Kevin in Colorado...and elsewhere

Yes that's correct. JJ (club prez) told me next month is the last video. After that we will have speakers and prospecting-relevant presentations :)

PS congrats on the baby!

Great news! I definitely understand that it's a lot of work for the board and others to coordinate presentations each month, but it should help make the meetings a lot more interesting. There are a lot of folks with a great deal to teach...yourself among them. I would love if we also set up some kind of 'Demo Days" which give members the opportunity to try out other member's equipment.

Great news! I definitely understand that it's a lot of work for the board and others to coordinate presentations each month, but it should help make the meetings a lot more interesting. There are a lot of folks with a great deal to teach...yourself among them. I would love if we also set up some kind of 'Demo Days" which give members the opportunity to try out other member's equipment.

Best way to do demo days is on the river! That can be arranged :)

ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1475710310.337976.webp sampling some beach deposits with my parents :)
Gold? nope. Beautiful day? Yup.

Also check out the garnet sands:

Just noticed you posted your take with the Whippet. I would say that is not too bad. The close proximity is a major plus.:thumbsup:

Very cool, you've definitely got it down to a science!

Hey guess what I just got?!
Ain't she a beauty?!!!
2014 short bed with the towing package. Ecoboost engine. The topper goes on it Wednesday and then my wife celebrates as my gear moves out of our condo once and for all!

congrats K in C it needs some bush

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A prospector after mine own heart...a white Ford! Congrats, she's gorgeous!

Hey guess what I just got?!
View attachment 1371450
Ain't she a beauty?!!!
2014 short bed with the towing package. Ecoboost engine. The topper goes on it Wednesday and then my wife celebrates as my gear moves out of our condo once and for all!

Nice truck!!
That should work great for you. I'm more of a Chevy guy myself, but I drive a diesel and love that Allison transmission. But as far as going with a half ton there's nothing better than the F-150. I know a bunch of guys who drive them and abuse the hell out of them and never a problem!
I'm glad you were able to talk your wife into a truck. I remember she wanted a SUV. This is much better route to go with all your gear, much easier to clean bed then carpet in SUV. Good color, easiest to keep nice and clean looking and hides the branch pinstripes the best. Enjoy your new truck!

Thanks guys!

I was surprised to see my wife switch her thinking too. Of course a pickup is about $10k less so that may have helped!! She also likes the higher clearance of the pickup (she's quite the outdoorsy adventure type!!).

Now to find a deal on a trailer :)

I get the feeling that trailer may lead to a dredge? ..Or that may just be me wishful thinking, it would be great to see someone enjoying some dredging. Lord knows I'll never touch one in california.

I get the feeling that trailer may lead to a dredge? ..Or that may just be me wishful thinking, it would be great to see someone enjoying some dredging. Lord knows I'll never touch one in california.

Nope, not for me. Too noisy, bulky and heavy. I do enjoy running dredges with friends though when the opportunity comes up.

Well done Kevin! Perfect combo. Any closer to what might go behind it?

Not really. I got a book (at a garage sale) reviewing the many brands for quality, durability and cost (and more) so that'll help me focus in. All advice welcomed understanding we want 20-25 foot length so we can take it more places.

This is where I spent some of my afternoon. So pretty, so secret, so golden (including in the gravel!).ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1476850324.514084.webp interestingly almost ALL -50 in this spot.

Hey Kevin, A little trailer input. My wife and I really like our Nash 22H built by Northwood Manufacturing in LaGrande,Or. They have fancier models now. Bought mine new in 2008. It is the maximum weight recommended by them for a 1/2 ton pickup so it has no slideout(which are nice) which makes them heavier. Pay close attention to the weight before you decide what to get. I pull mine with a 1/2 ton GMC with a 290hp engine and a beefed up transmission and torque converter. I also installed airbags on the rear to go along with the easylift hitch to level both the truck and trailer. If I was to change any thing I would get one with double pane windows to keep the heat more stable for camping in the cooler or colder weather. My trailer has a sturdy frame with more ground clearance than a standard type trailer and 15 in. wheels and a little bigger tires than the average trailer. Also the tanks are insulated and wired so they can be heated for that cold weather camping. I'll follow this thread in case I can help you with anything. Good luck shopping and don't let those salespeople take advantage of you. Should be a good time of year to do a deal! John

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Kevin if your looking new they are built on the cheap side. Many people having trouble right out of the show room. So check the reviews. And do some research also. Im sure your already doing some research. A lot of them look real nice. But real cheaply made. And enjoy.

Good advice guys, thanks! I need all the guidance I can get!!

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