You can get a 3 foot section at Home Depot for $5 dollars. It's light as a feather
and it's so cheap you don't have to carry it back out. Leave it in your camps' rubbish pit and cover it up with a
shovel of dirt when you go.
With all due respect:
If you carry it in, you carry it out.
If you go and bury a 3' chunk of plastic pipe anywhere near a rivers edge,
the next high water that comes along will blow it right out of there and blast
it downriver somewhere else, or the thing sits there for an eternity.
I see an awful lot of that kind of garbage every year because it ends up on
my beach. Every Spring and Fall the river (that my home sits high on the bank of) runs
at flood level, and later when the water drops back I get out a couple of large trash bags
and pick-up the trash that the river dug up from campsites, etc. and then redeposited on
the riverbanks.
Last year a buddy of mine found over 90' of 4" flexpipe that someone had been using
to illegally gravity dredge an
active salmon spawning stream. This is the type of thing
that the F&G Dept's often find, and odds are they've got a worse attitude for prospectors
from then on, and it's double-hard to change minds once they've already been made up.