PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
Hi Matthew, hope all is well with you,
That's good advice...Someday I might get over to the recorder's office, but not real high on my to-do list...but I do get your point, and as always your grasp of the history and leg work you share here is appreciated. I hope you don't think me too lazy if I just take your word for it.
Hey Homar, good to hear from you...hope all is well on your end...I don't know about Pinal Co., but it wouldn't surprise me at all...also, I'm not surprised that Cristobal Peralta found no legal claims either...as far as I understand it, and I may be wrong, there was only one family of Peraltas that had anything to do with mining in the Supes, and I'm pretty sure we know who they were. Only point I was trying to make, it wasn't our AZ man Miguel Peralta of the Valenciana mine, respected Merchant of Wickenburg and Phoenix, etc....so any involvement our local M.L. Peralta had (the extent of which is unclear, at least to me) with the Reavis land scam, or AZ mining, was TOTALLY unrelated to the Peralta family that DID have a lot of the adventures of Supes legend...
Thanks guys, best regards, Jim
Potbelly Jim,
Read the Yavapai County Recorders Book 1 for 1864-1865 carefully !!!
That's good advice...Someday I might get over to the recorder's office, but not real high on my to-do list...but I do get your point, and as always your grasp of the history and leg work you share here is appreciated. I hope you don't think me too lazy if I just take your word for it.
Howdy Jim,
I believe it was Pinal county, that did not allow Mexicans filing a claim at one time, but my memory is not that truthworthy where you could quote me on it. This could be why they clarified it on the mining law of 1872.
The Salazar Survey by Mr. Clay Worst, aslo supports that the Peralta's had no legal mine claims. Cristobal Peralta found no legal mine claims within his family, Spain, Mexico, or Arizona. While they may have worked several mines at one time, it seems they did so illegaly. Cristobal had the opportunity to file a legal claim, but felt he was too old to learn English.
Hey Homar, good to hear from you...hope all is well on your end...I don't know about Pinal Co., but it wouldn't surprise me at all...also, I'm not surprised that Cristobal Peralta found no legal claims either...as far as I understand it, and I may be wrong, there was only one family of Peraltas that had anything to do with mining in the Supes, and I'm pretty sure we know who they were. Only point I was trying to make, it wasn't our AZ man Miguel Peralta of the Valenciana mine, respected Merchant of Wickenburg and Phoenix, etc....so any involvement our local M.L. Peralta had (the extent of which is unclear, at least to me) with the Reavis land scam, or AZ mining, was TOTALLY unrelated to the Peralta family that DID have a lot of the adventures of Supes legend...
Thanks guys, best regards, Jim