Joined a New Club This Weekend - Admission Fee: $1 Dollar!


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2015
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Golden Thread
Near Ground Zero for Insanity
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with HF/x35 Coils and Mi6 Pinpointer/ML Equinox 600/800/ML Tarsacci MDT 8000 GPX 4800/Garrett ATX/Fisher F75 DST/Tek G2+/Delta/Whites MXT/Nokta Simplex/Garrett Carrot
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Privileged to get another invite to one of Smokey's various incredible relic site permissions this weekend and boy am I thankful I did not turn it down (but that was really never in question). Turned out to be a great relic day and one of the best single day hauls for me ever. The Deus could do no wrong and the freshly harvested field had plenty of goodies churned up relatively shallow and well in range of the 11" x35 coil. Was using a Deus fast variant with Pitch tones and frequency at 12 khz. All in all I snagged close to 40 relic keepers over the course of the day. Minie and round balls, a pistol bullet, and other lead blobs, brass buckles and suspender clips, a tiny flower button, a flattened Eagle Button and the face of a New York State regimental button. A few flat buttons and some miscellaneous brass odds and ends. Overall it was a spectacular hunt and I enjoyed every minute of it. Here's a pic of the entire day's haul:


As great as that was, I forgot to mention the capper - and that's where the $1 club membership comes in:

Center of the above pic- fourth keeper target of the day:


Less than an inch down, thought it could be a button but likely can slaw due to the lowish target ID of 45 - 47. Popped it with the pinpointer and out popped the glint of a gold disk. I knew what it was straight away.


Smokey saw I had a target and yelled over "What did ya get" and I said matter of factly - "A Gold Coin". Smokey then said, what did you really get...

That's right - bucket list city, I joined the Gold Coin club with an 1849 Open Wreath $1 Gold Piece. It was surreal. Took the pic below with shaky hands, texted it to Smokey for proof, then dropped my detector, digger, and shovel right there and schlepped back to the truck to stow it away for safe keeping and ultimately continued on with the hunt. At that point the Deus really caught fire and the relics were jumping onto the coil. I swear that I probably could have shut off the Deus and it would still hit targets like a divining rod.


So Happy Thanksgiving everyone and despite the dumpster fire that is 2020, seems there are a few bright spots to remember and be thankful for, nevertheless. Happy and Safe Hunting everyone.

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Upvote 101
I have to admit, I thought you were most likely headed in the silver dollar direction, not gold! As a non-member of either club, I remain envious and congratulate you big time on your gold coin find- my banner vote is in. :notworthy:

Thanks - the silver version of the $1 club is still eluding me.

Wow thats awesome! Great work. I kinda want to wrap my nox around a tree. You smoked me. More than that all the good targets were ringing up as iron for me. I eeked out a few but felt like I left too much in the ground. I had the deus in the trunk. Oops. I knew better because I got one last time with the deus there.

I have had good success with the Nox there, but get a better feel with the Deus there for whatever reason, and it has been my weapon of choice there lately. Deus does better in the thick iron patches and super trashy areas, which was the situation for the bucket lister. Deus seemed to be cherry picking the shallower targets that had been last turned up by the plow. Deeper targets probably eluded me, that’s where Equinox can sometimes be deadlier than Deus. I am sure Smokey appreciates you doing the recon on that privy, appears to be paying off. ;). And congrats on the silver you snagged. That eluded me for once on this trip, but believe me when I say I am not complaining.

I would never join a club that would have me as a member!

Very nice find...I guess that's the last time he'll invite you to one of his permissions. :laughing7:

Smokey almost gets as much excitement out of seeing a buddy dig a bucket lister at an invite as digging one. Smokey has seen it all and dug it all, believe me, and has more permissions to last a lifetime of digging. All Smokey asks for is reciprocation (preferably a site invite) and appreciation. I am very appreciative. Now I’ve got some serious work to do on the reciprocation part after this get. Going to be high bar...

Goes to show, you gotta dig those 40’s. Amazing find! Now,.. when can I get out to Smokey’s permissions:)

When did you want to come? I take bribes.:laughing7:

Smokey, if you want someone whoz anxious to fulfill his bucket list,
and be VERY appreciative about it, Ill come on over, K...? :laughing7:
(just wishing, and dreaming....)

Such a beautiful coin! Great relic hunting as well. A banner day for sure. Smokey is tuned in on rich sites.

Kray, I'm not as smart as my cats think I am. I have known in my soul we were missing SOMETHING at this farm! Like, duh, the farm house. The elderly neighbors said there was never a house there, but besides the CW stuff, with a scattering of colonial, and modern we found late 19th century coins scattered. The road is the key to the site, as lots of new roads are built right over old ones even old American Indian and animal trails. So...Tommybuckets was with us Sunday, and after we all left, I left first as I can trust these guys to fill holes, etc, and I made the mistake of eating TWO batches of Spaghetti and meatballs and it was eating me back, so Tommy told me he found a privy. (I had shown him to look for the telltale soil consistency and color last year.) I went back the next day and dug a huge hole. We found a rich site on top of a rich site! I haven't posted but but its epic, at least for me. It takes a long time to clean up bottles and ceramics and date them to the right decade. Having a site that hasn't been hammered is the key to detecting, then it won't matter much which machine you have.

Kray, I'm not as smart as my cats think I am. I have known in my soul we were missing SOMETHING at this farm! Like, duh, the farm house. The elderly neighbors said there was never a house there, but besides the CW stuff, with a scattering of colonial, and modern we found late 19th century coins scattered. The road is the key to the site, as lots of new roads are built right over old ones even old American Indian and animal trails. So...Tommybuckets was with us Sunday, and after we all left, I left first as I can trust these guys to fill holes, etc, and I made the mistake of eating TWO batches of Spaghetti and meatballs and it was eating me back, so Tommy told me he found a privy. (I had shown him to look for the telltale soil consistency and color last year.) I went back the next day and dug a huge hole. We found a rich site on top of a rich site! I haven't posted but but its epic, at least for me. It takes a long time to clean up bottles and ceramics and date them to the right decade. Having a site that hasn't been hammered is the key to detecting, then it won't matter much which machine you have.

After all this time, it appears you have only scratched the surface with that site, Smokey. It still has a lot more to give. Congrats to you and Tommy on discovering the trash pit. May give more clues on future treasures.

I was thinking about going and digging out more of the privy. However, my cat is sleeping on me. I can't believe we found so much. It's because he still plows. No plow, no relics I guess.

CONGRATZ V!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Dang!! How many of those have I walked over when their coming in at 45-47??? Banner vote... CHECK!!!

Thanks. Much appreciated!

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Big congrats! Still my white whale, someday

Never thought it would happen to me. Keep searching and when you least expect it, bam!

Site selection and positive attitude and confidence in whatever detector you use (as corny as that sounds) are key. If you are positive you will come across at least one spectacular target based on the site potential, I find you can really focus on what your machine is telling you.

Also, stick with a game plan. Smokey and I discussed how to best tackle this site this time out. I stuck with a grid plan, even though it started out slow. Started picking up steam with some quality finds in quick succession and then struck gold on my fourth quality target.

I considered it all gravy from there and my attitude resulted in one of my best single day hauls ever in terms of quality and quantity even when you subtract the gold from the total.

I switched detectors to mix things up a bit at the mid point but was getting nowhere. So I then went back to my Deus and the switch turned on again. I know both detectors could hit the targets I was finding (finds were mostly less than 5 inches) but the Deus had the hot hand for whatever reason.

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Awesome. Those civil war sites are the best place for finding a gold $1

So true. This site is pretty mixed with Colonial and early 19th century stuff, CW stuff, and finally a lot of early 20th century silver, for some reason plus hot soil modern trash, an exploded tractor debris field, and plenty of coke and coal to contend with. A real mixed bag of fun and frustration. But mostly just fun.

I can't wait to join that club!! Congratulations.

Keep plugging away and it might just happen. Just a matter of getting to a site with good liklihood of coughing one up and getting your coil over it and not making it a solitary goal. Plenty of cool finds and discoveries to be had on the journey.

Great lead in to Thanksgiving!

I am indeed thankful for the find and for having a friend that allowed me to have the opportunity to make the find.

What an awesome find! You’re one of the most knowledgeable and helpful members on the forum; that coin is indeed well deserved! I’ll admit that depending on the site, I might have left that one behind...

Appreciate the kind words, secondstar. I enjoy helping others get the most out of the hobby as I do detecting. But I would be lying if I said recovering a cool find like this coin didn't top the list.

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