Its End Game

Well, there are still many leads that need to be chased down to wherever they might lead before one can draw upon educated conclusion. Honestly, I seriously doubt that enough conclusive evidence exist to allow for a thorough and/or accurate summation. But we'll keep looking as time permits, and who knows, maybe something truly significant might eventually be found.
You talking about Giles Ward...?

Exactly what is your education or area of expertise?

I had over 30 years in the auto industry installing, building, programming, and maintaining automation systems and robotics. As a side interest I traveled all over much of the eastern half of the US searching for, recovering, and writing about lost treasures. And you?

I had over 30 years in the auto industry installing, building, programming, and maintaining automation systems and robotics. As a side interest I traveled all over much of the eastern half of the US searching for, recovering, and writing about lost treasures. And you?

And you?

... it is highly unlikely that the Thomas J. Beale of Jackson Ward didn't have knowledge of the publication since he was the only individual of record at the time that held that name. As for "having nothing to do with shadow families" I believe that is just a wild guess as it is very possible that this is exactly what the publication was about. Again, did Ward know T.J. Beale? There is the real mystery at hand.....:thumbsup:
So far no evidence can be found that prove that the 1885 Beale Papers has anything to do with "shadow families" just another speculative theory.
As for Ward knowing Alderman Beale, Jackson Ward, Richmond, no evidence.

So far no evidence can be found that prove that the 1885 Beale Papers has anything to do with "shadow families" just another speculative theory.
As for Ward knowing Alderman Beale, Jackson Ward, Richmond, no evidence.

That may be about to change.

No. Just some interesting possibilities/leads that are still being researched and sorted out.
Will it involve a limerick?
Some believe the Beale codes have to have limericks.

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Will it involve a limerick?
Some believe the Beale codes have to have limericks.

In my decoding of the first page there is a epitaph, just so some of you new guys can stay up to speed with the harassment they are putting forth . What is a epitaph you ask, it is something used about the time of 1800 on a grave site , see below from the wiki

An epitaph (from Greek ἐπιτάφιος epitaphios "a funeral oration" from ἐπί epi "at, over" and τάφος taphos "tomb"is a short text honoring a deceased person. Strictly speaking, it refers to text that is inscribed on a tombstone or plaque, but it may also be used in a figurative sense. Some epitaphs are specified by the person themselves before their death, while others are chosen by those responsible for the burial. An epitaph may be in poem verse; poets have been known to compose their own epitaphs prior to their death, as William Shakespeare did.

A bit over a year ago I joined this cool forum to share some of what I have found in decoding the Beale Papers cipher 1 and 3 . You know you did it right when all of the posters on the site try to kill every thing you say and humiliate you to a defensive posture .

That has happened to most of the greatest people of the last 2000 years . They will put there collective theories on high and rip apart all that they feel come against what they believe to hold true .

No worries, I have done what I say I have done and will continue to move forward with what I have and post a bit here and there for some of you guys that are not a part of the bully group on this forum .

In looking for the ever illusive Thomas J Beale, I have a good trail that I will continue to look at and research . The only one left on my list is the Captain Thomas J Beale Sr and I am sure I am the only one that think him a possibility of being TJB .

I am just a person who has decoded the ciphers and looking for more information, I do not hold the theories of most of the folks that are here or there just for the fact that I am looking at this from a view of a decoded cipher for 1 and 3 nothing more .

Maybe we're all just asking the wrong questions? Per example, one might ask, did Jefferson know any of the people referenced in the Beale papers, and if so, who did he know and just how well did he know them? I can tell you that he spent a good of time in the region.

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