Jefferson Bible

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I see why you have such a hard time dealing with the living. Frank, You know what I say is true. Don't be upset, its a good thing. Lol... Rather be a ghost than boast, my 100% found me then I found it.. The object in view Lol... Justintime. .
don't be a 8==D

Ok guys back from my time away. Its not been time seperated from Beale, I've been getting in his face. I have taken the advice from Reb to heart :thumbsup: And reading my history has been paying of. Put the numbers aside and read what there. If someting doesnt hit you keep reading it. Its all there, with time comes wisdom. Its all explained in history.

HH Jay

Oh no........not another one! :laughing9: :BangHead: Man, are you guys going to be really dissapointed. :laughing9:


:D At the TIKI BAR again, eh? :wink: Tell us about YOUR "French-connection" theory, then... studying French, OUI? :coffee2: :read2:

Rebel - KGC said:
:D At the TIKI BAR again, eh? :wink: Tell us about YOUR "French-connection" theory, then... studying French, OUI? :coffee2: :read2:

Reb, I've already put more out here then I probably should have, and if you want to "really look" into what I've already put out here then "you will" find the "solid proof" you're looking for. Pay attention to the names, do the gen searches, keep an eye open for that one place where they "all" end coming togather at the same time. The duel that took place between Risque and Beale was not over a woman, that is/was just local "gossip", but it was over honor & circumstance. The money in question encountered a problem, as in the banking panic 1819. The situation that eventually brought this all about didn't take place until after the arrangements/agreements had already been made which resulted in a "last resort" response. Now there you go, that should do it if you really want to know the truth. And, I will stick to my prediction that I made earlier. :thumbsup:

My prediction remains the same also. :coffee2:

The Duel...

:D "Scoop", the DUEL was between JB Risque & Thom. Beale, SR (SENIOR)... AND! It WAS over the woman, 16 year(s) old Julia/Judy Hancock, who LATER married William Clark (Lewis & Clark Expedition)... AND! HONOR for JB Risque, who LATER moved to Lynchburg, Va.
Beale, Sr. went to New Orleans, and JUNIOR later followed his daddy there. SO! The Duel WAS over a young woman AND honor! THERE! :wink:

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Re: The Duel...

Rebel - KGC said:
:D "Scoop", the DUEL was between JB Risque & Thom. Beale, SR (SENIOR)... AND! It WAS over the woman, 16 year(s) Julia/Judy Hancock, who LATER married William Clark (Lewis & Clark Expedition)... AND! HONOR for JB Risque, who LATER moved to Lynchburg, Va.
Beale, Sr. went to New Orleans, and JUNIOR later followed his daddy there. SO! The Duel WAS over a young woman AND honor! THERE! :wink:

If you say so.........not going to argue with you.........but look at what you've just posted and consider, just for a moment, "what if that duel was really over something else?" Sometimes, family histories aren't all that accurate, even when they are so-so certain it is accurate. Ever know one of those people in your past where you were just waiting for the right moment to come so you would finally have a justifiable reason to kick their As$? Happens all the time...........

I & R... QUI!

:D I DO trust the info that I have seen, heard, etc. UNTIL proven OTHERWISE. I am STILL interested in "seeing" about YOUR "FRENCH-CONNECTION"; Oui? SHARE! TY! :icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :read2:

It's so nice to be back in the argument...I mean, the discussion.:happysmiley:

Yep.....time will tell if it was for better or worse?

BACK to JEFFERSON BIBLE... "covering" ONLY the NEW TESTAMENT. MAYBE, TJ was "saying", there is NOTHING "supernatural" about it all... he WAS a DEIST. as was George Washington & other "Founding Fathers"... BUT! Don't wanna get into "Religion" here... just as a "code book";
"google" JEFFERSON BIBLE, if you don't have one.

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