It appears the Official Record covered Florida during the Civil War:
The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Author: United States. War Dept.
Title: The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Other Title: Official records of the Union and Confederate armies
Publisher: Govt. Print. Off.
Place of Publication: Washington
Series I: Contains the formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders, and returns relating specially thereto, and, as proposed is to be accompanied by an Atlas. In this series the reports will be arranged according to the campaigns and several theaters of operations (in the chronological order of the events), and the Union reports of any event will, as a rule, be immediately followed by the Confederate accounts. The correspondence, etc., not embraced in the "reports" proper will follow (first Union and next Confederate) in chronological order.
Volume I. 1880. (Vol. 1, Chap. 1-8)
Chapter IV - Operations in Florida. Jan. 6-Aug. 31, 1861.
Volume VI. 1882. (Vol. 6, Chap. 15-16)
Chapter XV - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Aug 21, 1861-Apr 11, 1862.
Chapter XVI - Operations in West Florida, Southern alabama, Southern Mississippi, and Louisiana. Sep 1, 1861-May 12, 1862.
Volume XIV. 1885. (Vol. 14, Chap. 26)
Chapter XXVI - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Apr 12, 1862-Jun 11, 1863.
Volume XV. 1886. (Vol. 15, Chap. 27)
Chapter XXVII - Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi (embracing all operations against Vicksburg, May 18-Jul 27, 1862); and Louisiana, May 12, 1862-May 14, 1863; and operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, Sep 20,1862-May 14, 1863.
Volume XXVI - in Two Parts. 1889. (Vol. 26, Chap. 38)
Chapter XXXVIII - Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. May 14-December 31, 1863.
Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Volume XXVIII - in Two Parts. 1890. (Vol. 28, Chap. 40)
Chapter XL - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia, an din Middle and East Florida. June 12-December 31, 1863.
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Volume XXXV - in Two Parts. 1891. (Vol. 35, Chap. 47)
Chapter XLVII - Operations in South Carolina and Florida, and on the Georgia Coast. January 1-November 13, 1864.
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Volume XLIV. 1893. (Vol. 44, Chap. 56)
Chapter LVI - Operations in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. November 14-December 31, 1864.
Volume XLVII - in Three Parts. 1895. (Vol. 47, Chap. 59)
Chapter LIX - Operations in North Carolina (from February 1), South Carolina, Southern Georgia, and East Florida. January 1-June 30, 1865.
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Volume LII - in Two Parts. 1898. (Vol. 52, Chap. 64) SUPPLEMENT
Chapter LXIV - Operations in Southwestern Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, West Florida, and Northern Georgia. January 1, 1861-June 30, 1865.
SUPPLEMENT Embracing Documents Found or Received Too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 45, and 49. [Note: The number in brackets at the lower left hand of each document indicates the volume to which it properly belongs.]
Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Volume LIII. 1898. (Vol. 53, Chap. 65) SUPPLEMENT
Chapter LXV - Operations in South Carolina, Southern Georgia, Middle and East Florida, and Western North Carolina. January 1, 1861-June 30, 1865.
SUPPLEMENT Embracing Documents Found or Received Too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 6, 14, 28, 35, 44, and 47. [Note: The number in brackets at the lower left hand of each document indicates the volume to which it properly belongs.]
Reports and Correspondence.
Good luck to all,
The Old Bookaroo