It is a "book review" and nothing more. That article is simply telling readers what the book is all about, explaining the book's contents, etc. That article has nothing whatsoever to do with establishing the credibility of anything in the book, it's simply saying, "Here is a new book and this is what it is all about."
It is the only item I have, that anyone has that mentions it in some kind of form from the time in a critical way . A book review is solid gold for a document of this kind . If it had said it was a good fictional story would you feel the same way ?
HECK NO you wouldn't it would be the thing that killed the thing as a truthful document would it not ?
I f it did in fact say it was a fictional pamphlet, I would have no leg to stand on and would except it as Fiction with no fight at all . But it does not folks and a book review would be were a book would be harshly criticized .