cross is CODED! "Google" Knights Templar Codes (two, that I know of...). THEN! KT Secret Alphabet... HH! Good Luck! BTW, TR was a "Bro"; & I think MASONIC Knights Templar... check it out!

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I am still in the R&I phases, but I keep coming across info that is very intriguing and just gets me digging deeper and deeper! I find some of it ironic and then it becomes coincidental and finally it becomes undeniable fact. That all takes a lot of time and reading about dead men and their deeds... Along the way I came across this speech given by Teddy at (of all places) Osawatomie Kansas. He didn't write the speech though, it was written for him by a man named Gifford Pinchot who was a Yale graduate and you guessed it...a member of the Skull and Bones.

Theodore Roosevelt's Osawatomie Speech - Kansas Historical Society

Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pinchot's mother was the daughter of Amos Eno. in 1856–59 Eno built the famous New York Fifth Avenue Hotel at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 23rd Street in Madison Square, Manhattan, and the adjacent Madison Square Theatre in 1863, during a hard time in the Civil War. he was expanding. North of the Square he built a brick four-storey house at 233 Fifth Avenue that served as his residence for many years, then from 1890 housed the Reform Club of New York, then in (1888) He and relatives established the Second National Bank of New York, headquartered in the hotel. In 1884 scandal hit the family bank when one of Amos' sons, John Chester Eno, president of the bank, embezzled millions of dollars and then fled to Canada to avoid prosecution. All very interesting to read about.

CSA President Jefferson Davis's personal secretary was Burton Norvell Harrison, a graduate of Yale, and a member of Skull & Bones.Harrison was captured along with Davis by the Union at Irwinville, Ga.

CSA President Jefferson Davis's personal secretary was Burton Norvell Harrison, a graduate of Yale, and a member of Skull & Bones.Harrison was captured along with Davis by the Union at Irwinville, Ga.

Burton Norvell Harrison communicated with Gifford Pinchot. I would like to read these....add that to the list of stuff I HAVE to read!!! LOL! Very interesting stuff ECS.:thumbsup:

We have talked about the Harrisons of Virginia before this....BUT we had not made this connection at that time. THE PLOT THICKENS...:laughing7:

I am still in the R&I phases, but I keep coming across info that is very intriguing and just gets me digging deeper and deeper! I find some of it ironic and then it becomes coincidental and finally it becomes undeniable fact...
Barbara Bush, wife of George H W Bush and mother of George W Bush was a descendent of US President Franklin Pierce, who had many KGC connections, some in his cabinet.
Bush father and son attended Yale, and both are members of Skull & Bones.

Skull and bones gets a lot of attention. Personally I think that it is nothing but a bunch of rich frat boys having a good time. Mostly on daddy's dime. More than likely a political type frat. Remember most of the leaders of the time we are interested in were never members of Skull and Bones. Most had some college but not ivy league. Pike turned down the ivy league. Morton was at Michigan. Some were from West Point others Virginia or VMI. We have to keep in mind where these characters came from. What their mindsets were at the time. Their lifestyle the other organizations, friends, business associates, and how much time they really spent at home.


If you look at the Skull & Bones membership during the War of Northern Aggression, many copperheads slither out into the OAKs.

Barbara Bush, wife of George H W Bush and mother of George W Bush was a descendent of US President Franklin Pierce, who had many KGC connections, some in his cabinet.
Bush father and son attended Yale, and both are members of Skull & Bones.

Skull and Bones was a buffet of possibilities for the K.G.C. / O.A.K. and the ?

In January 1860 Ex- Pres. Franklin Pierce showed his hand when he wrote to Jefferson Davis. John Brown Gordon makes note of it in his book. There is no doubt in my mind that James Buchanan was a Knight also. He came all the way to Falls City Ne. to count the votes in a most fraudulent election of J. Sterling Morton whom he was sure they had got in until the election ballets were thrown out south of the Platte River for tampering..( Buchanan counted tampered votes and was happy with the results enough to write J.S. Morton telling him that he had won!)...Falls City is as far south of the Platte as you can get without standing in Kansas so the votes were thrown out. Lewis Cass was also a player high enough up to send a K.G.C. Knight he groomed in Michigan to meet the first Gov. of Nebraska Territory who was selected and sent to Nebraska by Pres. Franklin Pierce and his Sec. of war Jefferson Davis. Some of these things happened in a very short time for communications in those days....further proof that they were all on the same page with each other in different parts of the country. In fact, J.S. Morton arrived with an introduction letter written by Cass to show a man that was dead when Morton arrived. That letter was kept in his possession until his death and passed on to his sons as they died. It is a matter of archived record that can still be viewed.....except now people will know what it really meant, and how important that little note is to true history.

L.C. :thumbsup:

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Skull and bones gets a lot of attention. Personally I think that it is nothing but a bunch of rich frat boys having a good time. Mostly on daddy's dime. More than likely a political type frat. Remember most of the leaders of the time we are interested in were never members of Skull and Bones. Most had some college but not ivy league. Pike turned down the ivy league. Morton was at Michigan. Some were from West Point others Virginia or VMI. We have to keep in mind where these characters came from. What their mindsets were at the time. Their lifestyle the other organizations, friends, business associates, and how much time they really spent at home.


Great to Have you back S.D. ! Missed your knowledge and opinions greatly....even if we agree to disagree on some matters!:thumbsup: I think you helped further describe my point by accident! Just keep in mind who all those bright young men (spoiled rich brats) Fathers were! It's the money trail that never takes a detour and only grows more avenues. Like the OAK has limbs!

L.C. one of those post that you read between the lines. We are on the same page. The O.A.K. after 1880's were Skull and Bones. KGC were Masonic. More likely than not there is a link between the two. Like most college fraternities they borrowed from what was already there. In studying you will see that the Scottish Rite and the KGC are more alike than the York Rite. Same author of ritual. Pike may have come from the north but he was a states rights man and had been groomed for years . If there hadn't been a war the Supreme Court might have had a different look. All just speculation.


Daniel Burnham was the man that took this picture and it was found in his personal photos after his death. Daniel Burnham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He built the first Masonic temple that was a sky scraper. Masonic Temple (Chicago) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He worked with this man. John Wellborn Root - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I have seen this symbol before, but it was not this tall!

Flatiron Building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View attachment 1079609

The curved grass in the bottom right hand corner of this photo is the left hand top of the K.G.C. heart pictured below.

View attachment 1079617

The triangle shaped K.G.C. treasure symbol in the upper right hand corner of the heart picture is what I am squatting on in this picture taken by my father when I was 7 years old.

View attachment 1079618

There is no doubt that the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. were present in Nebraska City and that they left symbols to guide us in our search.

L.C. Baker
I see Teddy R. in the "pic"...

I see Teddy R. in the "pic"...

If you read his body language, it is obvious that Teddy is pretty upset and feeling exposed in the picture. The President of the U.S.A. is surrounded by his brothers of the O.A.K....or business protégés if you prefer to call them that.:thumbsup:...He has a certain "DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS" look on his face. This was a personal photo taken by another special guest at the gathering which took place in Nebraska City at Arbor Lodge. It is a fluke that I stumbled onto it....It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words!


One of those photos that T.R. hoped would not surface. Good for you L.C. you may have opened up a side of American History that the rich and powerful didn't want us to find out about. It appears that the American pubic has been hoodwinked for over 125 years. Sometimes knowledge is the most powerful weapon.

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