Kevin in Colorado...and elsewhere

Well, it's not as much in fines for either of us; I'll see what the Miller table produces. I am going to weigh it tomorrow and also split them with my 40 screen. Did you see the new Randy Clarkson pdf under Hard Rock mining here on TN? More info on the rod mill and flattening gold.

I am going to have to get back to seeing if I can get my rpm's up to 70--80% of the critical speed now that I got the motor Ducky sent to me through you; a big thanks to both of you. He also used another mill 12" long with slightly better results (still 8" diameter). And he gave the count and diameter of the rods in the mill; lots more info not only on this but sluices in general, tables, all to recover more of the gold in the ore/pay dirt.

Thanks for the heads up on the new Clarkson study. I just went over and read the whole thing and saved a copy. Exciting stuff! Can't wait to go run some more experiments of my own!!!

When i get back in town from business, i have some nice fans to send to you and dave. I will text you to get an address. I wont be back for another week. Took my first plane ride today, wasnt terrible after the Dramamine and 2 Jack and Ginger ales. I dont know how you do it every week kevin.....

When i get back in town from business, i have some nice fans to send to you and dave. I will text you to get an address. I wont be back for another week. Took my first plane ride today, wasnt terrible after the Dramamine and 2 Jack and Ginger ales. I dont know how you do it every week kevin.....

Sweet, thanks in advance Jake!
Congrats on your first flight! Personally, I love's like magic: poof you are in a different place!

Yes, a nice article; the popular press version of what we have seen in the other links. Still, it gives a bit more background information on Randy Clarkson and the process he developed.

Got out prospecting/sampling today near Rico, CO. Did my research on and chose two spots that are open but between active claims. Mostly found beautiful scenery but also a few colors (not much). Here's my Bazooka Prospector posing for a pic:
We also went up to see the old Silver Creek Mill:

The gold really was just a few colors, pic to come when I get back to my workshop...

More pics from Friday:
First the gold of course. Yes, there's gold on unclaimed ground in the Delores River around Rico. No, I didn't find a hot spot but I bet they're out there waiting to be found. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1438576390.693673.webp
Here's a couple pieces of silver ore from the Silver Creek Mill and a used cupel too ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1438576461.787587.webp
Me on an old structure used to load ore for transport to the mill. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1438576531.821587.webp

My wife and I were in Rico Wed and Thurs to visit a friend before heading down to Santa Fe to meet up with other friends from Denver and Albuquerque for the weekend. I should have brought my mining equipment (didn't think I would have enough time) as our Rico friends family has a long history in commercial mining there and also have existing hard rock and placer claims . I have permission to mine and may go back later this year.

At least Rico is still relatively pristine now unlike Telluride. Spent time visiting friends in Telluride back in the early 50's when it was mostly an active mining camp for the Idarado Mine with maybe only one motel and the old hotel. My Dad's lifelong friend was a Supt. at the mill and they lived in a company house at the time. It was still there over 15 years ago but the area is now all condos. When the ski area was developed and the condos, etc. appeared the town was absolutely ruined (IMO) and I do not enjoy going there at all now.

Lots of fun exploring all the old mines, etc. around Rico and that whole general area

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Beautiful area; enjoyed the mill pictures, too.

Sorry we didn't know to look for each other in Rico (we arrived thurs evening so maybe we just barely missed each other anyway)...would have been fun to have coffee/beer together!

And I sure do agree about Telluride vs. Rico!

I lived in Rico back in the early 1980's working for a mining company exploring for Molybdenum - thanks for the memories. At that time an old-timer had an operating placer mine just south of town on the Dolores R. - any signs of it still operating? Over Lizard Head Pass, below Telluride on the San Miguel River I used to pan occasionally and did find some color there.

I lived in Rico back in the early 1980's working for a mining company exploring for Molybdenum - thanks for the memories. At that time an old-timer had an operating placer mine just south of town on the Dolores R. - any signs of it still operating? Over Lizard Head Pass, below Telluride on the San Miguel River I used to pan occasionally and did find some color there.

There are several active claims on the River south of town. The ownership may have changed but yes people are still mining gold there!

Got out Friday afternoon to meet GoldpannerDave (always a good time!) and test an Aurora Mining Products fluid bed sluice. Here's the AMP sluice:
And here's the gold:
Half from the AMP and half from my BGT Sniper... 0.04 grams in total once I cleaned out the last of the not-gold you see in the picture.

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Back at it this afternoon/evening in the Berkshires of MA with Dvdtharaldson and WestMassGold. Had a great time on the river next to a campground where David is staying with family. Beautiful campground too but only accommodates groups so it's nice to the right friends!

Anyway, David had done some sampling around and then WMG had when he arrived yesterday too. As a result they could point at one cobble bar and say "thats where we found gold!". I picked a spot just downstream of a large clump of grass and pulled 42 colors using small hand tools and taking turns with David's Angus Mackirk Recon. The Recon was the perfect sluice for the conditions and the time flew by with such good company. We sat at a picnic table panning out the cons afterward and enjoyed beer courtesy of David :) With all the conviviality I forgot to take pictures so here's one of the campground sign on the way out:

Sounds like a great day!

Well, it's been way too long since I've been out digging. My wife has been working me hard around the house with painting and such to refresh the place before we sell it next spring...wanted to get the painting done while it was still warm enough to keep the windows open for the paint fumes.

Anyway, I got out yesterday!
I was out at Arapahoe Bar, here in metro Denver teaching a group of 4th grade kids to a volunteer with gold-unlimited. We had a great time! I was also happy to see that the area have much more gold now than it did last's clearly been refreshed by all the HEAVY RAINS and flooding this past spring :)

I also got to try out the latest version of my Bazooka Sniper high banker setup. It definitely works better with 2000 gph of water than it did with 1000 gph. Now I think I need to make a spreader bar for the water spray :)

PS one of the kids found a picker! You should have seen them all congratulating her, very cool!

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Great picture. Looks like everyone had fun. I wish I had had a class trip like that one!!

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