Jefferson Bible

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Rebel - KGC said:
:D "Scoop", you asked... WHY a "cover story"? To hide the "adventures" of REBS hiding the FIRST deposit in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR, with the second (and LAST) deposit made after Richmond fell, and the yanks "were coming". :wink: It MAY WELL BE, that the "BP" was to alert "PRE-SELECTED" ppl that ALL was well. :dontknow: It was a CSA "SPY" thing... YOU wouldn't understand. :wink:
:coffee2: :read2:

You're right, I don't understand, I'll give you that one. :thumbsup: So you're saying the "actual story in the Beale Papers" was "all fiction as it was written", perhaps with the exception of the "1862" part, "the second year of the confederate war"? Is that right? And you're also saying'suggesting that the Beale Papers were written as a means of secretly communicating a top vital secret by way of a very public press to a handful of pre-selected secret agents opperating within a fairly small community? Is that right? :dontknow:

Campbell Rangers (CSA)?

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D MY focus is on "BP" as a REBEL (CSA) "COVER STORY"; (Cavalry: 2nd Regiment, Va. Cavalry aka 30th Regiment Virginia Volunteers based out of Lynchburg, Va. under TT Munford, who NEVER surrendered). In the "BP", mention was made of men on horses, in a military style of regiment, with THOMAS J. Beale "elected" as CAPTAIN. THOMAS Taylor Munford was in charge of 30th Regiment Virginia Volunteers; TJB had THIRTY (30) men! :o :wink: Jubal Early (J) lived in Lynchburg, Va. post-CONFEDERATE WAR, and worked as an attorney; he also NEVER surrendered!! :D :wink: I am looking at the rosters of men, and will "post" 'em, soon. :wink: Will focus on Company I (Campbell Rangers)... I think it was COMPANY I, who may have made the DEPOSITS... OTHERWISE, shouldn't it be, "WE deposited in Bedford County... etc. etc"? :wink: :coffee2: "Google" 2nd REGIMENT, VIRGINIA CAVALRY (CONFEDERATE)... :icon_thumleft: :read2:

That makes no sense. You take some facts ,and put them together how you want. LOL. The only thing of importance in the Beale paper pamphlet is the letters to Morris. There are no instructions in the rest. You got the idle blues and that's OK that's part of being a treasure HUNTER...

Got to keep the Letters away from the rest. Ward is not the author of the letters. Pamphlet yes, letters no... :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Re: Campbell Rangers (CSA)?

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D MY focus is on "BP" as a REBEL (CSA) Cavalry (2nd Regiment, Va. Cavalry aka 30th Regiment Virginia Volunteers based out of Lynchburg, Va. under TT Munford, who NEVER surrendered). In the "BP", mention was made of men on horses, in a military style of regiment, with THOMAS J. Beale "elected" as CAPTAIN. THOMAS Taylor Munford was in charge of 30th Regiment Virginia Volunteers; TJB had THIRTY (30) men! :o :wink: Jubal Early (J) lived in Lynchburg, Va. post-CONFEDERATE WAR, and worked as an attorney; he also NEVER surrendered!! :D :wink: I am looking at the rosters of men, and will "post" 'em, soon. :wink: Will focus on Company I (Campbell Rangers)... I think it was COMPANY I, who may the DEPOSITS... OTHERWISE, shouldn't it be, "WE deposited in Bedford County... etc. etc"? :wink: :coffee2: "Google" 2nd REGIMENT, VIRGINIA CAVALRY (CONFEDERATE)... :icon_thumleft: :read2:

OK. :thumbsup: But as you said, I just don't understand "why" in 1885 one or more of these secret individuals would publish a pamphlet to further excite the general public about the possiblity of large hidden treasure in the area if he/they were trying to keep a real secret hidden treasure in the area a secret? At this point the real source of the treasure wouldn't matter, fact is, because of the pamphlet, "a lot" of people are going to start looking for treasure in the area. If what you're suggesting is true, then the only reason I can think of for someone to have done this is if the treasure I was trying to protect "wasn't" even in the region. :dontknow: :icon_scratch:

20 years later...

:D "Scoop", in the "BP", wasn't Robert MORRISS supposed to wait TWENTY years, before opening the BOX, left behind by TJ Beale? CONFEDERATE WAR over in 1865... TWENTY years later... 1885! :o :wink: 1885 - opened "PANDORA'S" BOX! :laughing9: :laughing7:
MY "sense" is that it was NO longer meant to be a SECRET; MAYBE, already "used up"... :dontknow:

Every secret agent through out history initials was J.B. , JAMES BOND, JASON BORN, JACK BOWWER and many more. Maybe Ward was a secret agent looking for a treasure he knew the truth about. To the point he lost everything and warned other that same would happen to them. After infiltrating Morris realizing he never got the key it was hopeless so the pamphlet was last chance to prevent a catastrophe so one day the key would be found and the treasure recovered. Just sayn :coffee2:


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D "Just", according to the "BP", JB Ward was ONLY the agent for the author of the "BP", who was PROBABLY Ferdinand C. Hutter (CSA)... from the CONFEDERATE WAR era; :wink: or "google" FERDINAND
C. HUTTER, ANONYMOUS AUTHOR OF WARD'S PAMPHLET :wink: In fact... Ward & Hutter were COUSINS! :D :wink:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D :coffee2: AND! Ferdinand died in 1885 (looking for MORE info on THAT); know he had a DAIRY FARM called IGLOE, next to SANDUSKY MANOR, here in Lynchburg, Va. ONCE he died, the SECRET could have died with him... BUT! We have the "BP", with the TRUE story embedded within it, if you know how to "break" it. :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

Ward and his associates ,never got the key, the (secret ) was never found. There's no doubt that Ward new. If he would had got his had on the key he would have recovered it. Ward knew Morriss was in possession of a (secret), Morriss didn't find Ward, Ward found Morriss ...LOL... BEALE was worried about people impersonateing from his party. Morris, was chosen by Beale's. BOSSES. So when Morris never provided the Beale bosses inform Ward of the situation. Something like that ,not very good at writing. JUSTINTIME.. . ... . .... .. .

Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

MEANWHILE, as the world turns... the young & restless "carries on"!

:dontknow: :read2:

Time,tune,pitch, Lol... Justintime...

This is sad, very sad. It's 9:43pm on Saturday night and I'm posting smiley faces on Tnet. :laughing9:

bigscoop said:
Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

Exactly who do you think "THEY" are???????

Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

Exactly who do you think "THEY" are???????

For now let's just call them, "Ghost!" :laughing9:

bigscoop said:
Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

Exactly who do you think "THEY" are???????

For now let's just call them, "Ghost!" :laughing9:

You and Justintime would make good partners, he talks to spirits of the dead and you see the dead.

Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

Exactly who do you think "THEY" are???????

For now let's just call them, "Ghost!" :laughing9:

You and Justintime would make good partners, he talks to spirits of the dead and you see the dead.

:laughing9: If we’re crazy then I can only imagine what you’d have to say about a guy that claims it all comes down to a clairvoyant and a ghost that actually made lethal physical contact with the living. Bet you’d think that guy was completely nuts and full of BS. In fact, I think you might know him pretty well. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

bigscoop said:
Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Fellas, I'm just going to stick to my earlier prediction that there WILL be a few significant developments coming to the forefront within the next year. When, exactly,.....:dontknow:.....but I suppose it will be when they're darn good and ready and they're 100% certain of what they have, and they can prove it to boot.

Exactly who do you think "THEY" are???????

For now let's just call them, "Ghost!" :laughing9:

You and Justintime would make good partners, he talks to spirits of the dead and you see the dead.

:laughing9: If we’re crazy then I can only imagine what you’d have to say about a guy that claims it all comes down to a clairvoyant and a ghost that actually made lethal physical contact with the living. Bet you’d think that guy was completely nuts and full of BS. In fact, I think you might know him pretty well. :thumbsup: :laughing9:
Naw, sounds like a friend of yours and Justintime. I find the living hard enough to deal with.

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