It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

I've now read this post all the way through and have to say I'm a bit confused. As I understand it someone used the Beale Papers as cover to hide CSA treasury at war's end. This way if they showed up with sudden wealth it could be explained as found treasure. For my two cents I'll state the following.
1. I thought the Beale Papers had been a hoax. A story started in a newspaper as a way to get people to buy more papers. Only parts of the story printed in each issue.
2. I have no doubt there was CSA treasury "carried away" at wars end. I would suggest most of it ended up with high ranking officers, probably former bankers and lawyers.
3. I didn't think the IRS started until Wilson's term. Something like 40% of U.S. income came from booze tax.
4. To the treasure cops. We had the Govenor visit our County Seat in summer once. The State troopers advance security showed up in a state car and wearing suits. In 100 deg. heat and 95% humidity. Food for thought: wear John Deere hat and jeans.
To those who believe and search, good luck, I hope ya find it.

IRS?!!! LOL! NOPE! "Post" # 26 CLEARLY indicate IRD; Internal Revenue Department of the City of Lynchburg, Va. (State aka Commonwealth... of Virginia); ROFL.

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The war between the states should had never happen. Many times, family members against family members.

See ES Hutter saved VATTEL'S LAW OF NATIONS "thread"...

POSSIBLE time-line; CONFEDERATE WAR: 1st (1863) & 2nd (final... 1865) deposits made of "Richmond Stores" in Bedford County, VIRGINIA by Comp. I CSA (Campbell County Rangers); the final "deposit" was as Richmond, Va. "fell"... at THAXTON SWITCH (V & T Rail Road).
Prez. Jeff Davis had asked Sec. of War, where the best places (caves, etc) in the WESTERN part of VIRGINIA to send "Richmond Stores"... Lynchburg, Va., Bedford County, Va., etc. NO other places were considered. (From OR). 1865, SOUTH surrenders. 1869 - Robert E. Lee "over-nights" with his friend, Paschal Buford (vet of War of 1812, with
"french connections"...) "roughing out" BEALE PAPERS, as "COVER-UP". 1882 - Frank James (as James Warren) meets with other REBELS at the Arlington in Lynchburg, Va., to discuss "business". Ferdinand C. Hutter is author of BEALE PAPERS, with cousin JB WARD to apply for copyright in March, 1884; copyright for BEALE PAPERS is granted in March, 1885. Ferdinand C. Hutter died; BEALE PAPERS released for "mass market" in 1885; 20 years after the "surrender", in 1865. MORE to come... HART Bros, NSA, Innis, Viemeister, etc.:icon_thumleft:

Sec. of war. trusted by president Davis. Bear with me if i,m rehashing. J.B. touches some places mentioned in Beale discussions. He was wealthy from new orleans cotton. Known as a clever lawyer and U.S. senator who after the war went to England via Florida and the West Indies. Then later to please his wife supposedly, to Paris where he is buried. He would have known of any national wealth being moved?.

TY, "rel"... I DID have "J.B." on my radar... you did remind me; "J.B." is VERY important, and here's why; He WAS the BIG guy for CSA INTERNATIONAL wealth during & AFTER the CONFEDERATE WAR. Judah P. Benjamin... REMEMBER that name;
known as the BRAINS OF THE CONFEDERACY. Was Sephardi Jew, as was his wife; after they married, became Roman Catholics, and had one child, a girl. J.B. was in Charleston, S.C., New Orleans, La.; attorney, who could speak & read FRENCH, as in VATTEL'S LAW OF NATIONS (SECRET book of the Confederacy, saved from burning in Danville, Va., after the "surrender"). J.B. left the Jeff Davis cabinet before they surrendered in little Washington, Georgia... POSSIBLY disappearing with what was left of the CSA TREASURY; fled to Ocala, Fl. then to Gamble Mansion in Ellenton, Fl. THEN, to REBEL settlements in British Honduras. LASTLY, to Great Britain, where, as an attorney.... made $$$$$$$$$$ & had $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from his years of service in 3 cabinet posts with Jeff Davis. Prior to CONFEDERATE WAR, J.B. was US Sec. of War (I think) with responsibility for WESTERN part of Virginia, where I am, now... Lynchburg, Bedford County, Va.; Roanoke County, Va., etc. As REBEL Sec. of War, under Jeff Davis... YO MOMMA!

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Judah P Benjamin,along with CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge did stop over in Ocala,after meeting with Palatka CSA spy,Lola Sanchez,on the north bank of the Oklawaha River(across from CSA Cpl Thomas Cassidy Fillyaw's Davenport Landing)where she recieved 500 Mexican Silver dollars.
Benjamin (cousin of David Yulee),atayed at another cousin,Solomon Benjamin's house in Ocala,and Breckinridge stayed at the home of CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock in Ocala.They traveled to Ocala by way of (CSA river blockade runner) Col Hubbart L Hart's JAMES BURT riverboat.Hart recieved $4500 from the CSA.
Breckinridge made it to Cuba (staying with relatives of Lola Sanchez) in a lifeboat given to him by CSA Capt J J Dickinson,which Dickinson had taken from the Union gunboat Columbine on the St Johns River.
Benjamin did go to the Gamble Plantation in Ellenton,and with the aid of CSA Captains Leroy G Lesley and John T Lesley of the CSA Florida "cow calvary",secured passage to the Bahamas on Capt Archibold McNeil's schooner.
Years after the War of Northern Aggression,Benjamin provide financial assistance to several Confederate friends,including $12,000 to Jefferson Davis.
Breckinridge was given granted amesty ,recieved a pardon Mar 9,1869,returned to Lexington,KY and got involved in the railroad business.
Hart expanded his steamboat line,Dickinson bought a plantation in south florida,Bullock remained in Ocala involved in the citrus business.

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I ,m not saying i,m right but had Judah Benjamin as C.S.A. secretary of war. From beginning till end. Not to worry,still miles behind here.

I ,m not saying i,m right but had Judah Benjamin as C.S.A. secretary of war. From beginning till end. Not to worry,still miles behind here.
Judah P Benjamin was CSA Sec of State and later CSA Sec of Treasury.Benjamin's picture was on the Confederare two dollar bill,and he set up the blockade runners and their routes.

Sir you are correct.
Checked more sources to find 4 sec of wars with Judah as secretary of state after being sec.of war. (john bowers) source saying he was loyal to cause till end did not mention change of position. My mistake in assuming. Dang it.
Thanks for the info.
Running blockades tie is great too!

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ECS has more on JP Benjamin...
As Rebel-KGC mentioned,Judah P Benjamin was considered the "brains of the Confederacy",as CSA Sec of State he also ran the CSA spy network and employed many codes,including Vigenere Cipher,and book key codes.During the week of April,1865,he gave his personal copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS to CSA Major E S Hutter in Danville,when Davis and CSA Cabinet and the CSA Treasury train were there.It is intresting to note that E S Hutter was a VMI graduate,and VMI cadets are linked to part of the missing Confederate Treasury.Hutter's brother,is also linked to the writing of the 1885 "Beale Papers".
Judah P Benjamin was a Freemason-The Constitutional Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of the Covenant-,and along with Albert Pike and John Slidel,held covert KGC meetings in New Orleans as the Mystick Krewe of Comus and met at the Pickwick Club in 1857.Slidel became CSA Commissioner to France,while Pike recruited Stand Watie and other Native Americans to the Confederate Cause.
Benjamin had two cousins that lived in the Tuscawilla section of Ocala,Simon and Solomon Benjamin,and Florida's railroad builder,David Levy Yulee,was his other cousin.The Union destroyed Yulee's depots and warehouses at Fernadina and Cedar Key,and raided and burned his Margarita Plantation at Homosassa.The Benjamin brothers in Ocala were left alone,due to the efforts of CSA Capt J J Dickinson who kept the Yankees busy in other parts of North Central Florida and repelled an invasion by the 3rd Union Colored Infantry of the Marshall Plantation and Holley Farm and Grist Mill on the Oklawaha River,March 10,1865.The west side of the St Johns River,as well as the Oklawaha River,Ocala,and Marion county became free of all Union presence,which combined with the blood conections,served as the escape route for Benjamin,CSA Sec of War Breckinridge,and CSA Capt John Taylor Wood,Davis's nephew and grandson of former US President( who once was the commander at Fort King in Ocala during the 2nd Seminole War) Zachery Taylor.
After their stay in Ocala,May,1865,Breckinridge and Wood sailed to Cuba,and stayed with the relatives of CSA spy Lola Sanchez(Palatka,Florida),and Benjamin with the aid of Florida's CSA "cow calvary"traveled to the Gulf coast to the Lesley's Gamble Plantation in Ellenton,Florida,and with CSA blockade runner,CSA Capt Archibald McNeil,sailed to the Bahamas.
Also in May,1865,the Union captured CSA President Jefferson Davis's baggage and $35,000 in gold coin from the treasury,at Yulee;s Cottonwood Plantation in Archer,which was transported there by CSA Capt Watson Van Benthuysen and his two brothers, who were related to Davis by marriage.It is claimed that three caches of the remaining Confederate treasury were buried at Cottonwood,before the Union arrived.

Now, thata what I'ma "talking about"! Thanks, ECS!

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The "Mystery" DEEPENS...
Yes,it does.
Was Benjamin's Vattels used as a CSA code cipher book?
Did CSA Capt E S Hutter,with VMI cadets hide part of the CSA treasury?
Did his brother write,with Ward,the 1885 "Beale Papers" as a cover story for what was hidden by E S Hutter and the VMI cadets?
Is Vattels the "key" to cipher C1 & C3,and are the notations in that copy that provide that key?
While in exile,Judah P Benjamin provide financial assistance to several of his former CSA associates,including $12,000 to Jefferson Davis,did he also contact the Hutters,setting the "Beale Papers" publication in motion?
Was the "treasure" recovered then by CSA/KGC/OAK members in the know?
Judah P Benjamin was a major player in the KGC and the Confederate government,and in exile,still had his hand in many Southern activities.
The 1885 "Beale Papers" may then again be nothing more than a dime western treasure novel written to aid the victims of the Lynchburg fire,but it was published 20 years after the 1865 events in Danville,and after the end of RECONSTRUCTION...
Happenstance,coincidence,or deliberate action?
Far too many connections that began in April,1865.

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