It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

BACK to "2nd Year"; was it 1863...? CW went from 1861-1865... 1863; year that Gen. Stonewall Jackson was shot & died of his wounds; RM died in 1863... was it a "death-bed" confession...? SWJ's body was conveyed by train to Lynchburg, Va. where it was transferred to a Packet Boat, that carried the remains up-river (James River) to Lexington, Va./VMI & interred. PONDERING... was SWJ, RM...? Hmmm... was 1863, the year of FIRST "deposit", near 9th Street Bridge in Lynchburg, Va. where "SWJ" was placed in Packet Boat on Canal, leading up to James River...? The MARSHALL was the name of the Packet Boat; ONLY the iron hull of the MARSHALL survived, over the years... it is in Riverside Park, here in Lynchburg, Va. TODAY!
9th Street ARCH (Bridge) STILL is standing near the River, next to RR Tracks & Depot Restaurant. Sorta DOES remind one of the 9th ARCH of Enoch in Royal Arch Masonry...
This might be close but no horse shoe, but your quote is close to the start of "1"



This might be close but no horse shoe, but your quote is close to the start of "1"



Eh...? DO tell MORE!

Josh falling in the James River reminded me to review the "course" of the river up-stream to Lexington, Va./VMI; LOTS of twists & turns on the river with MANY abandoned "Locks", caves, tunnels... "BT" could be ANYWHERE! My "resource" is the book, THE CANAL on the JAMES, by T. Gibson Hobbs, Jr. LOTS of maps, "pics"; the "course" is VERY clear... "Lock" by "Lock".

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Josh falling in the James River reminded me to review the "course" of the river "up-river" to Lexington, Va./VMI; LOTS of twists & turns on the river with MANY abandoned "Locks", caves, tunnels... "BT" could be ANYWHERE! My "resource" is the book, THE CANAL on the JAMES, by T. Gibson Hobbs, Jr. LOTS of maps, "pics"; the "course" is VERY clear... "Lock" by "Lock".

"Lock" # 7 on the James River (aka Battery Creek Lock) @ the Blue Ridge Parkway is of "interest"; owned & maintained by the FEDS... with the Otter Creek Trail (3.5 miles) to the Visitor Center. "Lock" # 7 is on the Bedford County, Va. side of the James River; built between 1845-51 (& restored). When "completed", James River & Kanawah Canal on the James River had 90 "Locks" from Richmond to Buchanan, Va.

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SO! The very FIRST "indication" of the "BE" in the Beale PAPERS was when, during the "SECOND year of the CONFEDERATE WAR"... Robert MORRISS told the "author"... THE SECRET. 1862 ...? Beale PAPERS should have started THERE! Ppl are looking for 1817-1822 "stuff"... was/is it a RUSE...?

SO! The very FIRST "indication" of the "BE" in the Beale PAPERS was when, during the "SECOND year of the CONFEDERATE WAR"... Robert MORRISS told the "author"... THE SECRET. 1862 ...? Beale PAPERS should have started THERE! Ppl are looking for 1817-1822 "stuff"... was/is it a RUSE...?
The 1885 Beale Papers always return to the extended Risqué family, known by the duel between Beale and the Risqué family patriarch, as many separate aspects of that bloodline appear in the Beale narrative in the papers.
The "2nd year of the Confederate War", as Rebel-KGC mentioned, is the REAL beginning of the Beale Paper story, as that was the time when the "1817-1822 stuff" was brought forth to the "unknown" author.
Now during the 2nd year of the Confederate War who would Robert Morriss trust with this story? Morriss would, like anyone else, keep it in the family, and two family members who served in the area during that 2nd year, were CSA officers, Edward Sixtus Hutter and Ferdinand Charles Hutter. While E S Hutter received a Confederate code copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS from CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin, April 1865 in Danville when the remaining CSA treasury was there after Richmond fell, it is believed that F C Hutter is the person behind the Beale Papers.
The Hutters were cousins of James Beverly Ward, the copyright holder of the Beale Papers, whose uncle just happened to be Robert Morriss, and John Sherman was cousin to Ward, thereby being a distant cousin to the Hutters.
When one looks beyond the content of the Beale Papers to those behind the copyright , publishing, and local Lynchberg only distribution for sale, it all returns back to that extended Risqué family bloodline that began with a duel with Beale over a Hancock girl.
If the treasure ever really existed, it seems to be linked to the events of the Confederate War, and not the "1817-1822 stuff", with Beale and Morriss as only characters in an allegorical adventure/treasure story in a dime novel pamphlet.

The 1885 Beale Papers always return to the extended Risqué family, known by the duel between Beale and the Risqué family patriarch, as many separate aspects of that bloodline appear in the Beale narrative in the papers.
The "2nd year of the Confederate War", as Rebel-KGC mentioned, is the REAL beginning of the Beale Paper story, as that was the time when the "1817-1822 stuff" was brought forth to the "unknown" author.
Now during the 2nd year of the Confederate War who would Robert Morriss trust with this story? Morriss would, like anyone else, keep it in the family, and two family members who served in the area during that 2nd year, were CSA officers, Edward Sixtus Hutter and Ferdinand Charles Hutter. While E S Hutter received a Confederate code copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS from CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin, April 1865 in Danville when the remaining CSA treasury was there after Richmond fell, it is believed that F C Hutter is the person behind the Beale Papers.
The Hutters were cousins of James Beverly Ward, the copyright holder of the Beale Papers, whose uncle just happened to be Robert Morriss, and John Sherman was cousin to Ward, thereby being a distant cousin to the Hutters.
When one looks beyond the content of the Beale Papers to those behind the copyright , publishing, and local Lynchberg only distribution for sale, it all returns back to that extended Risqué family bloodline that began with a duel with Beale over a Hancock girl.
If the treasure ever really existed, it seems to be linked to the events of the Confederate War, and not the "1817-1822 stuff", with Beale and Morriss as only characters in an allegorical adventure/treasure story in a dime novel pamphlet.

Agree with you, ECS... THANKS! Ppl are focused on the Beale Expedition, & the Beale Ciphers (1 & 3)... and not on the ESOTERIC "REAL" story of it being the "Richmond Stores" (Robert E. Lee to CSA Prez Jeff Davis... as Richmond "fell"). It was ALSO part of the Confederate Treasury for REBELS in Virginia... (their pay). Lynchburg, Va. was STATE CAPITAL of Virginia, for FOUR days in April, 1865... why THEY needed the $$$$$$$. The rest was utilized to re-build VMI, & Richmond, Va. According to PV, in his last book, on the "Beale" Treasure, some of it was buried in a barn, on a farm near Thaxton, Va. (Thaxton Switch) & bits & pieces were taken out as needed. This is ALSO indicated in PV's book, THE BEALE TREASURE: New History of a MYSTERY; Chapt. 22, MEXICAN WAR and Confederacy... pg 168-172. MORE, later...

During the summer of 1867, Robert E Lee and family stayed at the home of Pascal Buford in Bedford county, Virginia.

You're theory being predicated on the assumption that everything in the story prior to 1862 was just misdirection, then why on earth would you assume that any of the story is true when there is absolutely nothing supporting any of it? This pretty much equates to rewriting the entire story simply to suit one's personal theory. Again, there is "zero" to support any of the story, so why believe any of it, especially what you have rewritten to suit? I would think you fellas know better then to buy into this sort of thing.

During the summer of 1867, Robert E Lee and family stayed at the home of Pascal Buford in Bedford county, Virginia.

That is correct, ECS; they stayed at Locust Level...

You're theory being predicated on the assumption that everything in the story prior to 1862 was just misdirection, then why on earth would you assume that any of the story is true when there is absolutely nothing supporting any of it? This pretty much equates to rewriting the entire story simply to suit one's personal theory. Again, there is "zero" to support any of the story, so why believe any of it, especially what you have rewritten to suit? I would think you fellas know better then to buy into this sort of thing.

LOL! Define "support"... it was a Confederate Secret Service "thing"; you wouldn't understand...

LOL! Define "support"... it was a Confederate Secret Service "thing"; you wouldn't understand...

You're correct. I don't understand how/why anyone would trust what they have already determined to be a hoax? If you conclude that the story is a hoax then why assume that any of it is anything other then a simple dime novel? Bottom line, there's no existing supporting/connecting evidence to any of it beyond local lore and blind faith. The reasoning makes no sense at all. Why pen an elaborate cover story to hide what is already unknown and well hidden?

... Bottom line, there's no existing supporting/connecting evidence to any of it beyond local lore and blind faith. The reasoning makes no sense at all. Why pen an elaborate cover story to hide what is already unknown and well hidden?
Your statement also applies to the "Beale Expedition" as related in 1885 Beale, or to the allegorical "French/Bonaparte Connection" theory.
Now several events and locations in Beale 1885 reflect actual events and locations of members of the extended Risqué family, which began with the Risqué/Beale duel. Many members of that extended family served as officers in the Confederate army, and even dealt with CSA codes and ciphers, and Pascal Buford of Buford's Inn, was a friend of Robert E Lee. Then we have Robert Morriss, the uncle of James Beverly Ward who held the copyright of the Beale Papers, and Ward's cousin, a known western/treasure dime novelists, printed the job pamphlet, and advertised it for sale ONLY in his Lynchberg newspaper.
These "connexions" are more than local lore or blind faith, Bigscoop.

You're correct. I don't understand how/why anyone would trust what they have already determined to be a hoax? If you conclude that the story is a hoax then why assume that any of it is anything other then a simple dime novel? Bottom line, there's no existing supporting/connecting evidence to any of it beyond local lore and blind faith. The reasoning makes no sense at all. Why pen an elaborate cover story to hide what is already unknown and well hidden?

NEVER said it was a HOAX; it's a COVER STORY; CSA Secret Service thing... you wouldn't understand.

Your statement also applies to the "Beale Expedition" as related in 1885 Beale, or to the allegorical "French/Bonaparte Connection" theory.
Now several events and locations in Beale 1885 reflect actual events and locations of members of the extended Risqué family, which began with the Risqué/Beale duel. Many members of that extended family served as officers in the Confederate army, and even dealt with CSA codes and ciphers, and Pascal Buford of Buford's Inn, was a friend of Robert E Lee. Then we have Robert Morriss, the uncle of James Beverly Ward who held the copyright of the Beale Papers, and Ward's cousin, a known western/treasure dime novelists, printed the job pamphlet, and advertised it for sale ONLY in his Lynchberg newspaper.
These "connexions" are more than local lore or blind faith, Bigscoop.

No....and to quote you on many occasions......"other then speculation, none of it can be directly connected to the Beale Pamphlet story." It is funny what portions of the story people are willing to accept and decline dependent on their personal area of interest. However, in all of it there are no direct connections to the story itself. People are simply picking and choosing what they wish to believe from the dark. Not a single piece of evidence exist to support the story at all. You know this.

So Robert E. Lee knew Buford? No connection to the story at all and yet you have chosen to pretend that there is. Hutter, again, no connection to the story at all, not even a reference, and yet you have chosen to believe that he is connected to the story. In short you are doing exactly the same thing you have often been so vocal about when condeming such stretches of imagination. Just saying....there exist no evidence to support anything beyond a simple dime novel unless you wish to hug the local lore.

No....and to quote you on many occasions......"other then speculation, none of it can be directly connected to the Beale Pamphlet story." It is funny what portions of the story people are willing to accept and decline dependent on their personal area of interest. However, in all of it there are no direct connections to the story itself. People are simply picking and choosing what they wish to believe from the dark. Not a single piece of evidence exist to support the story at all. You know this.

So Robert E. Lee knew Buford? No connection to the story at all and yet you have chosen to pretend that there is. Hutter, again, no connection to the story at all, not even a reference, and yet you have chosen to believe that he is connected to the story. In short you are doing exactly the same thing you have often been so vocal about when condeming such stretches of imagination. Just saying....there exist no evidence to support anything beyond a simple dime novel.

No....and to quote you on many occasions......"other then speculation, none of it can be directly connected to the Beale Pamphlet story."... Not a single piece of evidence exist to support the story at all. You know this.

So Robert E. Lee knew Buford? No connection to the story at all and yet you have chosen to pretend that there is. Hutter, again, no connection to the story at all, not even a reference, and yet you have chosen to believe that he is connected to the story...there exist no evidence to support anything beyond a simple dime novel unless you wish to hug the local lore.
I never claimed that they had a part in THE BEALE STORY as written in the pamphlet, but there exists a definite connection to those who provided the tale (Morriss) to the "unknown author"(believed to be F C Hutter), to the copyright holder(Ward) to the printer and advertiser(Sherman).
Yes, it probably is a western/treasure dime novel, that could be a "cover story" for CSA events(the reference to the 2nd year of the Confederate War) with elements "borrowed" from outside sources, including events in the extended Risqué family.
How many names are mentioned in Beale 1885-Buford,Beale and Morriss.
How many are related to that family line, either by blood or marriage.

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I think, given your position/knowledge on the subject, that you'd be much better off sticking to the simple dime novel theory. Because there is no supporting evidence to any of it, there's no means by which we can pick and choose what we wish to believe. Once we start to speculate in any direction at all then that same unsupported leeway has to be allowed in all directions. Do this and suddenly there are hundreds of theories with absolutely no foundation or connection. But we all know this.....and yet we do it anyway. :laughing7:

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