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- #61
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Its been a while since ive had anything to post being the time of year, working around the house with spring cleaning and projects.. Also had been searching for a new job mostly during the past month, and finally accepted an offer for considerably more money and weekend time off so I really excited for this summer as it will allow me to get out prospecting much more.
I was able to make it out to the river for the first time this year yesterday and had quite the experience. It seemed at first that I was going to be headed out alone and most all of my know river locations are not very accessible this time of year due to higher flow. I asked Mytimetoshine if he could point me in the direction of some workable ground nearby since hes been able to get out quite a bit so far, he suggested the Bear river and I was excited to get out there being that I had never been to the Bear and heard a lot of good things and seen some good gold come from there. At the last minute Erik the prospector called and wanted to know if I was able to get out, once I told him my plan he was excited to go back to a spot on the Bear he had done well at last year. We met in Alta as I was coming from home and he was up in Truckee on Friday night. We both hopped in his vehicle and made our way down. We had to hike in about a mile to get to the location which was very beautiful and the flow was just perfect. It felt like a summers day out there, good sun light and temp and the water was warm enough to work in without waders once the sun came out. We worked a spot where Erik had gotten over a gram of pickers in one pan his first time there, and it looked very promising. We only brought pans and crevice tools because of the hike and not knowing what to expect as far as flow and access, but I wish I would have brought the zooka as it would have been perfect to work this area. I worked the higher bedrock as I do in most locations when Im only panning and I found a huge crevice about 2 feet wide full of broken bedrock and clay. I ended up working that same spot the entire day as I was consistently seeing about 3-4 flakes in each pan and it was by far the most consistent paying spot ive ever dug, every pan looked almost identical as rest. Erik worked all over and was not getting the color he had hoped for but was finding decent gold here and there. I dubbed my diggins the "honey hole mine" as I soon had dug a mini shaft about three feet down, three feet wide and it just kept going. It was not easy panning though being all clay and jagged bedrock shards but I had on some good gloves and took my time at the water breaking it up by hand in the 1/2" classifier and in the pan after that. I spent the whole day at this one hole, Erik was working a bit higher up on some similar looking bedrock getting good gold here and there. Panning was a bit of a pain as there was really only one good location to pan in this very small area below where we worked. We basically had to take turns panning while the other was collecting material. I wish I would have taken some photos I really need to start making this a priority but I had left my phone in my pack on the other side of the river. We worked hard late into the day, hardly stopped to eat or take a break even. It was almost time to leave when we decided to do one more bucket full each. I gathered my material from the honey hole and went to pan while Erik was above me working on a crack when I heard him shout with joy has he had just freed a huge chunk of bedrock about the size of a two mailboxes side by side. It looked like it was going to be some good material and I was happy for him. He then warned me that he was going to let the rock come down so I took a few steps away and judging by the lay of the land it should miss me as it traveled down about 10 feet to the water. He let it go and it slowly slid down until about half way it caught and flipped then headed right for me! I tried to move but the rock sandwiched itself up against my shin and another rock.. When It happened It looked bad! Erik started frantically making his way towards me and he was sure my leg was broken as at first I was as well, but thank God it was a miracle it wasn't. I remember pushing off the rock and seeing this hole in my leg and I could see the bone! I stayed calm and Erik was so concerned he started to panic a little and I calmly told him that im ok and not to panic so that I dont start to panic. I took inventory, funny thing is when it happened and after it never hurt at all, possibly the adrenaline and that I was standing in freezing cold water while it happened? The sight of the bone was all I was concerned with, strangely enough it never started bleeding at all. I cleaned it in the clear water as good as I could and Erik busted out the gauze and tape and we bandaged it up the best we could. We had a good mile hike up hill and I was worried it was going to start gushing blood then but strangely enough it never bleed, was really weird but heck ill take it! The kicker is that I still had a pans worth of material to work after this happened and I couldn't leave not knowing what was in it.. I sucked it up and panned it out, and it turned out to be the best pan of the day! When we made it back to the truck we cleaned out the wound again with iodine and bandaged it up and headed to urgent care in Auburn and made it just in the nick of time before they closed. Erik stayed with me the whole time and was a huge help in making sure I was ok and taken care of, that meant a lot to me for sure. 6 stitches later Im good to go! ended up getting a little PO on my arm though
I hate that stuff! Im bruised and scared and have PO but it was still one heck of a trip and Im just thankful that it didn't end up any worse. I will be thinking more cautiously and taking extra care next time im out, im lucky that in all my times out this was the first time Ive been injured.

The gold was good, almost all the same size mini picker flakes. weighed out too
.58 grams so not to shabby for panning! Cant wait to get back up there with the sluice and put in some work, it could pay well im thinking.

I was able to make it out to the river for the first time this year yesterday and had quite the experience. It seemed at first that I was going to be headed out alone and most all of my know river locations are not very accessible this time of year due to higher flow. I asked Mytimetoshine if he could point me in the direction of some workable ground nearby since hes been able to get out quite a bit so far, he suggested the Bear river and I was excited to get out there being that I had never been to the Bear and heard a lot of good things and seen some good gold come from there. At the last minute Erik the prospector called and wanted to know if I was able to get out, once I told him my plan he was excited to go back to a spot on the Bear he had done well at last year. We met in Alta as I was coming from home and he was up in Truckee on Friday night. We both hopped in his vehicle and made our way down. We had to hike in about a mile to get to the location which was very beautiful and the flow was just perfect. It felt like a summers day out there, good sun light and temp and the water was warm enough to work in without waders once the sun came out. We worked a spot where Erik had gotten over a gram of pickers in one pan his first time there, and it looked very promising. We only brought pans and crevice tools because of the hike and not knowing what to expect as far as flow and access, but I wish I would have brought the zooka as it would have been perfect to work this area. I worked the higher bedrock as I do in most locations when Im only panning and I found a huge crevice about 2 feet wide full of broken bedrock and clay. I ended up working that same spot the entire day as I was consistently seeing about 3-4 flakes in each pan and it was by far the most consistent paying spot ive ever dug, every pan looked almost identical as rest. Erik worked all over and was not getting the color he had hoped for but was finding decent gold here and there. I dubbed my diggins the "honey hole mine" as I soon had dug a mini shaft about three feet down, three feet wide and it just kept going. It was not easy panning though being all clay and jagged bedrock shards but I had on some good gloves and took my time at the water breaking it up by hand in the 1/2" classifier and in the pan after that. I spent the whole day at this one hole, Erik was working a bit higher up on some similar looking bedrock getting good gold here and there. Panning was a bit of a pain as there was really only one good location to pan in this very small area below where we worked. We basically had to take turns panning while the other was collecting material. I wish I would have taken some photos I really need to start making this a priority but I had left my phone in my pack on the other side of the river. We worked hard late into the day, hardly stopped to eat or take a break even. It was almost time to leave when we decided to do one more bucket full each. I gathered my material from the honey hole and went to pan while Erik was above me working on a crack when I heard him shout with joy has he had just freed a huge chunk of bedrock about the size of a two mailboxes side by side. It looked like it was going to be some good material and I was happy for him. He then warned me that he was going to let the rock come down so I took a few steps away and judging by the lay of the land it should miss me as it traveled down about 10 feet to the water. He let it go and it slowly slid down until about half way it caught and flipped then headed right for me! I tried to move but the rock sandwiched itself up against my shin and another rock.. When It happened It looked bad! Erik started frantically making his way towards me and he was sure my leg was broken as at first I was as well, but thank God it was a miracle it wasn't. I remember pushing off the rock and seeing this hole in my leg and I could see the bone! I stayed calm and Erik was so concerned he started to panic a little and I calmly told him that im ok and not to panic so that I dont start to panic. I took inventory, funny thing is when it happened and after it never hurt at all, possibly the adrenaline and that I was standing in freezing cold water while it happened? The sight of the bone was all I was concerned with, strangely enough it never started bleeding at all. I cleaned it in the clear water as good as I could and Erik busted out the gauze and tape and we bandaged it up the best we could. We had a good mile hike up hill and I was worried it was going to start gushing blood then but strangely enough it never bleed, was really weird but heck ill take it! The kicker is that I still had a pans worth of material to work after this happened and I couldn't leave not knowing what was in it.. I sucked it up and panned it out, and it turned out to be the best pan of the day! When we made it back to the truck we cleaned out the wound again with iodine and bandaged it up and headed to urgent care in Auburn and made it just in the nick of time before they closed. Erik stayed with me the whole time and was a huge help in making sure I was ok and taken care of, that meant a lot to me for sure. 6 stitches later Im good to go! ended up getting a little PO on my arm though

The gold was good, almost all the same size mini picker flakes. weighed out too
.58 grams so not to shabby for panning! Cant wait to get back up there with the sluice and put in some work, it could pay well im thinking.

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