Before anything else, again, we are friends. Nobody insulted you. I just stated a fact. Remember when Deducer cast aspersions on your research skills? Who was th first person to jump in your corner?
Once again, very simple: Father Och was nt traveling with any miners. He did nt have an entourage with him. HE was invited to join an Indian Family for dinner. He noticed all the gold flakes in the dinner plates. HE made the statement that the cost to extract them would have exceeded the value of the gold. HE said the flecks were proven to be gold by virtue of rubbing some quicksilver on them.
Lets say that for the sake of argument, that the Indian had the mercury. Father Och made two statements and committed one action showing his knowledge of the mining arts. That was the Sin of Disobedience by breaking the Ecclesiastical Precept against Priests of mining, or having knowledge of mining (either directly or indirectly).
Please show me where I have feigned insult where no insult was intended in order to avoid answering a question? Please also show me where I have started a multi page argument about some minescule deatail that had no relevance to a question asked of me? The quickest example: When Springy had some specific questions he wanted answered, did I not address them each as soon as I returned to the forum? I had some simple questions of you, and at first you avoided them, then after Deducer mentioned I was still waiting on answers, you answered one of the questions in a smarta$$ed way (basically dismissing it), then came the multi page mercury arguments. I have never ignored a direct question put to me (that I can remember). There are times when I have taken some time away from the forums, and things go unanswered. I like to think that if someone can show me convincing arguments that I am wrong on a given subject, that I am enough of a man to admit it. In the almost 140 pages of this thread, people have shown massive amounts of evidence (some documentary, some anecdotal, some circumstantial, and some wishful thinking) that the Jesuit Order was involved in mining, BUT THAT IS NOT THE MAIN THRUST OF THIS THREAD!
Remember, it is titled: "JESUIT TREASURES - ARE THEY REAL?"
THAT is why I keep saying For arguments sake, lets pretend that the Jesuits were not involved in mining........" It does not matter in the least! JUST with the loot they obtained from their LEGAL ventures, they had ammassed an enormous amount of wealth! Just read all the Jesuit Fathers' Journals. There are detailed descriptions. WHERE DID IT ALL GO?
1. Largest Sugar Plantation in the New World (worth millions): Taken by Spain and sold
2. Largest herds of Horses, Cattle, and Sheep in the New World: Taken by Spain and sold
3. Largest fields of crops in the New World for sale and for the missions. Taken by Spain and sold
4. Many properties received by sale, donation, and willed. Taken by Spain and sold
5. Rich Church Vestments of gold and silver: ? NOBODY KNOWS?
6. Millions of dollars annual revenue from the sugar plantation: ?NOBODY KNOWS?
7. Millions of dollars of revenue from sales of livestock: ?NOBODY KNOWS?
8. Revenues from the sale of crops: ?NOBODY KNOWS?
9. Millions upon millions of dollars donated/tithed to the Church (by law): ?NOBODY KNOWS?
Possible/Probable Wealth:
1. Gold and Silver Bullion made from secret mining operations: ?NOBODY KNOWS?
We know all that wealth was there at one point in time. It was seen and vividly described by several Jesuit Missionary Priests in their journals. Then, on the night of 25-26 June 1767, the Spanish rounded up all the Jesuits in Nueva Vizcaya. It was supposed to have been a big secret. So, why when the Spanish Soldiers tore up all the Cabeceras, Colegios, and Missions did they not find anything but a couple of thousand pesos here and there? Of the millions, upon millions, upon millions of pesos we know they made legally, only a dab was found when they were arrested.
So we know it was hidden before 25 June 1767. That idea is strengthened by the list Fray Serra put together. When he was tasked with founding the California Mission System in 1768, he was told to take anything he needed from the old Jesuit Missions. There was no wealth.
So, we are left with three choices:
1. The Jesuit Fathers lied n their journals about what they say they saw. Not very likely in my book.
2. The Jesuits had a very good "underground railroad" (not literally) tha transported all their wealth to one or the other coast for shipping to either Rome or Manilla. In 1765-1766, the Order was under VERY close surveillance by representatives of the King of Spain. It is not likely that all their collected wealth could have been shipped out of the country before then, and definitely not during or after.
3. All or some of the wealth was hidden during the three years after the French Jesuits were suppressed from French Territories, before their Spanish Suppression. Based on more anecdotal evidence than written documents (except Canada Law Review Article about Jesuit Treasure in Rio). I tend to believe theis one mainly due to the Law Review Article.