Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
They won't let you put a deposit on it for a week at a time?
They won't let you put a deposit on it for a week at a time?
Hi Kace, I just saw this thread today. That being said, I would vote against putting a deadline on reply's to a page or chapter of discussion. It would also hamper those like me who come late to the game.
Thanks for the invite to participate. I will lurk for a bit as I have no copy of said book. But I'd guess my input will not amount to much. I have few FACTS. Facts seem to be a problem when talking about much of the lives of the James or Youngers and some of their associates. People can't even agree when and where some of them died. So just for the record, my OPINION is Jessie James died in St. Jo, MO.. I'll also throw in Bloody Bill Anderson died in MO. in 1865. Bill HATED and it's just about impossible to turn that off. There is also no doubt he LIKED killing Yankees or the Dutch. From what I've read that comes from those that served with or under him, he wouldn't have just rode away.
I'll look forward to what TRUTH yall can come up with. I even enjoy reading the wild stories that are out there, just don't expect me to buy em. Good luck.
Yes, I have the book.SD...I'm happy you are going to participate! Do you have the BB?
This isn't just my project, but starting at the beginning of that book I do feel is necessary to cover everything you mentioned and Everything and Every Character in it.
I'm glad you brought up the metaphorical possibilities of the book... I've heard that before regarding it and after we all go through it from a literal point as published, it would be fun to discuss the possibility it was written as an allegory. I personally believe that No Organization would have Houk around for Anything, but I'd love to hear another side from you and others why that could be the case after the actual claims, people and statements are straightened out from the book as written.
I agree 100% that there's No Way to know who really said what, and I also think that character assessments or attacks on Houk have no place in this thread about the BB as written. Obviously he'll have to be referred to as JJ3 or Lee, whatever is going on in the book at that time.
As far as moderation...I'm not a moderator and I'd like it if nothing happens to make any moderator feel the need to get involved except if they want to participate in the thread...If we start at the beginning, which I'll post the first statements in the prologue today and we all just go with the characters and events that are written in the book and verifying or eliminating them from records and not opinions, this thread 'should' run itself.
There will have to be a time frame like you said for each section of the book that's put up for confirmation or rebuttal.
The book itself backtracks in places and is not always in chronological order.
Does everyone think two days are enough to allow for confirmation or rebuttal on sections by everyone participating and those who might join the thread?
Yes, I have the book.
I don't believe there should be any sort of time schedule per topic or book chapter. Some things may not draw enough attention to discuss much at all. Others could develop long vital lives of their own, and folks might not wish to quit on them when the clock runs out. Also, some people check TNet daily and might be able to help keep moving the discussion, while others check in much less often and need to keep catching up. Both types might have important things to contribute. I used to be all over KGC lore in years past, but in the last few years, I haven't thought a lot about it and have rarely looked at the TNet threads.
I guess you may as well just plunge ahead and see what happens. Since this was your idea, I guess you're the person who needs to signal a change when the time seems right.
Jesse James Was One Of His Names...Prologue
Statements: Not Verbatim At All Times To Condense The Paragraphs.
Was Jesse WOODSON James born in Kentucky on April 17, 1844 and killed by Ex-Jockey Bob Ford on April 3, 1882 in St Joseph, Missouri or did he die in Granbury Texas on August 15, 1951 at 107yrs old?
Was Jesse's 'death' in 1882 a Hoax aided and abetted by Governor Thomas T. Crittenden, once his lawyer and Schoolmate in Kentucky?
Is Charlie Bigelow in Jesse James grave in Kearney, MO?
Did John Trammell kill Charlie Bigelow's two brothers, Bert and John?
Did Kentucky Born Jesse WOODSON James and his older brother, Dr SYLVESTER Franklin (Frank) James the sons of Captain George and Molly Dalton James have two Missouri Born First Cousins.. Jesse ROBERT (Dingus) James and Alexander Franklin James sons of Robert Sallee and Zerelda Cole James?
Did Actor Sam Collins stand in for Alexander Franklin James during the trial in Gallatin, MO in 1883?
Didn't Brown Eyed Sam Collins stand 2" Taller than the Blue Eyed Frank James who was Acquitted?
That's the first 7 statements.
2 DOB for JJ...? April 17, 1844/September 5, 1847...Was Jesse WOODSON James born in Kentucky on April 17, 1844 and killed by Ex-Jockey Bob Ford on April 3, 1882 in St Joseph, Missouri or did he die in Granbury Texas on August 15, 1951 at 107yrs old?
In my opinion, I say neither of those scenarios matches what I have come to believe took place. Why? Because there was a bigger picture with a lot more players on the board than previously known to belong to the K.G.C. during Jesse's lifetime. Specifically, there were more alleys of opportunity offered to him that were previously unknown to be available. The idea that he died under another name is very believable to me, but I personally don't think it was ever known to anyone that repeated the fact.
Was his death faked in 1882? I say yes it was faked, but there were many players not mentioned in the book that had the most to do with it. Not to say the Governor wasn't savvy to the plan, but I doubt he was the planner. Jesse was a member of a higher order with a private agenda that you won't find a record of written down anywhere.
I don't believe there ever was a Charly Bigalow period.
September 5, 1847 Jesse Woodson James was born at the James Farm in Kearney, Missouri.
I believe those answers cover All of the first seven for me Kace. I will be very interested to hear what others say.
For Statement #1 about Jesse Woodson James being born in Kentucky on April 17, 1844? All I could ever find is that Jesse Woodson James was born
Robert Sallee James moved to Liberty, Missouri in 1842. Even if Jesse Woodson James was born on April 17, 1844, he would still have born in Liberty, Missouri. Here is a screenshot of Jesse Woodson James' father to verify:
Does anyone have a copy of the Deed for 245 acres of a farm puchased by Robert Sallee James in Clay County, Missouri?
2 DOB for JJ...? April 17, 1844/September 5, 1847...
Jesse James Was One Of His Names...Prologue
Statements: Not Verbatim At All Times To Condense The Paragraphs.
Was Jesse WOODSON James born in Kentucky on April 17, 1844 and killed by Ex-Jockey Bob Ford on April 3, 1882 in St Joseph, Missouri or did he die in Granbury Texas on August 15, 1951 at 107yrs old?
Was Jesse's 'death' in 1882 a Hoax aided and abetted by Governor Thomas T. Crittenden, once his lawyer and Schoolmate in Kentucky?
Here are my two questions for when we get to this part of the book.
1. What is the evidence that shows that the KGC survived after the war as an organization?
2. What is the evidence that Jesse James was a initiated member of the KGC? According to the Rules and Regs he was too young to be a member during the war.
Jesse was too young after the War was over. He did not turn 18 until five months after the Civil War ended.
I'm sure they made masons and KGC at sight during the war. One of my ancestors was initiated in a military lodge that was with the 35th Mississippi Infantry. I found that record at the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. But with no primary source I cannot take serious the claim that Jesse was KGC.This turtle and several other pieces of lead that it has taken us to and the implications that have unfolded are proof of the K.G.C. turning into the O.A.K. and continuing to at least 1896.
View attachment 1661260
The reason why you will not find any proof that Jesse James was Freemason or K.G.C. other than his actions and affiliation with other known members of the societies, is because he was initiated and raised on the spot in a field meeting. There were no records kept of the minutes. The K.G.C. had no records written down or kept in any form after 1861.
Prologue Statements/Claims...Continued.
8) Implies JWJ could be and was in so many places due to Astrophysical Travel