72cheyenne said:
I know zero about CW plates, but I do know that no one can 100% authenticate or dismiss if a piece is real from a high quality digital photo, much less a cell phone photo. I have tried to enlarge the photos that were provided on this thread and they get way to pixelated to see anything. There has been and still are several discussions concerning the authenticity of items here on TNET that have only been viewed in photos. I really feel it is a little premature for anybody to be calling them fake. RKinOI, don't let anyone rain on your parade until you have them professionally looked at.
im surprised that since youve admitted to knowing nothing of civil war plates that you would even respond. this post on treasure net has generated a ton of conversation, it the last hour i have received 17 emails concerning these plates, i wont mention names, but 2 emails came from guys who have written books about civil war relics, and other emails have come from guys who deal in this stuff every day,,,,,,,trust me on this or better yet, take this to the bank,,,,there will never be an article written in north south trader concerning this plates. these plates may fool the novice, but to people who deal in this plates and the serious relic hunter,,,they wont pass muster,,,these plates are fake, without a doubt they were produced by handover brass,,,,,and within time, they will hit ebay and some poor fool with buy one these,,,,,