Re: Jacob Waltz the "Killer"??
the topic Jacob Waltz the "Killer"??
OK imho .. killers have a logical reason for what they do .. ether self forfillment or self gain ..
waltz would have had a reason if he killed anyone on the so called bed confession list .. the fact there was a list or a confession makes it very interesting few killers confess unless faced with dead ether by the hand of law or sickness .. Waltz was not being questioned by the law enforcement .. he in fact dieing and i fully believe he knew this at the time of the confession ...logically there is a few factors that show up in the confession that tell us the confession is true ..
as i pointed out in a true confession .. the killer no matter how nice a preson he is or looks to others . he will confess in patterns .. one who he killed . how many .. when where and how he killed is victums and some times in some case "why " Waltz dose in fact explain some of the killings in great detail and dose tell us some of the patterns of his killings ..
now back long ago we did not under stand what a serial killer was and they were just as much a part of their own time as our serial killers are today in modern times . they have evoled with time .. as histroy and culture evoles so do the skills and patterns of the serial killer
lets tak one event from the list and i will go threw the event with my insight and explain the event as it is ...
Waltz frist tells us how he got to the camp site .. he gives us full details even if we do not under stand where the details are takeing place within the mt range .. . he next tell us how he got there and who the victums are . and in what order they were killed and what took place that triggerd the killings . he explains their reactions as well as his own reactions to what is going on at the time .. for a serial killer its about actions and what triggers the event . he may not remember the event it self untill after it is over ..
in Waltz case he give us details . and dose remeber the event after it takes place .. some serial killers do not ..
in this case he tell us the order of the victums ..
the killings are killings of oppertunity ..
Waltz clearly states this in his confession ..
now he could have said he shot all 3 and left it at that .. the account dose not state what would be easly made up if the confession was a made up story ..
he tells us the events as they happen .. not just as it would be in a well told camp fire story .. the 3rd victum .. defines the patterns are noot logically plained out .. he shots the 3rd victum yet he waits for the 3rd victum to come back ... this is the actions of a plained serial killer .. and the event is already in play .. when and were the last victum is killed no longer matters to the killer .. it is a matter of time and waiting .. and Waltz dose tell us he waits for the 3rd victum .. these patterns are very hard to fake . and when someone is investgating a set of serial killings . the patterns are much diffrent from a normal killer ..
see even if Waltz had never killed anyone in the past it dose not mean that he could not become a serial killer when faced with the right conditions to trigger this type beheivor..
we do have a full set of details of Waltz's past yet then we do and we really dont under stand what we do have ...
Waltz tells us more then we know ...
what am i trying to explain ...
Waltz list his victums .. from a starting event , at the Peralta camp site and then details the victums as well as his other events that cause the death of 7 others .. in no way is the account seen as a forced confession .. Waltz account is in fact the oppisite ...and he tells Holmes this threw out the account in diffrent ways ..
now if we look at just the frist set of killings within the patterns of the list .. what do we see in the patterns ..
he is faced with ethical choice . he makes his choice and killes two of them and then waits for the 3rd . and by the time the 3rd preson gets there he kills him in cold blood ,he has evoled waiting for the 3rd preson.. plaining and pictureing the event as he waits for it to happen..
this is a pattern that Waltz will not be able to stop if the same conditions show up latter on in his life time .. look at the list .. the patterns have become part of his nature and he will remain a trigger any time these feelings and patterns are set in motion ..
after he realizes what he has done .. he distences him self from the event.. by returning to Phoenix in fact he dose repete this same pattern in another event within the list ..more then once and the pattern is not always the same with all the events ..
we are not looking at a stroy .. we are looking at account confessed ,, not the smoothest told story .. just a confession as it was told ...
now the topic is about the killings .. but we can also see some details and patterns within the evidence that tells us some insight into the over all account ....things about Waltz Logic behind the events at play and what triggers the events and why ..
this tells us a lot about the account and the patterns that take place with in the acount and the order that they appear ...
now the topic is about the killings them self and the man in question .. is he a killer . or not ... IMHO yes with out any dout what so ever , these patterns can not be faked .. and if the account was nothing more then a well told camp fire story .. the patterns would not hold true and the killers confession would be come nothing more the a stroy ..
in these events we do see the patterns and the details only a real serial killer could have give in a account ..
IMHO yes Waltz was a nice old man and good friend to many around him and helped others with a cherrfull out going presonality .. but .. deep in side his inner being rest a trigger waiting to go off , and if you were in front of him when the trigger went off you would have been on that list ... this is often the case in one type of serial killers .. Waltz fits this type 100% the inpolsive serial killers .. a trigger is like haveing the hammer pulled back and the playing spin the chamber .. when the killer is normal and with out the conditions to pull the trigger the chamber spins free and no one knows how loaded the gun is ,till the right conditions are set in motion , in this case the chamber stops spining and at any time Waltz could have gone off and killed anyone at any give time that those conditions are set in motion .. the victums are int he early part of the list all shot .. impolsive act look at the so called Nephew event .. dirrect shot to the forhead . not only inpolsive .. but dirrect .. he has presonal feelings to the victum .. this pattern is a fession not a stroy ..
and see how waltz details the evnt after he shot the nephew .. it presonal .....
when the other victums are not ...