...and don't forget former "REDLEGS". Jesse James first "gang" was composed of cousins and others who were Missouri Confederate guerillas.During the 1869 DAVIESS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK robbery in Gallatin,Mo,James killed a teller he believed killed "Bloody" Bill Anderson,which gave him his first write up in a newspaper. James also corresponded with the editor of the KANSAS CITY TIMES,John Newman Edwards,a former Confederate who rode with CSA Gen Joe Shelby.Edwards wrote articles that made James "the Robin Hood of the West",protecting honest farmers against the evil Republican Union of Reconstruction.It is no sectret that Edwards,James,Youngers,Shelby,knew each other-Shelby testified on the behalf of Frank James in court. This site is well worth the read,it provides different insight on James: Jesse James - Biographer T.J. Stiles

James Train Robbery

This excerpt is from Pioneers of Polk County, Iowa by Lorenzo Andrews.

The robbers stopped for dinner the next day at a farmhouse a
few miles distant, and thereby were fully identified. "Billy" and
Dan Bringolf, then Sheriff, went down to Missouri to round them
up, but soon discovered they were being "shadowed," though care-
fully concealing their identity, for immediately on their arrival,
"Billy" was visited by General Joe Shelby, who informed him he
knew what he was there for ; that the James boys were under his
command, and couldn't be taken away. Everywhere they met a
like rebuff, the chase was abandoned, and the robbers never caught.

One of the JJ stories that has always fascinated me was the one where JJ was in Penn. or W.V.. He had 200,000.00 in gold and silver coin that he probably took from a bank, train, or stage coach. He was going to ship the money back to Mo. so he insured the money that he was shipping. Before The stage reached it destination jj's men robbed that coach and JJ also got the $200,000.00 in insurance money.

Farmers and gorilla fighters just don't think like that. It takes Bankers and lawyers to think of how they can steal from another and make it look legal. If Jessie had done this some one had to teach him. He only had a minor education and spent most of his life fighting and running. He never had time to learn those kind of tricks on his own.


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Well, THIS is what I think... "JESSIE JAMES" was a "fake" name utilized by MANY... as a "cover-name" like THOMAS J. BEALE (Beale Story/Treasure); by CSA Secret Services (spies, etc.) to hide "assets" ($$$$$$$$$$, guns, etc.) from the FEDS... YET! Notice that the FEDS (with some states) have designated areas as Parks, etc. that MAY have "Treasures of Interest", THUS! NO TH'ing nor MD'ing!
It is interesting to note the contact between all the former Grey Riders,and connections in their travels in areas of KGC castles-the James inTennessee,Nathan Bedford Forest country(notice was was worn in the James Train Robbery in the link of the previous post),and then there is John Newman Edwards acting as James's press agent in the Kansas City Times.
Now,it is known that the Confederates,and maybe the KGC,used the Persher Code of the Templers-is it possible that some of Edwards articles contained messages for the iniciated?
Then there are treasure articles in the "LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN",an example-April 16,1879-Robert O Willis hidden treasure of $65,000 in gold,silver,and jewelry hidden in Kentucky cave.A precurser to the "BEALE PAPERS" which were only advertised in the Lynchburg Virginian?
The James were also in Virginia,did they know Ward or Hutter?

It is interesting to note the contact between all the former Grey Riders,and connections in their travels in areas of KGC castles-the James inTennessee,Nathan Bedford Forest country(notice was was worn in the James Train Robbery in the link of the previous post),and then there is John Newman Edwards acting as James's press agent in the Kansas City Times. Now,it is known that the Confederates,and maybe the KGC,used the Persher Code of the Templers-is it possible that some of Edwards articles contained messages for the iniciated? Then there are treasure articles in the "LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN",an example-April 16,1879-Robert O Willis hidden treasure of $65,000 in gold,silver,and jewelry hidden in Kentucky cave.A precurser to the "BEALE PAPERS" which were only advertised in the Lynchburg Virginian? The James were also in Virginia,did they know Ward or Hutter?
Frank James & family were living in Lynchburg, Va. (1882), when Jesse James was "killed" out west. FJ PROBABLY knew BOTH; tho, Hutter died in 1885... the year that the BEALE PAPERS came out. JB Ward (and his son) was ALSO interviewed by the HART Bros, or ONE of 'em; TREASURE HUNTERS from Roanoke, Va. looking for a treasure stated to be buried near the Peaks of Otter around the area of Newton Hazlewood's farm; Hazlewood was a CSA SGT in the CONFEDERATE WAR. HE asked C. Hart to copy several pages of FIGURES (not NUMBERS...?) that Hazlewood had; Hazlewood WAS a Freemason, as was several "players" in the "BEALE Story"; they ALL went to the SAME Church in Lynchburg, Va. Read the HART PAPERS by George Hart, Sr. (HE or HIS son was an attorney & made 32nd Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite - Albert Pike's SOUTHERN Jurisdiction). Forget the so-called "psychic/medium" report, as it is thought that it is a "cover" for what REALLY happened & it is ALL CONFEDERATE "assets" stuff, as determined by CSA Secret Services; Please NOTE: Hutter died in 1885: was thought to be the author of the BEALE PAPERS, composed of MANY "events" & HIS cousin, JB Ward was the "AGENT" for getting the copy-right. The Robert O. Wilson treasure "story" sounds like a "test case", as it WAS reported (HISTORY) that as the Yanks came towards Lynchburg, Va. (the LAST state capital of VIRGINIA), a wagon was seen "high-tailing" up into the mountains (towards a cave) and then on-loaded on a Packet Boat to go "up-river" on the James to Lexington, Va. (area of VMI), then traveling over-land to another river to St. Louis, MO; MAY have been in that cave in Kentucky, too... dunno. MO is "JJ-LAND"! Learned his "Craft" while with Q's Guerillas; THAT is why Jesse James was only ONE of his names. THAT is why EVERY "old-timer" claiming to be JJ, PROBABLY were telling the "truth", as part of CSA Secret Services post-CONFEDERATE WAR!

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...and during Reconstruction,they were all aligned with the Southern Democratic Party which became the DIXIECRATS,all had KGC/OAK ties.
I agree,there were many players to the Beale story,and CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,who also ran the CSA "secret service"and was KGC with close ties to Pike and Slidell,may have had a hand in it.His connection to E S Hutter in Danville,April 1865,has been discussed many times.

Well, THIS is what I think... "JESSIE JAMES" was a "fake" name utilized by MANY... as a "cover-name" like THOMAS J. BEALE (Beale Story/Treasure); by CSA Secret Services (spies, etc.) to hide "assets" ($$$$$$$$$$, guns, etc.) from the FEDS... YET! Notice that the FEDS (with some states) have designated areas as Parks, etc. that MAY have "Treasures of Interest", THUS! NO TH'ing nor MD'ing!

I hear ya rebel, but I think the parks were used and discussed as such in the year 1860. Secretary of the interior of James Buchanan's cabinet was Jacob Thompson. very important position if you are setting aside land to use. Notice the shape of his left hand on the chair in his picture. Do the same with your hand, and you will see that it took an effort on his part to bring his thumb to his index finger.

Jacob Thompson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Maybe so... "google" President Teddy Roosevelt & US Forest Service, 1901...


LOL! Alchemical Symbols..? Check out Masonic Astronomy or Stella Theology; a book was written in 1882, the year that JJ was "killed" & Frank James was living in Lynchburg, Va. with his family... as James Warren! Near the Arlington Hotel, where a bunch of REBELS met (they NEVER surrendered). We think this was the Inner Circle, to discuss how to do the BEALE PAPERS.

Open secrets are those that are plainly seen, available to everyone, yet have
their meaning hidden because most people simply do not know the meaning behind the symbology

This is an important thing. The trail we are working on was not discovered until 1970......the key was not opened for approximately 107 years and has been being deciphered for the past 44 years. That is a total of 151 years and counting. Now I ask you, if that is not an excellent example of remaining invisible in plain sight????? Keep in mind, that is just what they left to be discovered by the worthy. Amazing encryption technology designed by geniuses that remains to be deciphered to this day.


Open secrets are those that are plainly seen, available to everyone, yet have their meaning hidden because most people simply do not know the meaning behind the symbology This is an important thing. The trail we are working on was not discovered until 1970......the key was not opened for approximately 107 years and has been being deciphered for the past 44 years. That is a total of 151 years and counting. Now I ask you, if that is not an excellent example of remaining invisible in plain sight????? Keep in mind, that is just what they left to be discovered by the worthy. Amazing encryption technology designed by geniuses that remains to be deciphered to this day. L.C.

I don't know L.C., I think the best you can hope to find on these trails is a lot of real interesting history. Markers can be destroyed or changed, dozens of decoy sites can be set up to confuse and delay and the guys who know what to look for can sit in their office with a map and a series of numbers and pinpoint an important area without spending a day in the field. I'm thinking that the maps that are the most important are the maps that anybody can buy at the county courthouse. I think that somebody who knows what to look for on those maps can study it for a short time and go right to an area of importance.

I don't know L.C., I think the best you can hope to find on these trails is a lot of real interesting history. Markers can be destroyed or changed, dozens of decoy sites can be set up to confuse and delay and the guys who know what to look for can sit in their office with a map and a series of numbers and pinpoint an important area without spending a day in the field. I'm thinking that the maps that are the most important are the maps that anybody can buy at the county courthouse. I think that somebody who knows what to look for on those maps can study it for a short time and go right to an area of importance.

This is far to deep, and too many important people are involved to be a decoy in it's self, but there are some misleading trails.....mostly due to the obvious assumptions taken by the decoders. :laughing7: Rebel is right on the nose with the Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy part that is involved. It also has to do with the physical representation of the ritual, if you know what I mean. In a highly sophisticated method they displayed the translations to the "T" with what took many many dollars to complete. This isn't like your average Arkansas trail, it is far more extravagant and planned out. It took many years to complete, and set these symbols. It has plenty of deception in the cryptology that was used, so much so that we suspect Albert Pike himself may have placed these pieces of map.


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This is far to deep, and too many important people are involved to be a decoy in it's self, but there are some misleading trails.....mostly due to the obvious assumptions taken by the decoders. :laughing7: Rebel is right on the nose with the Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy part that is involved. It also has to do with the physical representation of the ritual, if you know what I mean. In a highly sophisticated method they displayed the translations to the "T" with what took many many dollars to complete. This isn't like your average Arkansas trail, it is far more extravagant and planned out. It took many years to complete, and set these symbols. It has plenty of deception in the cryptology that was used, so much so that we suspect Albert Pike himself may have placed these pieces of map.

:coffee2:8-) Then Perhaps Albert Pike Also personally inspected, and while riding with Jesse, visited some of the supposed secured areas, on his final West/S-W/M-W Tour before he passed... To have been a quiet and unseen bird high on a limb! Nitro- Gunpowder and Lead!...LOL! ~: CDS :~

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Pikes final journey is very interesting, but I have never heard of Jesse James being with him.


Pikes final journey is very interesting, but I have never heard of Jesse James being with him.

:coffee2:8-) But... It Certainly Could Be Possible, Time Frame Wise, For There To Be Some Evidence Out There To That Effect? Edit: Meaning He Could Have feasibly rendezvoused with Jesse, Say Possibly If Only For A Brief Stop Passing Thru, To Visit One Of JJ's Favorite Places, In His "Region" ? To Keep Updated, and Coordinate In Communications, As Well As Having Also Planned Well In Advance...In Passing That Way, If Not Partly Perhaps, Knowing Possibly, A Final Meeting With One Of His Most Notable Knights?... ~: CDS :~

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:coffee2:8-) Then Perhaps Albert Pike Also personally inspected, and while riding with Jesse, visited some of the supposed secured areas, on his final West/S-W/M-W Tour before he passed... To have been a quiet and unseen bird high on a limb! Nitro- Gunpowder and Lead!...LOL! ~: CDS :~

Do you know where Pike's stops were on his last tour through these regions? Thanks.


Well, A.P. was living in a cabin in Arkansas, when Yanks came looking for him; he quickly loaded a wagon with some books, maps & papers & and boogied out of there! AND! It's ALL "Fed Land", now; "google" Albert Pike Recreation Area; Ouachita National Forest. NO Th'ing... NO Md'ing. Carvings & "Signs"...? GO SEE!

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Do you know where Pike's stops were on his last tour through these regions? Thanks.

:coffee2:8-)mdog: No Sir, I Don't.... Really Could Only Speculate, Basically, On The Potential... Rebel - KGC Sounds Like As To Have An Idea(s) Of One Of His Last Dwelling Places? Then Warned About Who? Sounds Like Things May Have Gotten Pretty Hectic, To Have To Flee At Short Notice... From Who?... To Where? Perhaps Those Much More Studied Have Thoughts?... Thanks, ~: CDS :~

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