Govt' bureaucrats don't appreciate "common sense". If there is a harder, more difficult, and less successful way to "try" and reach some goal, that seems to be the approach they take.
It never seems to be about logic, intelligence, or what would be "right".
What you have in gov't is widespread Attention Deficit Disorder. They can't and won't pay attention because their minds are too busy trying to negotiate their way through their tangled webs of deceit, bribes, favors and fears in order to get their share of some "honeypot", or keep their jobs.
I've had to deal with those people on other issues in years past, and it is like dealing with "Sybil" the fictional woman with 13 different personalities !
It is absolutely maddening. Possibly the only way you can get an "in" is to find someone closely related and respected by those whose attention you seek and get "that person(s)" to make it happen.
They might not even be a gov't employee.
I would do some PR if I were you. I would actually maybe take some key people out on your boat for a diving day. If they don't dive, then take them out to the shallows with sifters and let them find and keep a few trinkets. They will enjoy the relaxation and fun, get to know you a little better, and maybe see first hand the benefits. It won't cost you anything but some snacks and drinks and quality time. (oh and when they want to keep their finds, be sure they have to turn them into the state archies first, and then "maybe" they will get them back).
capt dom said:
Sounds like somebody knows what he is talking about... Bill
Most people have no clue about "natures" engine along the on shore
trough that actually manufactures "beach Sand"... by using periodic
uncovering of coastal hard bottoms - then how wave and littoral current actions
grind up shell and other skeletal matter {dead baby sea turtles, arh, and the like )
mixing it with sediments so as to provide the white or lighter hue of natural
beach sand.
I'm still sitting here in Jupiter - waiting for the life guard tower and toilets to wash into
the sea once more - before I attempt to make my case for using the
large quantity of beach sand sitting in our solution holes along the Jupiter
Shipwreck scatter pattern to bolter the dunes and down stream beaches.
Problem is.... Its just too good of an idea....
and, I don't have a war chest or desire
to pay off the right lobbiest!