:icon_scratch: Said ore comes with documented provenance? No. Just Ed wearing a ring. No bids but with free shipping maybe you,ll get a bite.Nope,six days and no bids so you stopped it. L.o.l.. It must be real. For a certified assay I may be willing to barter a silver half dollar for a small piece. Elvis may have touched it I believe.

I couldn't find the listing, can you link me up? But while searching I found this gem Natural Gold Ore Nugget | eBay LOL @ "Over 400 billion years in the making. " :)

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Ahh Dear Blue you are an inspiration. I resolve now to always wear a broad brimmed hat when spending a long duration in the hot sun.
A thick skin, a quickly growing thick ear to the rooster on the fence declaring his claim. I,m not selling myself or undocumented ore, nor boasting of any mine I found that's a secret. Hope there is a better market for ore for you though,what's that all about? Good Luck.

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Well... in my defense ... you said so I searched completed listings.

That seller, whoever it is, this blue guy or not doesn't have any sales under his belt? Feedback seems as a buyer only.

No problem. It was re-listed. Hey,I was looking for gold at first too so don,t feel bad...
Dear Blue, your mine is safe from me. I dislike border crossing north (the farther north of your ore crossing north) but do,without stuff to arouse suspicion of course, except one time I did not know what day it was. Can about imagine the stop at Juarez. Where's that hat gone off to now?

think this has turned into people dragging each other through the mud thread lol

Jesuit or Spanish?


you can see the letters, numbers and symbols on the side

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Not to change the subject, but I found something interesting.

From The American Jesuits: A History, by Raymond Schroth:

View attachment 1017642

Now, what was it about the Pimeria Alta that made the coming decades so "glorious" as to constitute the company's "golden age"?

I am speculating but would think it meant in terms of added thousands of 'converts' (perhaps rice-bowl type mainly) as well as expansion of the 'empire' of the Order, physically and in temporalities.

Unfortunately it looks like this thread has gone completely off the rails so we may have to cash it in. :dontknow:

Question: Is it not Illegal to take raw gold in any amount out of Mexico? by Mexican law?
How to Import & Export Precious Metals | eHow
Mexico requires that Export duties be paid within 60 days of export.
Posting that you did such a thing could get a person arrested and thrown in the Mexican slammer the next time they go south? Then would it not be smuggling if you did not declare it at the boarder and pay import duties? That means the law was broke in both countries and then confirmed by poster on E-Bay? Price:US $5,000.00 Buy It Now on E-bay
Mineral rights are subject to taxation at the county, state and federal levels.
Read more :
The U.S Government charges 65% tax on minerals. This means that you now owe the Federal Government $3250.00 and only have one year from the date of collection to pay it. It does not go by the date you sell it, but the date when it was acquired.
Import Duties on Gold | eHow
In most countries of the world all mineral resources belong to the government. This includes all valuable rocks, minerals, oil or gas found on or within the Earth. Organizations or individuals in those countries can not legally extract and sell any mineral commodity without first obtaining an authorization from the government.
A person may not sell a mineral without permission from the U.S. Government.
bluedeer stated that he has no claim and never will file for one. Tnet post #2541 this thread.
This equals high grading and is stealing minerals from the legal owner.
BD you seem to think it is a game, evidenced by all the lol's and such. Are you Ed Trottingwolf?

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Well railway... The ore in question was mined by a Mexican citizen in Mexico at my version of Tayopa as I watched... And said citizen delivered it to me here in the U.S.... Said citizen wanted me to invest in his venture and said citizen has since passed away... I have invested in a few ventures in Mexico and I have not made any personal gain from any of them... Yet I have lost quite a bit...I personally have not brought any minerals or other valuables from Mexico... lol

Oh...Did I fail to mention that the ore in question was presented to me so that I could have a reputable reliable assay performed on said ore here in the USA to see if I wanted to invest in said venture... Do ya'll know that there are no reputable assayers here in the good olé USA??? The assays did not reveal any gold though... And very little silver... No Pt either... go figure...I had to learn how to do my own...

Ed T
It would not matter who brought it into the country. It is illegal to sell it. Your supposed witness is dead so leaves no alibi to stand on, in the US or Mexico. You say you watched him mine it? means you brought it into the country by smuggling, no matter who had their hands on it when it crossed the boarder. Do you have a mining permit for Mexico? Even if your just an investor does not clear you from illegal mining. On top of that now you claim you are selling a rock that has no value on E-Bay for $5,000.00 dollars? Should I contact E-bay and report you as a fraud? They would be very interested in your commits here. There are plenty of reputable assayers here in the US. I have posted links to Assayers previously in this thread so will not re post. What I saw in your Ore Sample was an Iron core with other minerals on the outside. Why do you want to change the names of the posted who talk with you? We could change yours to B...S...

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A mule or courier is someone who smuggles something across a border (as opposed to sending by mail, etc.) for a smuggling organization. The organizers employ mules to reduce the risk of getting caught themselves. Methods of smuggling include hiding the goods in a vehicle, luggage or clothes, strapping them to one's body, or using the body as a container. Sometimes the goods are hidden in the bag or vehicle of an innocent person, who does not know about this, for the purpose of retrieving the goods elsewhere.
Mule (smuggling) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Using someone else to bring your goods makes it worse as now it becomes an international crime ring. Justify it as you will bluedeer, but I still see it as you are a smuggler, as far as your defense I say tell it to the Judge.

No, I have no friends in the Assay Business.

The Economics Behind Gold Smuggling Mules
Grappling with a high trade deficit and weak currency, India imposed measures this year to squeeze demand for gold, the second most expensive item on its import bill after oil. That’s not all Indians are squeezing: turns out that Indian gold is going the way of Colombian cocaine, and that demand, forcing the need for smuggling, has resulted in gold mules – literally people who ingest gold nuggets and then, well, you know, after transporting them.
The Economics Behind Gold Smuggling Mules - Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless, Rare Earth, Metal Prices, Forecasting | MetalMiner

So you admit that you are selling a silly worthless rock for $5,000.00 on E-bay knowing it has no precious metals value? Yet on E-bay you claim it is Platinum. You got screwed in your investment and now you want to pass the screwing on to someone else? That is Fraud!
You say he offered to bring the rock across the border at minimal expense means you are the smuggler and he was your mule for hire.
Knowledge of value has nothing to do with the act of smuggling. Either it came to the US through legal channels or it did not there are no grey areas here.

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can we get back on topic please? I get post notifications and come to see them, and end up disappointed with all this off topic stuff

I am speculating but would think it meant in terms of added thousands of 'converts' (perhaps rice-bowl type mainly) as well as expansion of the 'empire' of the Order, physically and in temporalities.

Unfortunately it looks like this thread has gone completely off the rails so we may have to cash it in. :dontknow:

Well you have to wonder about that.

I would think that success with 'conversion' wouldn't take decades to manifest itself.

If I remember right, the Jesuit excursion into the Pimeria Alta was more sizable than what they did in South America?

Bluedeer and Sailaway are both Jesuit Provocateurs (or Temporal Coadjutors). They came here to derail the conversation because we were getting too close to the truth!



Bluedeer and Sailaway are both Jesuit Provocateurs (or Temporal Coadjutors). They came here to derail the conversation because we were getting too close to the truth!



AHA! That explains Blue Deer's seemingly "lucky" find of a long-lost mine! He had inside information! :tongue3:

Back to topic, the size of the Jesuit operations at their 'high point' is rather amazing to me. Twenty thousand padres, posted around the world, with another twenty thousand coadjutors or lay brothers, controlling numerous colleges and universities, with a penchant for secrecy and all these 'soldiers' doing the bidding of ONE MAN. Even if it were not a religious organization, one would suspect some dark motive(s) behind it. As it played out, being a religious Order did not shield them from suspicion in numerous political intrigues.

Please do continue, and a rather late Happy 4th of July too!

LOL...Great comments Mike and Oro...There is a first for everything...I had never been called a high grader before by someone whom is full of hamburgers...Not to mention some of the other nice names that he/she had called me...Oh well...

Inside information...hehehe...I guess that I will agree with that...

And for the record...I do believe that I have found a found mine...LOL...As for which one...I plead the 5th on the grounds that it may incriminate me...rofl...:hello::hello::hello:

Oh...And if any of them silver loving Coke brothers would like to make it worth my while to take them to my little hole...Whom might I be to refuse???I'll tell you one thing...It is not any fake wine that they'll be getting...It will be one heck of an old, bona fide, Jesuit mine that they may be able to bring proper archeologists and the such in to chronicle it properly...Why heck...They might just find a lot of cast bullion in the darn thing...But who can be certain of such a thing???

Just a thought... :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Happy late 4th as well ya'll...:2barsgold::2barsgold::2barsgold:

Ed T:)

Your full of yourself, shake your boot? and that's Coke with a K! HA, Ha, ha. oh well! Only those with eye's can, and will see!
P.S. That's BABY BACKS, Ed!

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What is the Jesuit Creed?

1. Treating principally all, though in things of little consequence, we must have the same opinion, or at least exterior dignity; for by this manner we may augment and strengthen the Society more and more; to overthrow the barrier we have overcome in the business of the world.

2. Thus strengthening all, it will shine by its wisdom and good example, that we shall excel all the other fathers, and particularly the pastors, &c., &c., until the people desire us to all. Publicly divulging that the pastors do not need to possess so much knowledge; with such they can discharge well their duties, stating that they can assist them with the counsels of the Society; that for this motive they can dedicate themselves to all classes of studies.

3. We must inculcate this doctrine with kings and princes, THAT THE CATHOLIC FAITH CANNOT SUBSIST IN THE PRESENT STATE, WITHOUT POLITICS; but that in this, it is necessary to proceed with much certainty. Of this mode, we must share the affection of the great, and BE ADMITTED TO THE MOST SECRET COUNSELS.

4. We must entertain their good will, by writing from all parts interesting facts and notices.

5. It will be no little advantage that will result, by secretly and prudently fomenting dissensions between the great, ruining or augmenting their power. But if we perceive some appearance of reconciliation between them, then we of the Society will treat and act as pacificators; that it shall not be that any others shall anticipate to obtain it.

6. As much to the magnates as to the people, we must persuade them by all possible means, that the Society has not been, but by especial Divine Providence, conforming to the prophecies of the Abbot Joachim, for to return and raise up the Church, humbled by the heretics.

7. Having acquired the favor of the great and of the bishops, it will be an entire necessity, of empowering the curates and prebendaries to more exactly reform the clergy, that in other times lived under certain rule with the bishops, and tending to perfection; also it will be necessary to inspire the abbeys and prelacies; the which it will not be difficult to obtain; calling attention to the indolence and stupidity of the monks as if they were cattle; because it will be very advantageous for the Church, if all the bishoprics were occupied by members of the Society; and yet, as if it was the same apostolic chair, particularly if the Pope should return as temporal prince of all the properties; for as much as it is very necessary to extend little by little, with much secrecy and skill, the temporalities of the Society; and not having any doubt that the world will enter the golden age, to enjoy a perfect universal peace, for following the divine benediction that will descend upon the Church.

8. But if we do not hope that we can obtain this, supposing that it is necessary that scandals shall come in the world, WE MUST BE CAREFUL TO CHANGE OUR POLITICS, CONFORMING TO THE TIMES, AND EXCITE THE PRINCES, FRIENDS OF OURS TO mutually make terrible wars THAT EVERYWHERE THE MEDIATION OF THE SOCIETY WILL BE IMPLORED; that we may be employed in the public reconciliation, for it will be the cause of the common good and we shall be recompensed by the PRINCIPAL ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES; and the BETTER BENEFICIARIES.

9. In fine, that the Society afterwards can yet count upon the favor and authority of the princes, procuring THAT THOSE WHO DO NOT LOVE US SHALL FEAR US.
this from the reformation secrets


1. With the end of preventing the seculars from directing attention to our itching for riches, it will be useful to repel at times alms of little amount, by which we can allow them to do services for our Society; though we must accept the smallest amounts from people attached to us, for fear that we may be accused of avarice, if we only receive those that are most numerous.

2. We must refuse sepulture to persons of the lowest class in our churches, though they may have been very attached to our Society; for we do not believe that we must seek riches by the number of interments, and we must hold firmly the gains that we have made with the dead.

3. In regard to the widows and other persons who have left their properties to the Society, we must labor with resolution and greater vigor than with the others; things being equal, and not to be made apparent, that we favor some more than others, in consideration of their temporal properties. The same must be observed with those that pertain to the Society, after that they have made cession of their property; and if it be necessary to expel them from the Society, it must be done with discretion, to the end that they leave to the Society a part for the less of that which they have given, or that which they have bequeathed at the time of their death.

* "How we must pretend to despise wealth."
The Engineer Corps of Hell
by Edwin A. Sherman
Secretary of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in California
published in 1882
rewritten from:
Very Rev. Claudio Acquaviva, S.J.'s (the 5th Superior General of the Society of Jesus) manual for Jesuit spiritual directors appeared at the Giuntine press Florence, 1600. It contains his Jesuit dictum: Fortiter in re suaviter in modo

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Jesuit History: A New Hot Topic
Historians are a cautious lot and do not use the word revolution lightly. But that is the right word to describe what has been happening in the study of the history of the Society of Jesus. The scene is so different now from what it was as recently as a dozen years ago that it is hardly recognizable. All at once the Jesuits have become a hot topic in the field of early modern history. A century ago, a group of Spanish Jesuits launched publication of critical editions of documents from the early years of the Society, a project that has now reached some 135 volumes. Books—good books—are rolling off the presses, with France, Italy and North America leading the pack. The Institute of Jesuit Sources in St. Louis, under John Padberg’s direction, continues to publish fine translations of important texts, but now the most prestigious university presses—Princeton, Harvard, Stanford and Toronto, for example—also publish on Jesuit history. Today the vast majority of those writing about the Society are not Jesuits. Indeed many, or maybe most, of them are not Roman Catholics or even Christians. Yet departing from the anti-Jesuit polemic that traditionally marked writing on the Society by non-Jesuits, these scholars tend to be fair-minded and even appreciative, willing to give the Jesuits at least an even break.
The reasons for this change are difficult to pinpoint. Surely one factor has been a growing awareness that the Jesuits, in their manifold activities, provide windows onto extremely important though often neglected aspects of Western history. And because the network of the Society’s institutions is international, these are windows onto the relationship of the West to the rest of the globe. Scholars are asking new questions. Instead of “How were the Jesuits agents of the Counter Reformation” (still not a bad question), they are asking “What were the Jesuits like?” This question further moves the Jesuits out of the sometimes stale categories in which they were once confined. “Mission history” was practically an airtight category, isolated from the broader picture and segregated from it. Post-colonialism is thus finally bearing fruit in scholarship on the Jesuits. The Jesuits of the old Society (that is, before the suppression of the order in 1773) are emerging with a new profile. We still see them, of course, as religious figures for whom their religious commitment remained fundamental. But they were something more. They were “learned clerics,” like many others of their day, but their learning was somehow broader, their enterprise less traditionally clerical. They had a systemic commitment to culture that was more expansive than that of any other cohesive religious group, Catholic or Protestant. I would go so far as to say that integrated into their pastoral, ecclesial and religious mission was a cultural and civic mission. That latter mission was never articulated in their normative documents, which is one reason why it has never been systematically addressed, but it is not for that reason less important.
John W. O’Malley, S.J., professor of church history at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass., is the author, most recently, of Four Cultures of the West (Harvard Univ. Press. 2004.)

Mike I am here to study the Jesuits not derail the topic. I believe my post prove such. (other than being sidetracked by Ed T)
If the subject matter is full of hamburger I can delete them all? and not participate in the discussion.

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