i tried to move on but i cant,,,,lets see the back of all the plates with a big clear picture,,,i dont care what the front looks like,,,,take a big clear picture of the back of each plate, again the front of the plate means nothing,,,,,with a big clear picture, i will point out to everyone why these plates are fakes,,,,,i just received an email where all the pictures have been englarged and cleaned up,,,,if the patina alone doesnt convince you the plates are fakes, the grind marks on the back will,,,,,,THESE ARE HANDOVER PLATES PERIOD. the va. shoulder plate is a terrible attempt at trying to turn a reproduction into a fake,,,,,,these plates didnt fool me and they sure havent fooled anyone ive talked to today,,,,i tried to give this fellow the benifit of the doubt,,,but i cant,,,,a post like his takes away from peoples endless hours in the woods,,,endless hours in front of the computer, studying the OR's, studying old maps etc., his post may have fooled some of you coin shooters but to a relic man he didnt come close,,,,,for thirty five years ive heard countless stories (and thats all they were) of grandma found this in the attic,,,grandpa bought this home from the war,,,,,,these things will end up on ebay, there is no way they'll ever find there way into a display case of a legit civil war show,,,,,some poor sap with no relic knowledge will buy this crap and really think he has something,,,i hate to be rough on the guy, but he's full of it, and if i wasnt 100 percent sure of myself, id never open my mouth,,,,,,for all you guys who jumped on the band wagon, you better jump off, because its people like you who get suckered into this kind of junk.