It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

Franklin, many things have been posted as fact concerning the Beale story that lack substance.
For example, it was stated that the iron pots Beale used were 30 gal brine pots from Boone's salt mine in Franklin, Missouri.
This is never mentioned in the Beale Papers, so what was the source of this information?
I am not objecting or arguing , just requesting further information, just like you.

ECS, there's a difference in wanting further information, and asking agenda driven questions, so you can argue the point. Just as the above post, all you want to do is argue that those pots mentioned was not mentioned in the Beale papers. But then when anyone posts something that IS spoken in the Beale papers, you complain that we can't use the Beale papers to prove the Beale papers. You can't have it both ways. All you want to do is argue.

I didn't realize that asking about those pots was an agenda driven question.
...and you can't prove the truth of a statement or written work, by quoting that statement or work.
You seem to be the only arguing here.

So, where did the information concerning the 30 gal Boone's salt brine pots originate?
It was presented as a fact that these were used by Thomas J Beale for the gold, silver, and jewels mentioned in the story.

It may be because that was the type of pots that were found washed out on North Goose Creek back during the forties or fifties.

So there was no real connection to the Beale Party or the alleged treasure, just someone attempting to place the Boone Salt Mine 30 gal Brine pots to fit a pet theory.
Recently I have been targeted as arguing and harassing some posters for pointing out references such as this, that have no connection to the Beale story, but have been presented as fact.
I, like you Franklin, are trying to finally solve the Beale story as either truth or fiction, but posting could have, maybe, does not resolve the issue either way, only muddy the waters of discovery. I know you agree that real research involves the eliminating and discarding of the false maybes and could be.

Well I have never seen it classified. I only know on the spread name of the title, It clearly states "Authentic" statements of a treasure buried in Bedford County, Va and has never been found. Keep saying it is fiction while we are trying to prove it is a real treasure...
That statement, "authentic statements" only refers that the content of the work is an authentic statement by this "unknown author", not that the statements contained in the narrative is true...
...and Ward applied for copyright on borrowed stationary from the company at which his son in law worked with only the title, not the alleged finished manuscript given to him by the "unknown author".
All this does lend to the belief as Lt Thomas Fawcett concluded after conducting several interviews in Lynchburg that the Beale story "was spun from the imagination of Mr Ward".
You claim my comments bore you and us (who are us?) who are trying to prove the mystery, but so far all you do do is complain about my presentations, which can easily be researched as true, while never presenting any evidence that can counter my presentation of facts, which would be welcome and a refreshing change from the current posts.

Lord Lordy how many times do we need to read this I think we get your message over and out.

James Purcell from Bardsville, Kentucky, traveled to the Spanish controlled territory of New Mexico in 1802 on a trapping/hunting expedition with two companions, names unknown. During this time, Purcell discovered gold nuggets in the Platte River and was attacked by native Americans, and fled to the safety of Santa Fe, where the Spanish government arrested him and his two men, and prevented them from leaving the New Mexico territory where they remained until 1824.
Zebulon Pike, detained by the Spanish in 1807, met Purcell, who was under house arrest was working as a carpenter when he told Pike about the Platte River nuggets. Pike wrote about this encounter, and later in his memoirs, Kit Carson recounted the event.
Take notice that Purcell was under Spanish government house arrest until 1824 and could not have wounded Ebenezer Nelms or mined gold with the Thomas J Beale party of the job pamphlet in 1817.
What is the source of this story?
The same can be stated about George Radar Brugh as proprietor of the St Louis Planters Hotel and personal courier of Beale's letter to Morriss. The letters that appear in the BEALE PAPERS pamphlet were sent by US post, but this letter had to be delivered in person to Morriss... and why would he go to Roanoke first instead of going directly to Lynchburg?
It has been established that the PLANTERS HOUSE was built in 1817 in St Louis, by owner/proprietor Evarist Maury, then remodeled in 1837, with Maury still as owner/proprietor.
What and where was Planters Hotel was George Radar Brugh proprietor that his alleged portrait hung?
Then we have Brugh's Mill where Beale and his men may have stayed while constructing the treasure vault.
Add the story of Sherriff Otey and the Luck family massacre of Thomas Read over gold hidden in false wagon bottoms as the "real" Beale story, or Ebenezer Nelms murdering George Radar Brugh and companion at the Blackhorse Tavern before they could deliver "the letter" and placing the 'heirs" list into a family Bible, or that the gold was 14K or 60% and was smelted down into bars as a sand box cast, or the above mentioned Boone Salt Mine brine pots, many bits and pieces of lore and/or speculation as been presented as fact, yet none of these have been connected to the Beale story of the job print pamphlet, and do nothing whatsoever to solve the Beale "mystery"

None of what you say has been posted as fact. They are simply different searches to find the truth. That is what you need to find and post the TRUTH.

If you say so, Franklin, but your posts # 428, 430, 436 on this thread are presented as if that the information is fact and connected to the Beale story, and not as a "simply different search".
You can see how one could misinterpret those posts as presented fact.

I would go through all of your 5,669 post looking for facts but I know I will find the same thing that is in all your post. Keep looking for something to argue over. I have had with you and your continuing rants. Just go away.

PS Don't sent me anymore PM. I hear enough of you on the forum.

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Ok, Franklin, but you did reply to my PM's, but how do you know that my facts are not like your "simply different search" facts?
...because mine can be verified by actual research, and connected to those involved with the production of the Beale Papers.

You have nothing verified and you never will

If you say so , but I have yet to see you present anything to disprove what I have posted.
Have a nice day. :icon_thumright:

Nothing to disapprove nothing posted

You have nothing verified and you never will
Feb 17, 2017 on another thread you stated talking about James Beverly Ward," The son of his niece that started Piggly Wiggly".

That would be Clarence C Saunders whose parents were Abram Warwick Saunders and Mary Gregory, but neither are related to Ward or his wife.
Harriet Otey's sister, Sarah Ann Otey married Samuel H Saunders, but he was not directly related to Abram Warwick Saunders, so the Piggly Wiggly founder was NOT the son of either Ward or his wife's niece.
You were correct when you mentioned that not all genealogy sites have accurate information.:icon_thumleft:

You must have the genealogy site that is not always accurate

If you say so, but Clarence C Saunders, founder of Piggly Wiggly grocery store, was not related to James Beverly Ward, and Mary Gregory, while born in Bedford county, was not Ward's niece, as Ward had no siblings.
...and Sarah Ann Otey Saunders was not Clarence C Saunders mother.

If you say so, but Clarence C Saunders, founder of Piggly Wiggly grocery store, was not related to James Beverly Ward, and Mary Gregory, while born in Bedford county, was not Ward's niece, as Ward had no siblings.
...and Sarah Ann Otey Saunders was not Clarence C Saunders mother.

Well I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am correct. Therefore I can prove that you are wrong. So I guess that being said you can not prove me wrong. I am not going to give you the facts just to prove you are wrong. You will have to find it on the Internet and then you can prove that I am correct. Good hunting.

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