I appreciate the advice but it's not a dog friendly trek. Furthermore, I'm not afraid of the cat, and actually welcome the encounter. It's not designed to take me, or you down, and should it make the fateful mistake to attack me, I'm equipped with a pry bar, mining hammer, back backs for shields, and bear spray - at all times. I'm going to find that cat by myself, and take it's picture, and let it know that it needs to fear people. It's been too bold lately, getting within about 12 feet of the claim owners in the area. Someone needs to let the cat know it needs to fear us. Shall it attack me, then I deserve it, but I LOVE mountain lions. They're my favorite animal and I'd never want one to be shot because they become too close to people and comfortable. They, and the bears, must continue to fear us, and it's our duty to make sure they don't get comfortable with people. Best to you, and don't let the cougars bite.