Many times I wonder about the true intentions of several posters here at the Tnet. It would be nice to see who they really are, what they are trying to accomplish, or even who appointed them to do it. Why is it they feel it is their responsibility to PM or email other members with a "warning". I have severe reservations about them not being plants, in a manner of speaking. When I visited a site listed at the bottom of their posts, in the signature line, the cookie that was installed from that website was highly suspicious due to the domain name.
If you look at almost all the posts by these individuals; they are negative, spread mis-information, discount or ignore proven facts, and constantly trying to dissuade people from learning the truth. A story may just be that a story, yet others may be true, only one way to find out - follow the clues to the end and see what you got.
Have any of you ever considered that the Jesuits may have claimed that these mines belonged to the mission. When asked if they owned a mine, they could truthfully say no, but then the Jesuits may have considered the mission as theirs. If doing research for several different projects, I have seen undeniable evidence that the Jesuits and the church for that matter were involved in a number of covert missions that would be considered illegal or immoral in most parts of the world. In fact, most churches throughout history have done things that would be frowned upon, all in the name of keeping the power and control over the masses. The Jesuits did not always follow the rules of the church or the edicts passed down from the pope. There is clear evidence of this in the correspondence itself between the Jesuits and the church in Rome, or between other missions themselves.
It is a known fact that many Jesuits were highly trained and skilled in mining and mineralogy, many trained for fifteen years or more in the art of mining itself. All you have to do is look at the Jesuit colleges where they were trained for starters.
I am not Catholic, never have been, not likely to ever be; I have a number of friends that are tho. The church, another large christian organization, I was raised in and had been a member of for over thirty years, is famous for the illegal acts of a number of its leading founders. These crimes included theft, bribery, murder, terrorist acts, monetarily supporting both side of a war, and a number of other egregious acts. There is evidence that some of these illegal acts continue even today. No, I won't name the church I formerly belonged to. Just like any large organization such as churches, governments, and extremely large businesses, there are some individuals from the top down that will do anything to control the ones they feel they are responsible for. Look at the U.S. government for an easy example.
My point being, just because you do not believe things alleged about your church does not mean it is not true. We all have the right to question the integrity of a church, a government, a business, or an organization. Just as you have the right to believe the integrity of the same is beyond anything even considered to be of ill repute.
I don't feel I should have to apologize if I offended anyone, I do not consider myself to be politically correct, never have been and never will. I have my own opinions and you have yours, just accept this fact and get over yourself. You are not always right, you never have been, and you never will, just like myself. Your action only shows your immaturity and your lack of self respect, thus your inept attempts to demoralize others. I do not claim to know it all, I do make mistakes and when I am wrong, I will freely admit the mistake. How else does a person learn but through mistakes, sometimes many mistakes, thus the saying "try, try, and try again".
I am done ranting for now...
Jon Taylor
Competent, but, still learning!