Kali dredgers still a dredgn

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

:icon_thumleft: Thanx patches--your raindance worked righteously last night sir!!!!!!!!! :notworthy: Please repeat performance a few mo'times for a old dredgedog to reclaimanate!! Tarkus lets go offline for free process engineering for reclaimanation--LEGALLY--nothing I love better than a brain teaser. PM real email/digits and we'll see whatzup :read2:-tons a au 2 u 2 -John PS I motorboat boobies--not water :laughing7:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

john, it rained there?glad to here it,nothing here yet.was chanting your zip code,slurring it really.btw,yesterday received another 23 question form 08 dredger survey.same as the one before.after careful consideration,used first one to light woodstove.as in no way relevant to fish.may return this one,with comment only.or maybe not.whaddya think? :icon_scratch:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

I circled the illegal numbering system in black marker and said-This survey is required by law to be a blind survey and this is numbered and as such is in direct violation of the CEQA process. Of which I have worked on quite a few and since when is where,who,what I found any of your damn business. When hunters,fishermen,kayakers, rafters and tourists fill out these assinine illegal questions then I might consider,other than that ,this is bullshirt(sp)--more fun than shredding--John :headbang:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

>:( CDFG calling folks last night as late as 8:45pm demanding that they fill it out so they know what to charge you on your INCOME !!!!! And that it is MANDATORY,YA RIGHT... :laughing7: F'M' and I ain't a talkn' radio-John >:(

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

as in state franchise tax board i suppose.i think they would like to nullify the mining law right.(1872)pay royalty to the crown,or give up that right.my wood stove has not needed re-lighting yet.just might return the latest form,filled out my way.question #5,how many oz,s recovered in 08? (optional) and answer will be kept confidential.hmmm. it has been said that gold recovered while mining is not taxable income until sold or bartered.seems reasonable to me.this questionare is actually an audit of my 08 dredge ops,all money spent,miles driven,people employed,equipment used,yardage ran.areas worked,etc.not one question relates to fish.perhaps they want to invoke the validity of locations/prudent man test? our location validity may be tested in future court cases,if 670 is struck down.oops,think my stove went out. :read2:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

i just dont see how they can do that to you guys at a state level when the federal government put the 1872 mining law into affect so big pocketed mines could not bribe the state into closing down the little man or the state could not close you down to some hocky drummed up charge unless you were using quick silver and putting it in the water how many of you dredge where the salmomn run or the spotted love toad mates

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

I think that you guys are fighting this wrong anyways. As much as I dislike him our wonder president (lets not get started on that) has proven that anyone with a message that people can believe in can change politics for better or for worse. why dont you guys organize politcallly and start with the local goverments and work your way up. Your argument seems to be bigger than just whether you can dredge or not it seems to me its about the oppression of the working class. Its about shops and manufactures of an entire industry in your state going out of business. I bet you guys havent even started totalling up the job loss this is going cause. Organize and take the fight to those people. Dont get into law suits and other lengthy process. TAKE THERE FREAKIN JOBS!!!! Either Americans have forgotten or have become lazy but this is still a country where "We the People" still can make the good fight and change the face of government!

Other states should do the same and support cali and Fl in there treasure hunting issues because what happens to one will eventually happen to all. Example: the piece lovin hippies out in Cali that are huggin trees and telling us how to live have made it so the entire cuntry has those stupid blow dryers in every mens room across the land. ever go into a mens room in cali? whats there but a pile of paper towels right next to the unused hand dryer!

you can make a difference the people that leveled you on this more than likely saw an easy victory and took advantage of the opportunity you let them have by not organizing ahead of time.

Or Im totally wrong and you should do nothing...........I still hate the hand dryers however.

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

err hmm well,am in complete agreement with the utter hatred of hand dryers. :laughing7: :laughing7:could use a few of those this wintry a.m.although,one did save me from hypothermia long ago.hoser john,hows your weather?was working on my multi-zipcode raindance technique (beta) yesterday,but alas,fouled something up.mostly snowed here instead.will redo the math,maybe try different face paint.er,buncha those deleted handdryers mounted on the er highbanker pontoons,oops,come in right handy bout now :P yep save paper made here (i think) burn oil from over yonder.stay warm.

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

Opinion based on observation: It's all about money, if you have it and they can take it, they will. If you have a means of income they can't control and tax they will find ways of eliminating that. Those who have lots of money buy protection in the form of lawyers and politicians, while ensuring the lower classes foot the bill and stay in the peasant state of eternal struggle to pay the ruling class?

Well founded environmental protections are needed to keep the planet livable, 99%of the laws I've seen are used as protectionism of profits and elimination of competition by the big company's. Who then turn around and ignore the laws anyway, dumping toxins and destroying habitat.

You don't get to play the game unless you have the money honey, and if you do then the rules don't seem to apply to you?

Our current President has proven that the American people (the majority) will buy anything if you wrap it up in the right packaging and sell it to them in between their favorite TV programs.

??? Who's the cause, those who take the opportunity to grab power, or those who sit idly by and let them???

When the love of power is replaced by the power of love, then we as a planet will know true freedom.

We are blessed to live in interesting times
Good luck everyone

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

tarkus,good post,believe firmly in all of above.but i also intuit something else.a kind of envy/spite/resentment. against people that belong upon the land.and are able to thrive, by living in balance upon the land.same old story.buncha city squirrels with no nuts.and no trees to put em in anyhow .poor things!(not).

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

and then theres the old history repeats itself scenario.nomadic hunters a problem,wage genocide upon the game.shut off resources that those willing/able to resist depend upon.only lairds shall be entitled to the salmon of the rivers.commoners will be allowed to see them,whilst in armed convoy bound to the castles.to be cooked in margarine no doubt.hah off to the nonsense thread with him! :laughing7:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

Thanks patches, some times just need to spout off a little, even if it's just preaching to the choir.

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

:hello2: Thanx for the jabberjaw last night Tarkus. This website has a HUGE audience and the choir IS listening,the silent majority as it were. Frustration,pain,agony and dire straights rule the day whilst the bankers skim off another few 100 billion to their boyz :dontknow: and us working slobs get 0 nada zilch--no jobs--no help-just more rules,regulations and damn man lets not forget the icing on the cake. For all of you with the testiculiar fortitude to try and wrest a few oz from the soil---FINES-----John :-\

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

heard from uc chico this afternoon.polite young man asked if i was returning the dredge survey form.told him, no am not participating in this survey.since the information sought in no way pertains to the alleged deleterious effects upon andramous fish populations,and that further,survey does not conform to cequa guidelines,in that it is numbered.i asked him to list my reasons for not joining in.this attempt at auditing/profiling is kinda disturbing.added the newest survey form to my files,never know.burned the first one.next plp vs 670 hearing one month from today.heres hoping.

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

RE the exhaust thing: Couldn't you just string a couple of used auto mufflers together? You could always bury them under rocks to hide them.... :wink:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

would be pure speculation on my part.have never tried anything like that.have ran v8 gas engine dive boats that had underwater exhaust.was mentioned this thread,john,who would definitely know mentioned backpressure.smaller gas engines may not be up to it.have been thinking,maybe there could be a way to disperse the gasses,something under the surface with multiple outlets.kind of an expansion chamber with increased outlets.i dont really need one,but am kind of interested in the concept.guess i will chat up the guy with the honda dealership here.luck

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

:help: FEDS THREW OUT SB670 LAWSUIT YESTERDAY--AS I SPECIFICALLY STATED ON MANY FORUMS MANY ^%$#@ TIMES-you sue the state in state court and that gives you appealate rights. Miners pushing ox cart backasswards- ::) again-----John :tongue3:

Re: Kali dredgers still a dredgn'

Incompetence or malfeasance it doesn't matter which it is, both are unacceptable in our so called representatives city, state or federal.

Exhaust: I think John's low tone muffler from briggs is a good idea, if you aim the outlet at the ground it will disperse the sound and make it less noticeable. I still may put together a muffler with a water cooling chamber down stream, cool the gasses less pop?

???How do we get the feathers on u'm before the tar cools :wink:

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