Kevin in Colorado...and elsewhere

Here’s the rest of my take. Had an amazing day and got to try a batea for the first time.

Nice take.
Was the batea the blue plastic XP and your opinion?

It was a steel batea. My friend paid $170 for it!!

It’s a whole different panning process. Fun to try but I’ll stick with the Proline Professional pans I’ve used for the last decade!

A whole bunch of us got out Saturday in western Colorado. Beautiful weather, good company, good gold!

Another fun outing of folks from my FB group. I haven’t even panned my cons yet but fun times!

A visit to the Bancroft Placer Mine. A 3 person, full time operation. Run by my friends Greg and Trevor. You’ll see this mine on Freddy Dodge’s show soon.

My friend Debbie, having fun feeding a sluice while her husband Mark does the digging [emoji106]

Hello Kevin, I’ve been following along for awhile and enjoy your posts. I don’t have a FB account but want to join your club. It looks like lot fun. Other than a tourist places, I’ve never panned any gold and want to try it. You seem to be a great teacher.
May I have a schedule of your events please. I could provide a niece and nephew and several of my friends children for laborers....
Thanks you, have a great day ..

I don’t run a club, just the Facebook group, sorry. What part of the state are you in? (Maybe I can recommend a local club.)

Lots of digging lately!

From a day of exploring potential sites, to digging my claim with old friends and new, to hitting Cache Creek alone and with friends, I?ve been getting a lot of early season prospecting. I hope you have too!

Lake Mac Nebraska…..
I’d suggest you look at joining either the GPAA club nearest you or Colorado Gold Camp. CGC has excellent gold on private property.

I'd like to offer Kevin a huge Thank You! My son, father and brother visited Kevin while on a cross-country road trip a week or so ago, and Kevin was incredibly generous: he took us to his claim and spent half the day with us, sharing his (great) ground and his (amazing) experience with me and my family members. Kevin's passion and knowledge made the day extremely memorable for all of us!

Thank you again Kevin!

Here are some picks from the day, a quick video and of course - pics of the gold.



The last couple months since Brian visited have whizzed by here in Colorado gold country.

I?ve been digging my claim where the water finally came down enough that I found a new paystreak with larger flakes. Considering that I am now selling display containers of 5-6 +30 flakes to tourists via a rock shop in Breckenridge, a shop in Alma and a tourist mine?s gift shop, finding this paystreak was a real win! Those +30 flakes earn me a dollar each so I?m ?making wages? on the claim!!

I?ve also continuing to explore more obscure parts of Colorado with a gold pan for my next book but that?ll take a few more years to finish. Lots of field research yet to be done.

Anyway, I hope you are all well and out there finding your gold!

The last couple months since Brian visited have whizzed by here in Colorado gold country.

I?ve been digging my claim where the water finally came down enough that I found a new paystreak with larger flakes. Considering that I am now selling display containers of 5-6 +30 flakes to tourists via a rock shop in Breckenridge, a shop in Alma and a tourist mine?s gift shop, finding this paystreak was a real win! Those +30 flakes earn me a dollar each so I?m ?making wages? on the claim!!

I?ve also continuing to explore more obscure parts of Colorado with a gold pan for my next book but that?ll take a few more years to finish. Lots of field research yet to be done.

Anyway, I hope you are all well and out there finding your gold!

Kevin that visit in June was amazing! Thank you one more time for your hospitality.
Your more recent gold pictures look really good - I'm glad you've found that pay streak.

Since there's no placer gold here in New Jersey I've had to resort to finding gold and silver in some other forms (all found in my town in 2021 with my detectors).

If you come east, Kevin, I'll take you to some hot spots (and I have an extra detector for you):

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hi kevin and del norter, i'm a monte guy here were neighbors have either of you guys ever try the alamosa river

Hi co gold digger. Kevin will probably have have info on the Alamosa but I’m from a different Del Norte. My county is the at the very northwest corner of California. Right on the coast and against Oregon.


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