:coffee2:8-)mdog: No Sir, I Don't.... Really Could Only Speculate, Basically, On The Potential... Rebel - KGC Sounds Like As To Have An Idea(s) Of One Of His Last Dwelling Places? Then Warned About Who? Sounds Like Things May Have Gotten Pretty Hectic, To Have To Flee At Short Notice... From Who?... To Where? Perhaps Those Much More Studied Have Thoughts?... Thanks, ~: CDS :~

LAST place A.P. was living was D.C.; HOWEVER! Yanks came for him in Arkansas; a cabin where he loaded maps, papers, etc. in a wagon and "high-tailed" outta there. House of THE TEMPLE in D.C. (been there @ 3 times, as 32nd degree SR/SJ Mason) has his bones in a CRYPT in the wall, WONDERFUL library (of HIS stuff, TOO!), 33rd Degree Council "Lodge Room", GREAT STUFF!

Pike had a cache of gold from the indians that he put under the steps of his house in Arkansas, and another cache of his was discovered in the bank of the little Missouri. He got wind that he was going to be robbed and then high tailed it. The trip we are concerned most with was taken the last two years he was alive.


Jesse James was most likely about -27 when the K.G.C. began to surface as a group in 1820. George Bickley, contrary to popular belief did not bring about the K.G.C. and was only a front man, somewhat like a chairman of the board in a large corporation. They were much to protective of their conglomerated assets to risk exposure of those in control.


L.C., when you read the The Private Diary and Journal of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator", you'll realize how the James Gang knew which trains were carrying Federal payrolls or anything else that the trains they chose were carrying. The KGC had members inside of all Federal Government departments and agencies as well as inside of the transportation industry.

~Texas Jay


Honestly, They would eventually control the rails,cars, and anything that they moved anywhere. "MONOPOLY" would become the OAK's middle name during CIVIL WAR II (Reconstruction). Jesse knew what train, what car, and what time to be there. After the gold was taken he made the deposit keeping only what was allotted to him and the gang to keep them and supply their staples. They had friends with underground hiding places to keep them out of sight until the next task was given to them, as well as places of their own to hide and let things cool down after a robbery. Some of these same men that helped Jesse may have helped John Wilkes Booth in the same fashion.


FURTHER... I think the FED Park "system" was established by Teddy Roosevelt, former Police "Commish" of NYC, former Governor of NY, former Prez of USA... a SOLDIER. NYC was HQ of OAK/KGC... COULD it be...?

Jacob Thompson (May 15, 1810 – March 24, 1885) was the United States Secretary of the Interior, who resigned on the outbreak of the American Civil War, to become Inspector General of the Confederate States Army. The Department of the Interior oversees such agencies as the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Geological Survey, and the National Park Service. The Secretary also serves on and appoints the private citizens on the National Park Foundation board. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet. It was this man that started the program you speak of Rebel.

Great post! L.C.

It MAY well be that after the CONFEDERATE WAR, Jesse James DID meet Albert Pike in the "Free" Mid-West; J. J. was in Missouri/Kansas & A. P. was in Arkansas, so... BOTH traveling about...? Was A. P. KT of Masonic Order...? If so, THAT would be the LAST 3 degrees of YORK RITE... NOW! A. P. would HAVE to have been R.A.M. (Royal Arch Mason) AND! experience the CRYPTIC Degrees (aka Royal & Select Master/RSM). THAT could have lead to A. P. enhancing the 32 Degrees "system of A.A.S.R./S.J., a more ESOTERIC form of Masonic "Teachings". By certain "hand-signs", J. J. COULD have been Royal Arch Mason (R.A.M.), which WOULD have included the CRYPTIC DEGREES (RSM)... time for MORE "restless" nights!

Jacob Thompson (May 15, 1810 – March 24, 1885) was the United States Secretary of the Interior, who resigned on the outbreak of the American Civil War, to become Inspector General of the Confederate States Army. The Department of the Interior oversees such agencies as the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Geological Survey, and the National Park Service. The Secretary also serves on and appoints the private citizens on the National Park Foundation board. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet. It was this man that started the program you speak of Rebel.

Great post! L.C.

"Point" I was trying to make; KGC/OAK HQ was in NYC; T.R. was "Commish" of NYC/PD (ever watch "Blue Blood" on the Telly with Tom Selleck)? T.R.'s "pic" is on the wall of Commish's office; T.S. even looks like T.R.). ANYWAY, as Commish, T.R. would have had "Intelligence" on KGC/OAK, MAYBE to be used as Prez. I "posted" the info I had on US PARK SERVICE; I will stand up for my R & I...

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It MAY well be that after the CONFEDERATE WAR, Jesse James DID meet Albert Pike in the "Free" Mid-West; J. J. was in Missouri/Kansas & A. P. was in Arkansas, so... BOTH traveling about...? Was A. P. KT of Masonic Order...? If so, THAT would be the LAST 3 degrees of YORK RITE... NOW! A. P. would HAVE to have been R.A.M. (Royal Arch Mason) AND! experience the CRYPTIC Degrees (aka Royal & Select Master/RSM). THAT could have lead to A. P. enhancing the 32 Degrees "system of A.A.S.R./S.J., a more ESOTERIC form of Masonic "Teachings". By certain "hand-signs", J. J. COULD have been Royal Arch Mason (R.A.M.), which WOULD have included the CRYPTIC DEGREES (RSM)... time for MORE "restless" nights!

When the cryptic degrees were administered to these gentlemen.. Albert Pike may have been part of the ritual. Don't know for sure, but am sure he shook the hand of those that received 33rd degree during the time in question.

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L.C. have you ever heard of JJ leaving the USA and going to Germany for around 3 months?

L.C. have you ever heard of JJ leaving the USA and going to Germany for around 3 months?

No....but he was in with a German that had fought in the Mexican War and would later become a member of the KGC/OAK castle that we tied Jesse W James to. There is another possible German tie to the Lincoln assassination that I discuss in my book. I would like to hear the story if you don't mind sharing it.

Thanks, L.C.

:coffee2:8-) But... It Certainly Could Be Possible, Time Frame Wise, For There To Be Some Evidence Out There To That Effect? Edit: Meaning He Could Have feasibly rendezvoused with Jesse, Say Possibly If Only For A Brief Stop Passing Thru, To Visit One Of JJ's Favorite Places, In His "Region" ? To Keep Updated, and Coordinate In Communications, As Well As Having Also Planned Well In Advance...In Passing That Way, If Not Partly Perhaps, Knowing Possibly, A Final Meeting With One Of His Most Notable Knights?... ~: CDS :~

I'll put it this way....if Jesse was not killed by Bob Ford, then he would have been part of Albert Pike's team. The ciphers and coding Pike used reflects a bond to the ciphers Jesse used in the field and on the K.G.C./ O.A.K. map we have recovered.


Do you know where Pike's stops were on his last tour through these regions? Thanks.


I would love to see an itinerary of Pike's final journey! I have only found speculations of where he went, but no specifics.....which screams top secret!!!LOL:laughing7:


You seem to have forgotten James relation with Quantrill and who he rode with during "Bloody Kansas" and CSA Gen Joe Shelby testifing on the behalf of Frank James in a court trial long after the WAR.
Incindently,an antique gun store in Aspen,Colorado,Curious George,had for sale Jesse James holsters with the documented provenance,along with Wyatt Earp's "Marshall of Kansas City Colt 45" used at Tombstone,for sale way beyond my means-but it was cool,touching the glass 2'' from these.

I would love to see an itinerary of Pike's final journey! I have only found speculations of where he went, but no specifics.....which screams top secret!!!LOL:laughing7:


THIS may help... BTW, A. P. WAS Masonic Knights Templar in Kentucky; "google" Albert Pike's Masonic, Templar, & Rosicrucian Record (PDF); 10 PAGES! WOW!

You seem to have forgotten James relation with Quantrill and who he rode with during "Bloody Kansas" and CSA Gen Joe Shelby testifing on the behalf of Frank James in a court trial long after the WAR.
Incindently,an antique gun store in Aspen,Colorado,Curious George,had for sale Jesse James holsters with the documented provenance,along with Wyatt Earp's "Marshall of Kansas City Colt 45" used at Tombstone,for sale way beyond my means-but it was cool,touching the glass 2'' from these.

"THE ONES THAT GOT AWAY" by L.C. Baker........Read this when it becomes available in about three days or so. You will see a link to Quantrill and Jesse that is fact and how the deposits and meetings were held. There was an important middle man involved that was also connected to members of the gang besides Jesse James. The middle man and Jesse met quite often between robberies and assaults on the Union.

Great stuff! L.C. Baker

"THE ONES THAT GOT AWAY" is now available on for those who are interested.
tnet book cover.webp,k:the+ones+that+got+away+by+l.c.+baker

Many Thanks to all, L.C. Baker

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Cemetery on the grounds of the Ellington Agricultural Center Nashville, TN. Worth looking into for Nashville connections.

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