Thanks Kevin,
I asked because if anyone would know, it would be you. Obviously, it depends on individual prospecting locations and personal preferences. Yet, as we all know, you have the tools you really, really want. A good example is your choice of the Whippet drywasher - and Bazooka products. I too, much to your influence, have the 36 inch sniper and will be buying from the next batch of Whippets.
If you are not cheap by nature, you probably are not well suited for prospecting...or many other worthwhile pursuits.
As I am out West now, I am looking at a good finishing pan (like your soap dish, or whatever you have talked about so fondly for a long time).
The other significant take-away from your posts, is the idea of simply getting out on the creek - in the wind, in the snow. No arm-chair prospecting for you!
Please also accept my personal thanks and appreciation for your efforts in being such a fine mentor to so many individuals, your community at large, and representative of our passionate pastime. I hope that you take great pride and satisfaction from this. It humbles me, completely.
The same is true for many of the contributors here who consistently rise to the next level. We all know who they are.
Best regards