It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

Where exactly does it state that $35,000 in gold was captured at the Cottonwood Plantation. I can find no record. Watson Van Bethuysen and Micajah Clark say they split the $35,000 with Watson taking over $6,900 or more for President Davis and his wife. Micajah Clark hid his share and later returned to retrieve it.
From a historical article that appeared in a Gainesville newspaper years ago,which cited the Union inventory list of what was captured at Cottonwood- $35,000 in US and foreign coin,one European hunting rifle,books,writing desk and other furniture,the Davis's clothes,including Varina's undergarmets.
With CSA Capt Van Benthuysen's account,and the three different stories of what and who buried part of the treasury,I have often wondered how much of the treasury was carried to Cottonwood in that "studily built ambulance and heavy wagons" of Davis's baggage train.
At the same time in May,1865,Davis's nephew,CSA Capt John Taylor Wood,was 60 mi away from Cottonwood in Ocala,along with Judah P Benjamin and John C Breckinridge,and after the Union raid on Cottonwood,Yulee's wife,Nannie Wickiliffe and son,C Wickiliffe,stayed with Yulee's Benjamin cousins in Ocala.
As with the events that occured in Danville a month earlier,there was a lot of activity that occured in central Florida,May,1865.

With the proven ability to go around the world, (at least by the Shenandoah ) and knowing a pirates fate, ships covered lots of water as usual, even after the war. England and other countries, Brazil, Australia, visited, Liverpool another home. Water just part of the maps in looking southerly when ships available.

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I believe there is treasures of Confederate Gold to be found at the Cottonwood Plantation and in surrounding areas. You know of course there should be a depository around the area some where. Anytime you have trafficing of contraband or blockade runners there should be a large depository and David Yulee most likely was in charge of the depository?
It is very possible,considering Yulee's cousin was Judah P Benjamin,and his other cousins,Simon and Solomon Benjamin lived in Ocala,which only had the March 10,1865 incursion of the 3rd Union Colored Infantry which was repelled by CSA Capt J J Dickinson's CSA 2nd Florida Cavalry Co H.
When Reconstruction came to Ocala,the Republican imposed government seized the property of local citizens who supported the Cause,and sold it to the Freemen.There was violent opposition to this and a reign of terror was conducted against the carpetbaggers and scalawags,which included a branch of Forrest's resistance group that met at former CSA Fort Brook in Orange Springs.
The Federal government responded in 1867,placing Ocala and Marion county under marshall law.
I have mentioned before,that the old wooden Odd Fellows Hall had KGC markings on the door that may have provided clues to a despository,and Confederate items were found in the building.That building was demolished in the early 1960's.
It is interesting to note,that in 1884,the Benjamin brothers with former CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock(Ocala resident who aided J P Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood of their flight),and former Union Gen Joshua Chamberlain built the Ocala,Silver Springs,& Gulf RR.(Yulee was the father of Florida's railroads)

I believe there is treasures of Confederate Gold to be found... in surrounding areas. You know of course there should be a depository around the area some where. Anytime you have trafficing of contraband or blockade runners there should be a large depository...
Hubbard Hart was a CSA river blockade runner,transporting goods from the Marshall Plantation and the Holly Farm and Grist Mill on the Oklawaha River.He also transported Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood to Silver Springs on their flight on his steamboat,James Burt.The headwaters of Silver Springs and surrounding 242 acres was then owned by Samuel Oliver Howse,and along with Marion county's first sheriff and the Ocala Home Guard Militia,were the first to repell Union Sgt Major Henry James 3rd Union Colored Infantry raid on Marshall's plantation and Holley's farm,March 10,1865.
The Silver River Museum occupies the old Howse homestead,and has a display of his personal items,including his "Knights Templer" sword,as it is labeled in the display.The sword has KGC symbols on the handle and scabbard.
Howse's homestead was only 3 mi from Seminole War and CSA redoubt Fort Fowle on the Oklawaha construcyed to guard the military built bridge (Sharpes Ferry),which the Union burned during their March 10 raid.
With the events during May,1865 and who was in the area,it is possible that a depository could be in this area.
There have been rumors.

Hubbard Hart was a CSA river blockade runner,transporting goods from the Marshall Plantation and the Holly Farm and Grist Mill on the Oklawaha River.He also transported Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood to Silver Springs on their flight on his steamboat,James Burt.The headwaters of Silver Springs and surrounding 242 acres was then owned by Samuel Oliver Howse,and along with Marion county's first sheriff and the Ocala Home Guard Militia,were the first to repell Union Sgt Major Henry James 3rd Union Colored Infantry raid on Marshall's plantation and Holley's farm,March 10,1865.
The Silver River Museum occupies the old Howse homestead,and has a display of his personal items,including his "Knights Templer" sword,as it is labeled in the display.The sword has KGC symbols on the handle and scabbard.
Howse's homestead was only 3 mi from Seminole War and CSA redoubt Fort Fowle on the Oklawaha construcyed to guard the military built bridge (Sharpes Ferry),which the Union burned during their March 10 raid.
With the events during May,1865 and who was in the area,it is possible that a depository could be in this area.
There have been rumors.

INTERESTING! The "story" I heard/read was that blacks buried stuff in a dried up well on Marshall's Plantation (Rebel Generals ordered such); blacks were then killed and thrown into the dried up well on top of the cache ($ 4 millions worth of
GOLD & SILVER coins, jewelry). THOUGHT they were slaves... BUT! YOUR statement "Union Colored Infantry" "OPENED MY EYES" to ANOTHER possibilty... MAYBE they were Yanks/POW! REBELS finished filling up the well, mounding it off with a SPRIG OF ACACIA (Tree); VERY Masonic "clue"...

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INTERESTING! The "story" I heard/read was that blacks buried stuff in a dried up well on Marshall's Plantation (Rebel Generals ordered such); blacks were then killed and thrown into the dried up well on top of the cache ($ 4 millions worth of
GOLD & SILVER coins, jewelry). THOUGHT they were slaves... BUT! YOUR statement "Union Colored Infantry" "OPENED MY EYES" to ANOTHER possibilty... MAYBE they were Yanks/POW! REBELS finished filling up the well, mounding it off with a SPRIG OF ACACIA (Tree); VERY Masonic "clue"...
The SPRIG OF ACACIA denotes that the living will take care of the widows and children of colleagues and confidants who had passed on.
Union and Confederate accounts of the March 10,1865 differ greatly,especialy the casualty count,prisoners taken,and what CSA J J Dickinson and the 2nd Florida Cavalry,Co H recaptured and recovered from the Union raid.The Union called the raid a success,but both of the stolen wagons loaded with whiskey,sugar,rice,syrup,the 25 mules and horses,the 4 locals taken as prisoner,and most of the 95 slaves were retaken by Dickinson,after the chase and firefight through the forest from the Okllawaha River to the St Johns River,all the way to Union Fort Marion(Castillo de San Marcos) in St Augustine.

An Orange Springs neighbor of CSA Capt J J Dickinson,CSA Lt Col John W Pearson,Oklawaha Rangers,had a machine shop in Orange Springs,where he refurbished guns and built canons for the Confederacy that were used in Tampa.Pearson was severly wounded at Cold Harbor,and died returning home,and is buried in Laurel Grove Cemetary,Savannah.
So during May,1865,in Marion county,Florida,there were two widows of CSA soldiers,two members of Davis's cabinet,at least two KGC members,Davis's nephew,two CSA Generals,a river blockade runner(several were Freemasons),and a portion of the CSA treasury.
Sprig of Acacia?

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YEP! "Google" Sprig of Acacia... tells ya what tree to look for. HH! Good Luck!

Yes,there does seem to be a chain of coincidence between Benjamin's activities in Danville,April,1865 to Benjamin's activities in Ocala in May,1865,to the linked triangle chain logo on the old Odd Fellows Hall in Ocala,where CSA bills and items were found.

ECS, Could you post a photo of the "chain linked triangle" on the Odd Fellows Hall. I always thought the "Odd Fellows" had a chain of three links in a row about like the five links on the Olympic Flag? Don't know. Would love to see a photo. Thanks.
Wish I could,but that building was demolished in the early 1960's.
It was a triangle,or pyramid formed with 3 chains,with the all seeing eye at its center.It was not the standard OOF symbol.

"Google" All Seeing Eye in IOOF; Order of Odd Fellows became IOOF in 1819, in America/USA. Sounds like IOOF & Masons, TOGETHER (they BOTH had the A.S.E.; JPB is the "link" during the CONFEDERATE WAR... he asked England & France to assist the REBELS. AND! Reviewing Title Page of FRENCH copy... has the SECRET HANDSHAKE! Ben Franklin said once, "It comes to us in good season, when circumstances of a RISING STATE makes it necessary to FREQUENTLY
consult the LAW of NATIONS."

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Yes,there does seem to be a chain of coincidence between Benjamin's activities in Danville,April,1865 to Benjamin's activities in Ocala in May,1865,to the linked triangle chain logo on the old Odd Fellows Hall in Ocala,where CSA bills and items were found.

It gets BETTER! ES Hutter was in Danville, Va. & was ordered to burn SECRET CSA Gov't books... HOWEVER! HE saved the LEGAL book, Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS. HE told his brother, Ferdinand Hutter (CSA PAYMASTER) about VLoN and it is thought that Ferdinand Hutter was "head of "Committee" that "culled" together the BEALE PAPERS (1885). Hutter's cousin, JB Ward was Hutter's AGENT for "copy-right" ("BP"). VLoN MAY be "Code BOOK" for "BP"... dunno. Hutter's VLoN was "passed down" to his son-in-law (lawyer)... STILL looking for it, here in Lynchburg, Va.

ECS, I know what you are talking about. That is a symbol that has been passed down through the mason's from the Egyptians.

NOPE! The Eye of Horus from Egypt WAS NOT taken for "use" by FreeMasons; we get our ALL SEEING EYE OF PROVIDENCE from the OLD TESTAMENT.

Wish I could,but that building was demolished in the early 1960's.
It was a triangle,or pyramid formed with 3 chains,with the all seeing eye at its center.It was not the standard OOF symbol.


Nope sorry you may be a mason but the Eye of Horus is the eye of the masons. Look on the one dollar bill reverse at the top of the pyramid that is the Eye of Horus. The first letter of the words around the pyramid spell "MASON" Tell me I am wrong again.

$1.00 bill has EYE OF PROVIDENCE (from @ 1933), NOT EYE OF HORUS. You ARE wrong... "google" Eye of Providence; it means "G*D watches over us". Can ALSO "google" Great Seal of the United States. Will NOW review CSA paper money; "google" GREAT SEAL OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. MAY be MORE "interesting" clues for CSA Treasure Hunters...

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I am sorry Rebel. You can believe what you are told. I will believe what I know to be fact. The "Eye" is actually the "Eye of Lucifer" the great architect. If you take the Roman Numerals of 1776 which are mDCcLXxVI you will notice two things. I made some of the letters small to reveal a secret of the date 1776. First you take the Capital Letters you have the number that is the Mark of the Beast in the King James Version of the Bible. It is also the year that Illuminati was formed 666. You take the three small letters reveals another secret. If you take the small Roman Numberals you have 1110 add that to 666 you come up with 1776. Sorry but the "Eye of Providence" is not the "Eye" of the masons. They may want you to believe that because they have not enlightened you yet. Have you reached the 34th level yet?

LOL! 32nd Scottish Rite; 7th Royal Arch Mason (York Rite). ONLY the 33rd (HONORARY) is highest one can go. What YOU have is B.S.! Are YOU a Freemason? OFF-TOPIC! BACK TO CSA Treasure-hunting...

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As Richmond, Va. "fell", "Richmond Stores" were moved to Lynchburg, Va. by train, per advice from Gen. Robert E. Lee; CSA
"Stores" were sent to Danville, Va. Lynchburg, Va. was STATE CAPITAL for about 4 days; PLENTY of time to hide "Beale Treasure" which was stated to have been buried in OLD CITY CEMETERY here, near the CSA Section, and "points" WEST (Bedford County, Va., Roanoke County, Va.). We think that they were trying to get to Lexington, Va. & VMI. High-ranking CSA Officers (Master Masons, 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons, ALL VMI alumni) were involved by river & land. Packet Boats on the James River... Wagons "over-land" on the GREAT WESTERN ROAD to BIG LICK/Roanoke, Va. passing Buford's and BUFORD'S GAP.

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P. Buford was a friend of Gen. Robert E. Lee; Lee & daughter visited Sharp Top of the Peaks of Otter after the CONFEDERATE WAR (1869) and spent the night with P. Buford... "BT" is stated to be buried below the LION'S HEAD at the Peaks of Otter (ALL "Fed", now); PROBABLY at Johnson's Farm. HH! GOOD LUCK!

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