Joined a New Club This Weekend - Admission Fee: $1 Dollar!


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2015
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Golden Thread
Near Ground Zero for Insanity
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with HF/x35 Coils and Mi6 Pinpointer/ML Equinox 600/800/ML Tarsacci MDT 8000 GPX 4800/Garrett ATX/Fisher F75 DST/Tek G2+/Delta/Whites MXT/Nokta Simplex/Garrett Carrot
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Privileged to get another invite to one of Smokey's various incredible relic site permissions this weekend and boy am I thankful I did not turn it down (but that was really never in question). Turned out to be a great relic day and one of the best single day hauls for me ever. The Deus could do no wrong and the freshly harvested field had plenty of goodies churned up relatively shallow and well in range of the 11" x35 coil. Was using a Deus fast variant with Pitch tones and frequency at 12 khz. All in all I snagged close to 40 relic keepers over the course of the day. Minie and round balls, a pistol bullet, and other lead blobs, brass buckles and suspender clips, a tiny flower button, a flattened Eagle Button and the face of a New York State regimental button. A few flat buttons and some miscellaneous brass odds and ends. Overall it was a spectacular hunt and I enjoyed every minute of it. Here's a pic of the entire day's haul:


As great as that was, I forgot to mention the capper - and that's where the $1 club membership comes in:

Center of the above pic- fourth keeper target of the day:


Less than an inch down, thought it could be a button but likely can slaw due to the lowish target ID of 45 - 47. Popped it with the pinpointer and out popped the glint of a gold disk. I knew what it was straight away.


Smokey saw I had a target and yelled over "What did ya get" and I said matter of factly - "A Gold Coin". Smokey then said, what did you really get...

That's right - bucket list city, I joined the Gold Coin club with an 1849 Open Wreath $1 Gold Piece. It was surreal. Took the pic below with shaky hands, texted it to Smokey for proof, then dropped my detector, digger, and shovel right there and schlepped back to the truck to stow it away for safe keeping and ultimately continued on with the hunt. At that point the Deus really caught fire and the relics were jumping onto the coil. I swear that I probably could have shut off the Deus and it would still hit targets like a divining rod.


So Happy Thanksgiving everyone and despite the dumpster fire that is 2020, seems there are a few bright spots to remember and be thankful for, nevertheless. Happy and Safe Hunting everyone.

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Upvote 101
Congrats on your gold coin. I'm still looking for mine.

Look for quality sites, location is everything and be patient and thorough and fully learn whatever machine you use. Maintain a positive attitude, also. Even if the gold coin doesn't pop out of the ground, good targets will emerge and keep the hope alive for the gold quest.

Great hunt! Congrats on the gold!

Many thanks!

"I said matter of factly - "A Gold Coin". Smokey then said, what did you really get..."

That just about says it all!
Stupendous find! :notworthy:

Yeah, it was a funny situation because we were just talking about "just missed it" gold finds right before I popped this one out of the ground. That's why Smokey didn't believe me. Also, I was kind of in shock so I didn't exactly react like a lunatic or break down crying. I was more like, wow, that finally happened....

OMG, THAT Was such an Awesome Hunt...!
That GOLD Dollar Coin, alone rates a Banner Nomination, I'd say...! :icon_thumright:
Congrats on a Find of a lifetime - one that you'll remember forever...!

Yep, it was a combination of the number of other keepers PLUS the gold that just put that hunt into the history books for me. Either way (just the coin or just all the other finds) would have been a successful day in my book. The combo put it in epic territory.


Thanks, Dan!

Huge congrats V!!

Thank you. Much appreciated.

Such a beautiful coin! Great relic hunting as well. A banner day for sure. Smokey is tuned in on rich sites.

That is an understatement for sure. Not only does Smokey get onto some amazing sites, Smoke knows how to get the most out of any site. We have been squeezing this one for nearly 4 years now.

Great find ! So hard to find gold coins , banner !

Yep. Never thought it would happen to me. Thankful to have the thrill of finding one. It's all gravy from here...

Yahooooooooooo! It doesn't get any better than that. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I agree with secondstar. This is a well deserved find vferrari. You consistently go out of your way to share your knowledge with other members of this site, As they say...The Karma wheel spins. PS- Super Banner worthy!

Thanks. Much appreciated. Makes me feel good that folks think I am making a difference through my contributions on the forum so that sentiment sweetens the whole experience.

That's really special when you can share the moment with others when it does happen. Congrats on the your gold coin that really deserves a spot up there for sure.:occasion14:
Well done Smokey in providing a hunt site that produces as this one did.
My greatest anxiety in sharing a site is wanting the person to find good keeper.

You bet, pepperj. Being able to share it as it was happening was really fun. Smokey is as confident that whoever she invites will have some success as if Smokey were doing the detecting. Rarely get totally skunked at a quality Smokey site.

WOWZA!!!!!! Congrats on the Gold!!!! Banner for sure!

Thanks, Tom. When I saw you a few weeks back, I was in a detecting funk that it seemed like I couldn't coax nails out of the ground - lol - so this was a great turnaround for me. And congrats on your first Confederate button. Well earned.

1849 gold coin. Wow. Amazing find!!! Congrats and thanks for sharing

Thank you.

Good for you V! Well deserved.

Much appreciated, Jeff.

Congrats on the Gold coin! Just voted banner...hope you get it.


Awesome!!!! Congrats!

Thanks for the congrats!

You got yourself some HARD money!!

Such a tiny coin! Way to go! We are all happy for you and the crew.

I am glad I had seen one previously recovered in the field, to appreciate just how tiny it was. When it popped, I knew what was straight away. Amazing how perfect gold looks coming out of the ground.

Big Congrats,

Must have been really exciting to see.

I agree those civil war sites are great places to turn up gold coins. The one dollar seemed to be carried by a lot of soldiers.

Still waiting to get my coil over a gold coin. One day maybe.


Keep plugging away, especially at sites with a known history, something amazing is bound to be recovered.

Like it.. Congrats! Banner.

Thank you!

Very Very Nice!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

Thanks, RJ. Very much appreciated.

I don't know how to nominate banner but I would if I could?

Man you flat out killed it! Sorry I missed your post not been on Tnet much last few weeks.... That is a find of a lifetime and my ENVY meter just spiked out!!!BANNER!!

Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one, big congrats !!!

Man you flat out killed it! Sorry I missed your post not been on Tnet much last few weeks.... That is a find of a lifetime and my ENVY meter just spiked out!!!BANNER!!

Thanks, Calabash. When the finds were a poppin' it reminded me of that one epic button day we had when I was hunting with you down in SC. You scored a silver half reale that day that I probably walked right over. Lol.

Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one, big congrats !!!

Who doesn't, right? Thanks, Joe. Almost kind of a sense of relief I got that one in the bag, I wanted it so bad.

Very cool find. Happy to see someone from Georgia finding some amazing finds!!
Looks like a great hunt! Wish I was there!! Great job!!

Very cool find. Happy to see someone from Georgia finding some amazing finds!!
Looks like a great hunt! Wish I was there!! Great job!!

Much appreciated, though I'm not from Georgia.

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Managed to pull some stills from the GoPro which just happened to be running during the actual recovery (because I forgot to turn it off after my previous recovery just before I snagged the gold), you can see that it was basically just a small scoop of the digger and the coin was out on the ground (the small disc just to the right of my left hand) and then soon in my hands. What a great day. Now the site is blanketed in snow and we'll have to wait to see what the plow turns up this spring. Taking my time to put the video together of the day's epic hunt. HH everyone.



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Managed to pull some stills from the GoPro which just happened to be running during the actual recovery (because I forgot to turn it off after my previous recovery just before I snagged the gold), you can see that it was basically just a small scoop of the digger and the coin was out on the ground (the small disc just to the right of my left hand) and then soon in my hands. What a great day. Now the site is blanketed in snow and we'll have to wait to see what the plow turns up this spring. Taking my time to put the video together of the day's epic hunt. HH everyone.

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Great pics - banner vote here, incredible find!


Yeah, I drove up there yesterday to find a foot of snow and the corn standing tall above it. Corn has been harvested, but with 18" stalks remaining, it's pretty much game over for now. As time goes by the finds are fewer. The first two times I dug the site I found nothing, although I wasn't working hard at it at the time. In 2017 we finally got into the right areas on the farm.

Yeah, I drove up there yesterday to find a foot of snow and the corn standing tall above it. Corn has been harvested, but with 18" stalks remaining, it's pretty much game over for now. As time goes by the finds are fewer. The first two times I dug the site I found nothing, although I wasn't working hard at it at the time. In 2017 we finally got into the right areas on the farm.

They should get clobbered again this weekend.

It just started here. Not much yet, but...

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