Its End Game

Well, JBW and family came back to Lynchburg, Virginia during the Summer of 1843, don't know if JBW had time to join the Masonic Lodge or not. But if he did he would have had to keep an oath to the Mason's Lodge for sure. But the reason he came back to the farm was because his wife Harriett was about to lose her mind.
1843 was also the year grandfather, James Beverly Risqué of the Thomas Beale duel, died, and Ward's mother, Adeline Eliza Risqué Ward inherited Hunter's Hill from her father.
7 years later, Ward's father, Giles, would die in 1850.
J B Ward joined the DOVE LODGE in Richmond in the 1860's.

1843 was also the year grandfather, James Beverly Risqué of the Thomas Beale duel, died, and Ward's mother, Adeline Eliza Risqué Ward inherited Hunter's Hill from her father.
7 years later, Ward's father, Giles, would die in 1850.
J B Ward joined the DOVE LODGE in Richmond in the 1860's.
And also attended Lynchburg, Va. "local lodges"; his family went the the Episcopalian Church, here in Lynchburg, Va.; it was a ONE-way 7 miles "trip", & MOST important ppl in "town" went there.

J B Ward joined the DOVE LODGE in Richmond in the 1860's.

Now we can't directly connect Ward to the Beale of Richmond, but what year is it narrated that the author claims that he first learned of the events? Ward joins the lodge in Richmond in the 1860's, this being almost dead nuts the same period that the author claims he first learned of the events in the narration. A Thomas J. Beale was from Richmond, an alderman, the only confirmed Thomas J. Beale of the entire era. What important business affairs did the author have in Richmond, as he references in the narration, that caused him to be drawn away from his interviews with Morriss? Very off that both the copyright holder and the exact name of the narration's main character and his general description can be traced to Richmond. Nothing conclusive, mind you, but more then enough to leave the current and very reasonable door of possibility open. :thumbsup:

PS: Not concerned if the any of the narration is actually true or just fiction, only concerned as to the true nature and source of the narration. Discovering this first is the only way to seek accurate conclusion to the remainder. :thumbsup:

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Alderman Thomas J Beale,born freeman of color, was not an Alderman of Jackson Ward until the 1880's.
There is no record of his activities during the 1860's.
Ward (I mean "unknown author") could just as easily seen his name listed in that 1884 newspaper and added that "J" just because he felt like it.

Ward (I mean "unknown author") could just as easily seen his name listed in that 1884 newspaper and added that "J" just because he felt like it.

:laughing7:......well, when you can prove that Ward was the author then you'll really have something to lay claim to, won't you.
Sure, could be just as easy that he read T.J. Beale's name somewhere and decided to use it, or not?
Here's an interesting notion for you; where was the Dove lodge located in Richmond, exactly, and what was that district's history? Dang good question since Ward and T.J. Beale seem to be drawing closer and closer. I wonder if they might have ever crossed paths at some point?

PS: Let's see, Ward was a surveyor, T.J. Beale was a district alderman. Hmmmmm........

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Alderman Thomas J Beale,born freeman of color, was not an Alderman of Jackson Ward until the 1880's.
There is no record of his activities during the 1860's.

Are you suggesting that T. J. Beale showed up in Richmond in 1884 and immediately earned the title of district alderman? Obviously, he was familiar with his represented district in Richmond in order to be an alderman. Yes? Wouldn't you say this is probably accurate? :dontknow::laughing7:

Jackson Ward did not exist during the "2nd year of the Confederate War", it was created later by U S Grant during Reconstruction.
Freeman born of color, Thomas J Beale was born in 1823, in and 1884 is totally unknown1863 he would has been 40, and was Alderman in his 60's.
As for what this Beale did between 1843 and 1884 is totally unknown, and anything can be manufactured to fill in the blanks.

Alderman Thomas J Beale,born freeman of color, was not an Alderman of Jackson Ward until the 1880's.
There is no record of his activities during the 1860's.

Correction, you mean to say that, "no record of his activities during the 1860's have been found online." This is what you mean to imply, yes? This is where "boots on the ground" actually serves greater advantage, I think, as there is much that isn't available online for those who have the time and desire to seek it. Just can only get us just so far, before it gets online it has to be found somewhere else. :thumbsup:

Correction, you mean to say that, "no record of his activities during the 1860's have been found online." This is what you mean to imply, yes? This is where "boots on the ground" actually serves greater advantage, I think, as there is much that isn't available online for those who have the time and desire to seek it. Just can only get us just so far, before it gets online it has to be found somewhere else. :thumbsup:
BS, have YOU done the "boots-on-the-ground", & found it then...? Inquiring Minds wanna KNOW!

Here's an interesting notion for you; where was the Dove lodge located in Richmond, exactly, and what was that district's history? Dang good question since Ward and T.J. Beale seem to be drawing closer and closer. I wonder if they might have ever crossed paths at some point?

PS: Let's see, Ward was a surveyor, T.J. Beale was a district alderman. Hmmmmm........
Well here's an interesting notion for you:
Either the narrative in the BEALE PAPERS is true or it is fiction.
With all the alternative story behind the Beale story theories, including the current "Alderman theory", you tacitly agree that the Beale narrative as written and published is a work of fiction.
We only disagree on the source of that fiction. Hmmmmm.......

I just read today, that Jackson Ward in Richmond, Va. is a VERY BAD part of "town"; a RAPE was reported in someone's home from ppl "on the Street". Go for your "boots-on-the-grounds" work... carry "heat"!

Well here's an interesting notion for you:
Either the narrative in the BEALE PAPERS is true or it is fiction.
With all the alternative story behind the Beale story theories, including the current "Alderman theory", you tacitly agree that the Beale narrative as written and published is a work of fiction.
We only disagree on the source of that fiction. Hmmmmm.......

You keep assuming. :thumbsup:

I just read today, that Jackson Ward in Richmond, Va. is a VERY BAD part of "town"; a RAPE was reported in someone's home from ppl "on the Street". Go for your "boots-on-the-grounds" work... carry "heat"!

I won't be walking through Jackson Ward. :laughing7:
So where was that Dove Lodge located, exactly? Anyone know for sure? Ward must have spent noticeable time in Richmond if he joined the lodge there, yes?

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I won't be walking through Jackson Ward. :laughing7:
So where was that Dove Lodge located, exactly? Anyone know for sure? Ward must have spent noticeable time in Richmond if he joined the lodge there, yes?
Dove Lodge # 51 @ Main & 9th St. (Bosher's Hall); THINK Virginia Governor's Mansion is also on 9th St.

...and you keep creating. 8-)

Just not going to let pride alone completely sell me on any one theory. You call it "creating" but I call it still looking for the true source behind the tale, something that can be confirmed and verified VS manufactured through pure speculation and presented as fact. One has to think that your "all in the family and and a fictional tale for parlor entertainment only" is some pretty darn creative speculation in itself. Yes? Sorry buddy, but nothing in all of that creative speculation to draw upon a matter of conclusive fact. Just isn't. I wish there was. Maybe some day, if you keep looking, you'll find that smoking gun you're still lacking. :dontknow:

Speaking of the smoking gun, wasn't Ward's grandfather, James Beverly Risqué wounded in a duel with Thomas Beale over the honor of Julia Hancock?
Did Julia Hancock marry William Clark of Lewis and Clark who departed from Fincastle for their expedition?
Did Ward's wife Harriet grow up 4 miles from her uncle's Buford's Tavern and knew Robert Morriss since childhood?
Did Ward and his Hutter and Kennerley cousins spend time in St Louis?
Was Ward's great uncle, John Pickrell Risque involve with inspecting gold & silver mines in New Mexico and Arizona?
Were Ward's Hutter cousins officers in the Confederacy and used ciphers during "the 2nd year of the Confederate War?
Did Robert Morriss die at Ward's daughter's home during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".
Did the "game is worth the candle" come from Shakespeare and were Ward's father and cousin Sherman Lynchburg thespians?
Did a story about a treasure of gold, silver, and jewelry appear in THE LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN, when John Sherman was sub-editor?
Did Ward apply for copyright as agent on a borrowed letterhead from where his son-in-law worked?
A lot of "all in the family" influence can be found in the 1885 Beale Papers.

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